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Jul 2010 · 2.1k
244: Woe Is Me
Woe is me
What have I seen
The ****** dog peed
All over my DVD machine

Woe is me
And twice woe
I lost my balance
And I stubbed my toe

Woe is me
It just isn't fair
I looked in the mirror
And saw I'm losing my hair

Woe is me
I hate my life
I came home and found
The milkman run off with my wife

Woe is me
I chased a mouse
Knocked over the electric fire
The curtains caught light and burnt down the house
copyright Chris Smith 2010
Jul 2010 · 998
243: (K)NO(W)
No time
No hope
No honour
No justice
No peace
No heart
No soul
No will
No desire
No right
No need
No way
No want
No one
No more
No know

Know time
Know hope
Know love
Know honour
Know justice
Know peace
Know heart
Know soul
Know will
Know desire
Know right
Know need
Know way
Know want
Know one
Know more
Know no
copyright Chris Smith 2010
Jul 2010 · 2.9k
242: Wishing For The Rain
I thought of those gone by
How we loved them so
Those tears we had to cry
Wishing we could let them know

Just one last time, to be able to say
"I love you, you have gone away"
"I wish you could stay, you could stay"
"Without you, it is so empty today"

So here I am now, wishing for the rain
Every drop that falls, it is an Angels tear
Up there with God, I know you remain
Watching over me, whenever I fear

I never thought that you would have to die
You were always there for me, always there
If only I had got the chance to say goodbye
It just isn't never fair, it's never really fair

Just one last time so I can say
"Nan, I miss you, if only you could stay"
"Grampy, you showed me strength in your way"
" I love you both, I still miss you every day"

So here I am now, wishing for the rain
Every drop that falls, it is an Angels tear
Up there with God, I know you remain
Watching over me, whenever I fear
Dedicated to those special people who made me the man I am.
Copyright Chris Smith 2010
Jul 2010 · 1.9k
Fields Of Blood
Can you hear the sound,
Of drummers marching?
Can you hear the pipes,
As the pipers are playing.

Go forth, yon brave men,
Fight for the country today.
March on, march for battle,
The fields will run with blood.

Centuries ago, they fought for country,
Times never change for they fight still.
Guns replace swords, bombs replace arrows,
Go forth brave souls, you are fighting still.

When this battle ends, remember the dead,
They fought with honour, fought with pride.
Be remembered boys, we will not forget thee,
There will be flowers, always, on fields of blood
copyright Chris Smith 2010
Jul 2010 · 660
239: When You Are Down
No one evers comes to see

If everything is going to be okay

They leave you feeling empty

And they all just go and walk away

Always when you are down

No one comes to lend a hand

They just leave you standing there

They never try to ever understand

Leave you to face your despair

Always when you are down

But I will show you I care

I will hold you close to me

I will give you my heart to share

Show how you can be free

I am there when you are down
copyright Chris Smith 2009
Jul 2010 · 900
238: Zero Hour
There came, suddenly, a mushroom cloud
So high up, smouldering the sky
It was the day that the Earth shook
When the white finally turned into black

Death visited all, with a cold touch
Spreading his scythe across everywhere
Destroying those beating hearts which it touched
Then that cold became a blinding, searing heat

Skeleton trees are all that stand there now
Once that blossumed with beautiful green
Now all they are, are reminders in ash
Lost memories of what was a brighter time

Lone buildings are now left empty
All life drained from their dull walls
The living are gone, just dead souls left
Haunting in a city that is devoid of light

Schools without echoes of voices from children
One single playground , sad and left so lonely
Young lifes, mercilessly, that are snuffed out
From those adult games that are called "War"

Churches that no longer have religious following
No prayers heard, to take away this thing called damnation
Broken tombstones mark the passing of civilisation
Only extinction now visits after the Zero Hour fell
copyright Chris Smith 2010
Jul 2010 · 850
237: Splintered Edge
We walk, side by side, with life.
Not knowing in which direction,
Not sure where it is taking us.
Of which way we have to turn.

We seem to be travelling that bridge,
Far above the waters of Time.
The further we keep crossing,
The narrower that bridge becomes.

What is that destination that awaits us?,
Will we ever reach the other side, in the end?.
That is a question that lays here, unanswered.
As this bridge becomes more uneven, the further we go.

There will come that day when we run out of space,
Where we can go no further on this journey.
We will come to that corner where we are trapped,
There will be no way across that splintered edge.
copyright Chris Smith 2010
Jul 2010 · 992
236: Love Of A Woman
Love of a woman
Keeps a man strong
Love of a woman
Can do no wrong

She holds him, she cares
The hurt he feels, she shares
She always supports her man
Doing all that she ever can

Her kisses are magic to feel
Her touches help him to heal
Sensations untold, touching his hair
Keeping him close, always being there

Love of a woman
Keeps a man strong
Love of a woman
Can do no wrong
copyright Chris Smith 2010
Jul 2010 · 880
Restless Dreams
Restless dreams of endless nights;
Blinded eyes to beautiful sights.
Forever drifting in darkened space;
Never touching with a gentle trace.

Unsaid words from an unspoken voice;
Decisions undecided without a choice.
A lingering kiss without any emotion;
Feelings going unfounded without devotion.

Paintings on walls that are passed on by;
Grey clouds above in a once blue sky.
Books never opened and thus, never read;
Forgotten lore from a time now dead.

A broken man, sitting in the corner, crying;
Once a poet, but now the skills are drying.
Thoughts now burning, like a glowing ember;
We must never turn to dust, always remember.
copyright Chris Smith 2010
Jul 2010 · 4.1k
234: I Am Batman
I patrol in my backyard
Cruising im my pedal car
I can see the Joker
Well, it's really a toy clown
Locked safely away in the toy shed

I am looking for Two Face
A teddybear that my dog ripped
So my Mum sewed up his face
But now he is out there, free
I must track him down

I search for him in the kitchen
There I spot the Scarecrow
It is a puppet, long and thin
I must stop in my search now
So I can tackle with my foe

I put the Scarecrow behind bars
My search continues, relentless
I see Two Face hiding in the lounge
I now creep up, slowly behind him
I pounce, the battle is long, but I win

That scarred teddybear is put away
Where he won't harm anymore toys
My Batcave awaits, up in my bedroom
I am sleepy, my eyes are feeling tired
I am Batman, even I must sleep
copyright Chris Smith 2010
Jul 2010 · 986
233: Twisted Grin
Well hello to you, hello there,
You might think I'm a bad guy;
Just because I **** a few people,
But you don't see this Jokers' heart.

Okay, that guy who dresses as a rodent!
Everyone seems to take his side.
Come on! A man dressed as a flying rat?
Do you think that man is still sane?

I'm not the crazy one, oh no!, believe me.
Don't let this pasty white skin and ruby lips fool you.
I'm the innocent guy here, I never wanted to look like this.
That Bat freak!, he created me, It's all his fault!

Thank you for agreeing to my interview, my side of things.
I only want to make people laugh, let's shake hands to that.
Oh deary me, I'm wearing that killer of a joy buzzer,
I bet you just die with laughter, it is a hell of a shock.

Oh well boys, you better clear up the mess, alas! poor reporter.
I didn't get to know him well, time to think of a few jokes.
I wonder what fun and games I can cause in Gotham City tonight.
As long as that ****** Bat Man doesn't stop me! ha ha ha ha ha.
copyright Chris Smith.
Jul 2010 · 2.6k
The Mystery Box
A Wizard trapped her reflection.
To be within the mirror forever,
She had spurned him with rejection.
Two keys to a mystery box hidden forever.

A brave young Prince wanted to set her free,
Solve that secret of the mystery box.
So he began the search for the first key,
To open the first of the two locks.

He braved a dragon high on its' nest,
But he did not find the key hidden there.
He battled Ice Warriors with his best,
They had no knowledge of the secret to share.

Then he would save a Witch from a Demon Banshee,
She told him all he had to do was ask for his reward.
So the Prince was given the first key,
He searches on, battling a Demon Hoarde.

Years pass him by, until that Wizard he faced,
The Prince was an old man, he still would fight.
The battle was long, the Wizard was disgraced,
Gaining that second key was a victory sight.

The Prince travelled back to the mirror and mystery box,
He was tired and very old, but he would set her free.
So he took out both keys, and he opened the locks,
A light surrounded him from the beautiful sight he could see.

He is young again, he has his life given brand new,
From out of the box, he took out a diamond heart.
Now the girl starts before him with a heart that is true,
The Prince lifted her up in his arms, for they shall never be apart.
copyright Chris Smith 2010
Jul 2010 · 770
231: Falling Apart
This migraine never leaves me,
it is there thumping.
I have tried blocking out this constant throbbing.
I have my hands in front of my eyes,
hiding from the light,
It never works because that ****** pain is still there.

My chest seems to be on fire, with all this coughing,
I am too stubborn for my own good to see a doctor.
I am wheezing and gasping for breath, I hate this.
Bringing up fluid and still fighting that headache.

Worst of all,
is the slight smell coming from my leg,
This ulceration keeps coming back to haunt me.
Why won't it ever heal?,
I don't need this in my life.
Maybe I should give up,
I seem to be falling apart.

Right now,
I would do anything to escape with a drink,
To forget all these curs'd troubles striking me down.
The problem with drinking alone is no one is there,
To share in these moments of desperate need.
copyright Chris Smith 2010
I sit all alone at the bar
I am drowning my sorrows
My life has not moved far
I wonder about my tomorrows

Now all the seats people are taking
So many lonely souls are here
Too many hearts are breaking
They come for that music to hear

The blues man is singing
His sad songs are playing
The blues man is singing
We know those words he's saying

It is only days but seems like years
Because that blues man I follow
I will be here with my falling tears
I will still be sitting here come tomorrow

All those around me staying in their seats
Sitting in their loneliness and their fear
No one ever hears the stolen heart beats
All they ever notice is the music they hear

The blues man is singing
His sad songs are playing
The blues man is singing
We all cry with the words he's saying
copyright Chris Smith 2010
Jun 2010 · 972
229: Promises Broken
Promises broken

Words spoken

So untrue

From you

Untold words

Just absurd

Thoughts stained

Minds strained

Your eyes

Telling lies

Cheating heart

Torn apart

Striking back

Sudden attack

All along

You're gone
A two word poem from 2008
Jun 2010 · 632
228: Not For A Long Time
I am not the worlds' best poet

I only write the way I feel

If you judge my words for approval

Maybe need to critise them as well

I can not write up to expectations

When fighting back my own depression

I will not conform to how you wish

Not for a long time

I do not deserve to face any understanding

I write and write for my friends to share

Even the greatest poets were misunderstood

Over the years people became to cherish them

Read them and see the tortures souls in their words

I would never bring a friend or enemy down

Never turn my back or mock them for who they are

Not for a long time

Yes I have made my share of mistakes

And I have seen America come and make history

A first step in the fight against racism

I have seen them embrace a man for what he stands for

To see past the very colour of his own skin

And to see this happen makes me feel proud

Something I thought I would never live to see

Not for a long time
Only just rediscovered this, copyright Chris Smith 2009
Jun 2010 · 1.1k
227: Behind My Blue Eyes
This man hides emotions

Hides them like a disguise

Afraid to show them again

Hiding behind blue eyes

Maybe he can express them

Come to again realise

Someone can hold his heart

And I can no longer hide behind  blue eyes
copyright Chris Smith 2006
Jun 2010 · 770
226: Sweet Dream
My darling dream of me

For I always dream of you

In our dreams, anywhere to be

In our dreams, anything we do

Let your dreams always be sweet

From your lips, butterfly kisses

Our dreams together are elite

From your heart, secret wishes

So my darling, dream of me this night

In your dreams I will walk to you

Come to you through the star light

Someday your dream will come true
copyright Chris Smith 2008
Jun 2010 · 695
225: Ten
One Two

Love you

Three Four

Need more

Five Six

Special tricks

Seven Eight

Never hate

Nine Ten

Love again
copyright Chris Smith 2006
Jun 2010 · 722
223: Let It Be
When this heart begins to break

And there is nothing at stake

All the tears have been cried

Just emptiness left inside

Let It Be

All our emotions are long gone

We keep playing the same old song

Trying to remember our good times past

But these feelings keep on fading fast

Let It Be

For you no longer come to desire me

We only keep giving each other misery

We seem to be always on the attack

Now there can be no turning back

Let It Be
A poem from 2009 I have refound. copyright Chris Smith 2009
Jun 2010 · 671
One Summer
One Summer, one day
Two boys ran away

Escaped from a childrens' home
Went on the road to roam

They found a secret place to hide
Nobody knew they were inside

Discovered by a man all alone
He lived all on his own

He let them move in to stay
He lead one boy astray

The other boy lost all trust
Kicked the man into the dust

One Summer, one day
One boy could not stay

He stole a car
Hoping he could get far

Went across the bridge too fast
Police after him, it wouldn't last

To drive and escape, he would try
He would crash, he would die

The other boy is crying tears
The man left him with his fears

Now a rent boy, looking for pay
See him on city streets, one Summer, one day
copyright Chris Smith
Jun 2010 · 2.2k
The Leprechaun Revisited
Where is it ye Scallywag?
Have ye hidden in it ye bag?
Don't ye look at me as brass as bold
Give me back me *** o' gold

I will put a curse on ye, no surprise
Make ye eat spiders and flies
I always make ye feel sick
Ye thieving little Shabby ****

I want it back! It's all mine!
I know ye got it, I saw the sign
So I will grind your bones for me tea
I will make ye live in eternal misery

Don't ye run! Don't ye dare!
I will hunt ye down, track ye everywhere
Bury ye under this earth filled clump
I will snap ye spine when I jump

Well! ******* down with a wee feather
Look at that! Well I never!
I must have moved me crock only yesterday
So ye canna steal it away

I placed it safe and sound
Buried it there, hidden in the ground
So I now will be on me way
Doth me hat, wish ye a good day
copyright Chris Smith 2010
Jun 2010 · 1.3k
Sacrifices To Be Made
The near future.......

A secret meeting of the highest ranking officials had been in crisis talks. It consisted of Government Leaders, Defence Ministers, Health Ministers, Top Public Officials and many others.

"Well, we are all in agreement of what our only course of action can be" spoke an important looking grey haired man who sat at the head of the table.

All those that sat around the table, nodded their heads. Not one dared to speak.

"With people now living longer and a possibility of food shortage and other resources we have all agreed today that a percentage of the elderly are to be sacrificed for the better good of the country" The grey haired man said.

He then continued, "They will die in our many hospitals where it will look like they have had a cardiac arrest and could not be saved....but our wealthy elderly in private care will not be expendable and will have the best of care".

Everyone nodded in continued silence, for it would be an official government secret, kept from a general public that could never understand political thinking.
copyright Chris Smith 2010
Jun 2010 · 893
Shadows In The Fog
There is a sound from behind you,
You turn and there is nothing there.
You carry on walking this lonely path,
Alone, with your vision obscured.

This dense fog came out of nowhere,
And you feel those shivers deep inside.
The cold penetrates through your coat,
You wish you had taken another way home.

That sound of snapping twigs comes again,
You see something in the corner of your eye.
You turn quickly to face what it must be,
But once again, there is nothing there.

As you turn and you quickly walk on,
You catch that glimpse once again.
Just that little bit out of your full vision,
Only a vague sight of those shadows in the fog.

You see the beginning of the street lamps ahead,
And as you hear those sounds once more, you run.
You heart is pumping fast and you feel it now,
That icy hand of fear gripping hold of your soul.

The safety of the lights make this fog now bearable,
You smile at yourself for being scared of maybe nothing.
You look behind you, back at the way you had come,
Then you hear dark laughter from the shadows in the fog.
copyright Chris Smith 2010
Jun 2010 · 738
I am old
Older than time
So it is told
Hidden in the sublime

These ageless eyes
Have seen it all
I have heard endless cries
I have seen man kind fall

I am the last one
The only one left here
All other life is gone
Taken away by fear

The skies burnt with fire
Then the missiles fell
Earth was a funeral pyre
We were left to live in Hell

No food to eat, the water turned dry
We had to face disease instead
To rebuild again we did try
But one by one we fell dead

That was very long ago
And I fed on flesh of friends
The years have passed so slow
I wonder when it ever ends

I am old
Too old to care
Nothing left to hold
Death claim me if it dare
copyright Chris Smith 2010
Jun 2010 · 2.4k
Delicious Morsels
There are vampires, but they like to feed on blood and they do it because they have to, to exist.

The werewolf has to feed because it is in their nature and meat becomes their prey.

Zombies are cursed and that is why they feed the way they do.

But me, I do what I do for the sheer pleasure of it and you would be shocked if you knew how many people like me were out there in this world of ours.

You see, I am what you would call a cannibal and if you even tasted human flesh, then you would understand how it is an amazing required taste.

And the fear of my victims makes that taste so much sweeter, the mingling of their sweat is just mouth watering and they just so much better when they have to feel pain.

Mind you, heavy smokers can be a bit annoying because you get that smell of nicotine in the air when you fry up their lungs.

There are so many of us about, have you ever wondered about those exclusive restaurants where you find it difficult to be able to book a table.

Where if you order the sausages it has so much great flavour and the gravy is just so delicious.

Next time and look around at those regulars that always seem to get a table, that look is not the expectation of the food but the wonder of what you might taste like.

I've had it all, Indian, Mexican, Chinese and nothing seems to beat a nice English roast.

But never complain to the management because the next time you might find yourself on the menu.

Sooner or later we are going to get you, we might cut you to pieces as you are still alive, because as I said before, the flesh tastes so much better that way.

Maybe we could boil you alive like a lobster, I've done that so many times to my victims.

I know the neighbour was having some problems with some teenagers but they have disappeared now.

So I decided to celebrate and have a barbeque and invite everyone, the food will taste like nothing you've tasted before.

Yes I'm going to invite you over to join us, we would love to have you over for dinner.
copyright Chris Smith 2010
Jun 2010 · 918
The Last Time
I remember the last time I saw you
As I watched the tears on your face
You watched me as I left out of the blue
Because I had to go home to another place

Last year seems to be an Eternity away
So long ago since I held you close to me
It was so long ago, I remember it like yesterday
If only we could live that moment again, endlessly

On the phone, it is good to hear your voice
Knowing I can make you laugh, I can make you smile
Just to spend one second with you, given the choice
If only I could cross this sea, to walk the never ending mile

Who could ever know that love hurt like this
To yearn for the embrace of your womans'  heart
To cry unseen tears for the one you miss
To feel the emptiness whenever you are apart

So I am counting those hours when I can be with you
Counting those seconds when I can hold you again
Counting my blessings when that moment comes true
Let the time fly away past, when we can be together then
copyright Chris smith 2010
Jun 2010 · 783
215: Three Kings
There is a bar high up in the sky
That only sells water and no rye
So come on in, and take a seat
This is where three kings come to meet

Then the stage will be made clear
They sing new songs for the Angels to hear
Finishing together with a song called Salvation
The Angels cheer and give a standing ovation

Holly then sings of ways that are true
A beautiful voice up in a sky of blue
And when he stops and must now part
I can feel it raining in my heart

So Presley takes his turn to sing
Telling us of fools rushing in
Music backed from a heavenly band
I wish they could hear it down in dixie land

Jackson is  last to take the stage then
Not one dry eye when he sings about Ben
Entertains everyone and they are dancing along
Then he ends with a beautiful earth song

If you listen carefully, you can hear them up there
Way up high, in a bar in the sky somewhere
So I know the music that Heaven brings
When together they sing, the three kings
copyright Chris Smith 2010
Jun 2010 · 1.9k
Even A Vampire
These tears of blood, I'm weeping
As the darkness comes, slowly creeping
I remember my past life, as it was then
I only want to live once again

I wish I could feel the sun touch my face
I wish I could escape this cold place
That my soul is something to save
And help, rescue me from this grave

This undead soul is forever lonely and cold
I only want, I only desire, somebody to hold
I want this feeding frenzy to fade away
And all I want is to walk in the light of day

I can feel my self now, bleeding tears
Eyes carrying blood for a thousand years
Facing a dark and lonely night to roam
All I require is to be back home

Because even a vampire can cry
Even a vampire can die
Even a vampire can still pray
Even a vampire wants love to stay
copyright Chris Smith 2010
Jun 2010 · 1.3k
The Imp
I awoke with a shudder
Was that the sound of thunder?

I listened, and heard a faint smash
Then it was followed by a loud crash

I knew, through the down stairs window it came
Was this a burgalar coming, all the same?

I got out of bed with a frown
And adorned my blue dressing gown

From under my bed, just near the mat
I reached, and found my cricket bat

I would have to go and brave this rogue instead
And then I would bash him on the head

Out of my bedroom I went, at a quiet pace
Then I tip toed slowly down my stair case

Praying I was not going to my doom
I reached for the door of my living room

Flung it open, and switched on the light
There was no way to prepare me for this sight

On my carpet there appeared to be a small little imp
He was swearing because he had a limp

The little thing had hurt himself, when he had fell
He hopped on one leg, and threatened me with Hell

Told me he was going to curse me with magic
But this injured little imp looked so tragic

He followed, hobbling, after me into the kitchen
Cursing that his leg was now itching

He shouted at me, ranting and raving
I asked if he wanted a cup of tea, so he started waving

He showed me his jaggered teeth in a funny smile
I handed him his cup of tea, he blew on it for a while

This poor little thing looked so very sad
As an evil imp, he really was bad

He had wanted to steal my teeth and then run away
Because that was one of those games that imps play

So I made him a splint, for his injured leg
I had made it out of a wooden peg

I picked him up and he started to glow
And all of a sudden, he fixed my broken window

I then made him some buttered toast
Because he said he liked eating that the most

He was not such a bad little imp in the end
He promised to visit again, I was his best friend
copyright Chris Smith 2010
Jun 2010 · 1.1k
If (By The Kipling Dog)
If you can scratch that irritation
And rid yourself of those fleas,
Put your head upon a masters lap
and be patted gently on the head.
Look up with pining eyes at the table
and gain the reward of a scrap of food.

If you can tempt your master to walk you
Even when the rain is falling outside;
**** your leg up at the leg of a chair
And know you will never get caught.
Bear to take that dreaded walk,
Up to where the fears of the bath await.

If you can dream of the day now gone,
And kick your hind leg up in the air.
If you can train your master well,
To throw a stick but have to bring it back;
Then the world is your bone, my pup,
And every day you will be a dog.
copyright Chris Smith 2010
May 2010 · 798
Remember The Heroes
They promised I would see the world
That I would be going places
To train me with all new skills
That the life of a soldier was for me

So I learnt to fight in Hell
Went to places I wanted to forget
I was shown *******
But you bond with best friends

Your best friend fights by your side
Helps you to get through another day
Is always there to share in a smile
You never want your best friend to go

But my best friend died today
Took a bullet that was meant for me
I cried for my best friend today
We were a long way from home

Will I ever see home again?
Be in the arms of the one I love?
Or am I destinied to die here?
Another soldier, so far from home

But if I was to bite the bullet this day
I know I did it, defending my country
Making sure the terror I see, never goes home
I am a soldier and please remember my name

Remember me, how I stood proud against the enemy
Remember me, last moment may be my last
Remember me, because this is what I must do
Remember us, we are all the brave hearts
Remember our heroes
copyright Chris Smith 2010
May 2010 · 4.8k
Never Ever
Never ever
Make her cry

Never ever
Ask her why

Never ever
Just fade away

Never ever
Try to stray

Never ever
Fail to miss

Never ever
Forget to kiss

Never ever
Hit her face

Never ever
A drunkard disgrace

Never ever
Stop loving her

Never ever
Stop being together

Never ever
Tell her lies

Never ever
Blind her eyes

Never ever
Do these things

For ever
Misery it brings
copyright Chris Smith 2010
May 2010 · 847
I Am
I am not a soldier
I have not the skills
To lead comrades into battle
Fighting for Queen and country

I am not a politician
I do not have those words
To give people any hope
Believing in government coalitions

I am not a super hero
I can not be a super man
Protecting the righteous
And fighting for justice

I am not a doctor
I have not that ability
To help people to heal
Putting them back on the right path

I am not a King
I can not rule the people
Make them to trust in themselves
Or to believe in this land of ours

I am no one special
I am just one man
One out of millions
An ordinary worker

I am a poet
Who loves to write
To share his words
I will write for you

I am a dreamer
Believing in these visions
That whatever this future holds
There will always be better days

I am a lover
Winning only her heart
As she shares my own soul
Giving to me all of her desires

I am just me
Only being my own self
Because in the end
That is who we ever are
copyright Chris Smith 2010
May 2010 · 3.7k
Mushroom Coffee
I drank a cup of mushroom coffee
With a friend, now long forgotten
We watched the walls change colour
From red to orange and to yellow
We laughed at the spider with too many eyes

I thought I saw my friend, fixing his van
But in reality, he had wandered upstairs
So I watched the TV and then it spoke
The voice seemed to be talking just to me
And then mister sandman fluttered nearby

My friend decided he wanted to take a walk
I agreed and I knew it was time to go home
And where I was amazed at technicoloured butterflies
My friend jumped away in alarm from the giant frogs
And I never drank a cup of mushroom coffee again
copyright Chris Smith
May 2010 · 875
Look at the old man

Staring back at you

With the world in his eyes

From his hospital bed

Knowing he is going to die

Look at the young mother

With her beauty to see

Soon to lose a part of her

Maybe to save her life

At the cost of her breast

Look at the baby in the cot

With all those years ahead

Cruelly now taken away

A young life, like a candle

Blown out in the wind

Look at the soldier, the hero

Who fought to protect us all

Fighting to stay alive, for his country

Only to come back safe and sound

To finally lose a war he couldn't win
copyright Chris Smith 2010
Please donate what you can spare to help the fight against cancer.
May 2010 · 619
When The Time Comes
When the time comes, I will be here.
I will be found waiting until the end.
As that vast abyss awaits for me,
And I see the light of day no more.

When the birds stop singing,
Their last song has been sounded.
As the beauty of the flowers here,
Turn to dust and their radiance is gone.

When the Sun shines one last ray of heat,
And the cold comes to take that last embrace.
To see the lion walking, side by side, with the lamb
Both being silent, waiting together on a last moment.

When lovers cry together in one last tryst,
A moment where this pleasure means so much.
To hear as the Earth screams out to waiting ears,
And the rivers run with the tears of a billion souls.

When the last poem is written on a scrap of paper,
Before the ink finally runs dry from a dying pen.
Because when that time comes, I will be here.
I will be found in the company of wonderous friends.
copyright Chris Smith 2010
May 2010 · 1.2k
Quick Silver
He glides through the night
Causing such a fright
That little goblin
With his head bobbing

He is up to no good
Shout at him you should
But he likes to scare
Anyone who is there

Quicksilver is his name
Mischief is is game
Naughty goblin is he
Moves faster than can be

And you will never know
When he is at your window
Plays tricks with an icy grin
Ever so fast, so he can win

So when things go wrong
And you hear a strange song
Do not believe it is a whim
Because it just might be him

Quicksilver is his name
Mischief is is game
Naughty goblin is he
Moves faster than can be
copyright Chris Smith 2010
May 2010 · 1.4k
Never One Tear
The child was only sixteen months old
She had been here for two weeks
Another hospital patient of the Burns Unit
From a home that treated her only neglect
But this little girl never cried a tear

Cigarettes had been used on her little body
For when she cried, they would stub them out
Leaving horrible welts, all over, terrible burns
Both parents used the excuse of being drug addicts
Now this little girl never cried a tear

The nurses have given her a teddy bear
It would always be there in her crib
And the little girl never spoke one word
But they knew that she loved this cuddly toy
Still this little girl never cried a tear

One night a nurse on duty came to visit
The nurse had seen the teddy bear on the floor
This little girl had been too scared to make one sound
And the nurse saw the tears running down her little face
With that little girl, the nurse also cried those tears

I wonder what did happen to that little girl
Did she still grow up to have a good life
A poor small child, another innocent of abuse
But still there are millions like her, out there
Little children that never cry a tear
Based on a true story (copyright Chris Smith 2010)
May 2010 · 818
Question Of Love
Love is something that can not be explained

But when things go wrong, love is blamed

When your soul hurts deep down inside

Take it out on love so you can hide

You can love a religion with a passion

You can love the clothes that are in fashion

You can love a thing, no one else can see

You can love the place where you want to be

So this is the question of love that I ask

I wonder if love is a face wearing a mask

Because you never get to see the real beauty

As love continues to play in its' duty

Love is the granting of a wish

Love is giving in to sweet bliss

Love is something you want to hold

Love is just as precious as gold

So what is love, could you tell me?

It seems to be everywhere, seems to be plenty

But it can hurt you, it can make you feel

Showing the question of love is always real
copyright Chris Smith 2010
May 2010 · 3.4k
Darkest sensations
Melting with my lovers touch
Tasting sweeter still.
copyright Chris Smith
Well, what do you think about that?

Some people no longer want to believe,

In those miracles you're supposed to do.

They no longer want to see them,

So they stopped believing in you.

Now, what do you think about that?

Well, what do think about that?

Some people are no longer praying,

They've given up talking it through.

They no longer think you are there,

And no longer feel like talking to you.

Now, what do you think about that?

Well, what do you think about that?

Rarely does anyone ever go to church,

They no longer think that it is true.

No one thinks that you are out there,

Because no one can ever see you.

Now, what do you think about that?

Well, what do you think about that?

I thought I could rely on you being there,

I thought believing in you was an issue.

But where were you when I needed you the most?

That time when I really need you.

Now, what do you think about that?
copyright Chris Smith 2010
May 2010 · 1.6k
Cruel World
Goodbye cruel world
I am leaving you today
I have had enough of it
Of all the things I see
So I am going away
To escape from it all

Black man burning on a cross
Judged by those cloaked in white
They dare to call him inferior
When they are the ones filled with hate
The man bleeds red, just like them
So I say goodbye cruel world

Native Americans forced from their land
Put to live in a reservation
This seems like being in a concentration camp
But it is done in a different way
Allow these proud people to live their lives
So I say goodbye cruel world

Why is gothic culture frowned upon
Or Wicca mistaken as something evil
Why accuse this as being seen as satanic
When they seem to think it is wrong
It is something they fail to understand
So I say goodbye cruel world

Extremists are there taking innocent lives
Not caring who they will now ****
All in the name of some religion
But what kind of God will let this happen
This is no type of worthy sacrifice
So I say goodbye cruel world

They will pick on those that are disabled
And they treat them as second class freaks
They will laugh at them in their face
And they will keep on knocking them down
All they do is show a sort of discontent
So I say goodbye cruel world

Now I hear them say that poetry is dead
No one wants to read it anymore
But I, for one, know that they are wrong
Because someone will always read our words
So I say that if poetry could not survive
I will then say goodbye cruel world

I will fly away in a rocket ship
To seek out some place that is brand new
Where everybody will be treated as one
And no one will come to spit at you
So I will carry on, still searching
And leave behind this cruel world
copyright Chris Smith 2010
Heed this poem of darkest days
Hide yourself when Nightmare plays
When you know, those shadows wait
Time runs out, and it is too late

Tears of fire are burning your cheeks
Forbidden secrets that grimly seeks
Draining your life, leaving you dry
Where there is no sound to cry

When blackened terror comes knocking your door
Leaving you empty, and pleading for more
But this emptiness surrounds you
This desperation confounds you

The icy touch of fear in your head
You listen to voices of lingering dead
Haunting you now, in so many ways
Heed this poem of darkest days
copyright Chris Smith 2010-
Apr 2010 · 1.5k
Vote For Me
I promise to do my best
To keep your taxes low
To always level inflation
To look good in your eyes
And to keep my fingers crossed
So come and vote for me
Because I don't really care about you
I will kiss all the babies
Wear a false smile on my face
I will ***** all the pretty babes
Spend public money all on myself
Go to all the newest *** clubs
So come and vote for me
You know you really want to
I will be the one in power and money
And when you are eating fish and chips
I will be having caviar and steak
In the most expensive restaurant
Paid for by the public expenses
So when you are suffering
In poverty from my mistakes
You will wish you never voted for me
And I will be laughing at you

A message from the A.P.P (Any Political Party)
copyright Chris Smith 2010
Apr 2010 · 1.2k
No Redemption
Dark rain falls tonight

On a skin, cold as ice

Giving a chill to embrace

Shrunken eyes hide from light

With only the dead to entice

Forgotten dreams of a lovers face

The comfort is the grave

Within the shadows of rust

Building up to evils desire

A body no one can save

Left in hell like lust

No redemption for the vampire

Long forgotten, that human feeling

Of what love once felt like

With only tears of blood to cry

Red thirst, of this life stealing

Condemned to feel that spike

When an immortal can die
copyright Chris Smith 2010
Apr 2010 · 2.5k
I Saw You In My Dreams
I saw you in my dreams

You came to my side

Desire burning in your eyes

I then became yours

My soul belonged to you

You were there in my mind

Your eyes so crystal clear

Moving with purity of grace

Being my Angel in the night

Showing me a piece of Heaven

But when I awoke, you were gone

The memory still lingers of you

The feel of how you moved

And the secrets you showed me

I am awaiting you in my dreams again
copyright Chris Smith 2010
Apr 2010 · 987
Feed My Love
I am searching for you

Feel my hunger now

I am needing you

Feed my hunger now

Won't you come to me

This temptation above

Is how it should be

Feed my love

Satisfy this craving somehow

This burning of my need

I want to taste you now

On your love I feed

I feel this hunger for you

For the love you will give

My desire will be true

I feed on you to live
copyright Chris Smith 2010
Apr 2010 · 618
Love Is Strange
Love opens up the door
Then it slams it closed
It takes a hold of you
And throws you away

Love lightens your life
But leaves you in the dark
It takes you by the hand
Only just to let you go

Love is strange
We never understand it
Love is strange
We are confused by it

Love welcomes you inside
And then it forces you out
It touches you so gentle
Just to slap you in the face

Love gives you the answers
It keeps asking more questions
Comes to you to be near
But it keeps being far away

Love is strange
An odd little thing
Love is strange
It tells you nothing
copyright Chris Smith 2010
Apr 2010 · 1.5k
Her Face
It's gone
Moving on
Life dreams
Always seems
Times past
Never last

Looking back
Always black
Never proud
Dark cloud
Over head
Tears instead

Can't understand
Looks bland
Words written
Twice bitten
Never shy
Lover rely

Finding passion
New fashion
So sweet
To meet
Kisses grace
Her face
copyright Chris Smith 2010
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