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 Apr 2021 D
David R
 Apr 2021 D
David R
People aren't as you think
What's black ain't black, what's pink ain't pink,
Beneath the surface it's dark and murky,
What seems simple is odd and quirky

If you see mud, that might be a gem
Hiding beneath the sloth and phlegm,
Silver that shines is ofttimes plate
On nickel 'n zinc and other dead-weight

But dig beneath that dark interior
That hides beneath the glinting exterior
You might discover sommat superior
Unsurpass'd gold that shouts 'Exclesior'.

So don't be quick to adjudicate
Oft as not we don't see straight
You and me, we're not as we think
Our slime is gold, and our jewels stink
BLT's Merriam-Webster Word of The Day Challenge
 Apr 2021 D
I know your out there
I can feel your presence!
"Your life force is very special to us"
Your consciousness shines
Brighter than the multitudes!

Your poetry is a conscious flow
You’re resonating
With the music of the spheres
You are firmly connected
There a good reason
That we are all here!

We know you're there
You're not alone
It time to post another poem!
Traveler Tim
 Apr 2021 D
Grace E
 Apr 2021 D
Grace E
I traced the texture of your words
Like my heart was blind
And your voice was braille
 Apr 2021 D
I'm not trolling for feed back
No that's not why I'm here
Yet I appreciate your kindness...
My good Sir!
Your words are sweet music...
My Dear!
Actually your love is the reason
Why I'm here...

Through the buffer of these circuits
Your avatar submerges
Your words inscribed in mysteries
As scanning eye's converge

It's now or never now
To bring your words to light
Post your creative thoughts
Before you say good night

Words can love
Words can  heal
Words can touch
And we can feel

So give us your best
If you will!
Traveler Tim

Cheap rhymes
I know...
But that's how I roll!
 Apr 2021 D
Sarita Aditya Verma
Years ago
A pen was found
Its grip was blue
Slightly chipped

It wrote
Everyday on sheets, white
Flawlessly on the lines
Words did glide

It had a special place
Where it rested
After a long day
At the desk

Its home was warm
A wooden drawer
Strategically placed
Easy to fetch

Now it has been years
It longs to see the desk
At dawn
A practice now clearly gone

It lay still
In the wooden drawer
Cold and blue
Ink-less dry
 Apr 2021 D
Solange Loe-Sack-Sioe
It’s not enough
for me
to say that you love me!
You have to make me feel
that you love me.

Shell ✨🐚
Words are just words!
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