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meaningless world
but movie night

nation betrayed
but tonight we’re alright

Richard Dreyfus
Close Encounters insight

Devil’s Tower
Sky above quite bright

My oldest son
And my heart alight
Then the mask
Changed Everything
Billed from "The Far East"
At first he was hated
A villain who was heckled
In time the fans learned to love him
The Yellow Cat became an icon
For eleven months held the golden belt

The town
Of Crescent
Tears filled his face
As the golden belt
Was won by another
Mobs looted the tiny town
He stood on his soapbox with rage
And became Governor of the land
A cult formed around The Yellow Cat

Named Percy
Removed the mask
Of The Yellow Cat
A man with a plain face
His name of no importance
People were weary of the hype
And life returned to it's normal pace
The Yellow Cat cried the tears of a spoiled brat
 Sep 2019 Kayla Gallant
I will not be afraid
To speak my mind
And to shout my heart's love
 Sep 2019 Kayla Gallant
We hug
We kiss
We cuddle
In bed

We were just friends
We made out
To him
We were having ***
To me
We were making love
I was his friends with benefits
But he was my lover
 Sep 2019 Kayla Gallant
The right statement
is silence and fusion
of our tounges.
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