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Dec 2009 · 1.4k
Fat Rat
Somewhere there lives in my flat

A creature with a very long tail

It is a silly old big fat rat

That can only run as fast as a snail

He is so clumsy as he sneaks

Wobbling along across the mat

He makes me laugh when he squeaks

Because he is ever so fat

And one day he got stuck in my shoe

All I saw was his tail in the air

He just did not know what to do

Now I wonder if he is still there
Dec 2009 · 895
Words now are written
For all this world to see them
Poets united

Our gift to you all
Readers that we all respect
Poets united

Heart of a poet
This art we tenderly love
Poets united

copyright Chris Smith
The Christmas spirit is here once more
And Hospital decorations are out again
More Doctors that you get in a Tardis
Putting up tinsel around the tree

A pretty sight greets you to come see
How they have decorated the Nurse's Station
Even a pretty hand made cardboard fairy
Adorns atop the little christmas tree

Maybe they should hang up this porter
Suspend me from the ceiling for all
Because I am an amputee, and it would be fun
For all to come and kiss me from under the missing toes

Copyright Chris Smith 11th December 2009
Dec 2009 · 760
82: Gone
Once upon a time my heart danced

Now it is torn from my very soul

Once upon a time we romanced

Now I am just a gapping hole

You are gone and left me incomplete

I feel this lonely life begin to creep

With you our love was the meaning of elite

Now I am left here, where no one sees me weep

This man, this heart is in isolation and pain

Not knowing how to be able to move on

My tears are hidden by the cold rain

I have lost her now and she is gone

copyright January 2009

Chris Smith
Dec 2009 · 710
81: Tell
Some say you must be brave
And to face each new day
As a day further from the grave
A day where Death kept away

Try telling that to a cancer victim
Where each new day is a luxery
Each day is special to them
Each day they hope they will see

Or tell it to a victim of ****
Where the hurt is so deep inside
From nightmares they can never escape
Feeling they have lost their pride

Tell it to the soldier standing there
Living with the terror and blood shed
See the horror in his eyes that stare
Knowing that any time he could be dead

Tell it to the mother who lost her baby
Knowing new life was taken away
To her there will be no maybe
To her she weeps every day

So think of what is all around
What to this world we have done
Death, he comes without any sound
Cry with me new tears always begun
Dec 2009 · 2.6k
Reaching Out
I take a look at this World around me

I do not tolerate racism in all it's forms

Nor do I want to see facism around me

Or abuse, so much anger it storms

I respect every man and every woman

Be you christian, athiest or any religion

Be you straight, lesbian or a gay man

You are always my friend, no matter what the persuation

I understand what ever your ****** interest

As long as you respect me in myself

Be you happy or be you depressed

I respect friendship in itself

I believe every one is equal

I want a World of peace

I love all of the people

I wish hatred would cease

As for soldiers that fight in a war

You fight to keep all countries true

I may not understand some of what you fight for

But I know the hell you must go through

As for gothic, wiccan, witch craft and all your fate

You too are beautiful and you always will

I can never find the right words to state

Of how much friendship you always fill

Black, white, asian, oriental - no matter who you are

I love all of you , every one of you , one and another

My heart reaches out to you, so matter how far

We are all a mother, a father, a sister, a brother
Dec 2009 · 865
79: When
When the sky is folded and put away

When tomorrow will never be another day

When we all take Heavens last steps

When the oceans no longer have depths

When soldiers no longer need to fight a war

When diamonds no longer show any flaw

When life at last comes to an end

When the Angels no longer have anything to send

When the Devil no longer sins and can take no more

When we know what will always be in store

When God has to at last hang up his cape

When we can find no more ways to escape

When all this happens and it all comes true

Even then I will never stop loving you

So let us sit hand and nand and wait for when

Because I will always love you again and again

copyright Chris Smith  April 27th 2009
Dec 2009 · 1.0k
78: Forever More
Can you hear the voice calling this night?
Is this all a trick within my mind?
Because somewhere in the darkened shadows
I can hear something calling out my name
And I hide under the covers, let it go away

But curiosity takes me to the window, to look out
To look out on a dark night of hidden fear
I open my window and on the chilled wind I hear it
Like a voice from a secret grave still calling my name
"Leave me be, who are you to haunt me in the dark"?

But I fear my cry goes unheard as the voice calls again
I dress myself, dorn my boots, to solve this mystery
For I alone only seem to hear the voice calling to me
Calling to the shivers that are running down my spine
I go down the stairs and I hesitate before opening the door

I step out and an icy mist seems to surround the air
Chilled to my bones, I follow the voice that comes again
It takes me to the edge of an abandoned church, long forgotten
And somewhere between the overgrown graves it is there
Beckoning me to enter this place that belongs to the dead

I wonder hopelessly to myself, why did not anyone see me?
Surely someone would have stopped me this cold night
Especially from entering this deserted place of ghosts
But once again the voice comes calling like a spectre
And I find myself being drawn towards one forgotten grave

And the horror strikes at me at long last
As I read the name and see only my own, I am dead
It was no voice calling out, it was my own voice in my head
For I did not believe I had gone from the land of the living
And once again I know I must sleep, sleep forever more

copyright Chris Smith December 8th 2009
Dec 2009 · 1.0k
Ode To An Addict
He has nothing left to own

Empty rooms are his home

In his own filth he will lie

Just to be a little bit high

He waits to feel the effect

With what he will inject

Right into his own vein

He will never feel the pain

Never hears the playing song

All his friends are now long gone

He is in darkness, there is no electricity

He is alone, feeling his own self pity

Tried to stop so many times

Made money with too many crimes

Even drugs he would steal

For the way they make him feel

This time the drugs are bad

Does not care for he has gone mad

He can feel the buzz in his head

By the morning he will be dead

(Copyright 2008   Chris Smith)
Dec 2009 · 3.2k
Ode To An Alcoholic
He says this is the last drink

The very last bottle he will drain

For now, all he wants is to think

While he has senses that still remain

But tomorrow will just bring another day

Where a lonely life will cause only pain

Only one thing can ever take the sorrow away

He will turn to the ****** bottle once again

He has lost it all, lost his very will

He is cursed by the demon drink to follow

He just picks a bottle up to once more swill

He just puts it to his lips and ready to swallow

His life seems to be one long  horror show

He  ends up being in another drunken daze

He can never stop while the urges continue to grow

He is always trapped in his very own alcohol craze

His wife and family left him so very long ago

But he never looks to find anyones' pity

For this is the life he has come to know

One more lost alcoholic, lost in the city

copyright Chris Smith 2004
Nov 2009 · 1.0k
War Is a Three Letter Word
Soldiers try their best to do their duty
Avoiding stones from the protesters
Who should throw them at the General
Because a soldier does his job with honour
War is a three letter word

Generals drink white wine somewhere in comfort
While a true soldier faces unknown death
Having to fight in some far away strange land
Because his orders tell him he has to be there
War is a three letter word

When you sleep tonight and children are safe
Teenagers and young men and women dreaming
Knowing tomorrow they will face another day
Then think of the mother of a soldier who prays
War is a three letter word

Watch the TV, and go about your work
Bless a new day when you see the sun rise
That poor mother begs her son or daughter is safe
That her soldier will not be returning home in a box
War is a three letter word

Remember that the soldier is fighting to protect us
They are there, putting their life on the line
We know War is Hell, but we are not the one's fighting
So I say a silent pray, don't let a young soldier die
War is a three letter word

copyright Chris Smith November 29th 2009

Keep our heroes safe this Christmas, send them a prayer
Nov 2009 · 1.5k
74: Strange Lands Indeed
Close your eyes and come take my hand
As we take a walk across smiling crocodiles
Passing dancing penguins that wish us good morning
So they tilt up their top hats as they greet us

Green and yellow and purple striped tigers
Come bouncing by, chasing pink polka dot butterflies
Kings and Queens jump off jack in a boxes
Laughing at the horse that has got two heads

You open your eyes and you can see the mad man
Trying to change the world as he writes down his poetry
Giggling to himself in his strange mixed up way
As he looks in the crystal mirror he looks just like me

Look up and watch the bumble bee as he chases the lady bird
The elephant driving in his bright red mini cab
You see the world of floating giant oak doors
And you know it is a shame the real world is on the other side

So we cross over the bridge of a magical rainbow
To where the Satyr dances with the pixie princess
But soon you will forget me and this place we visit
You wake up and the colour has changed to black and white

copyright Chris Smith 26th November 2009
Nov 2009 · 1.5k
73: Dreams (ABC)
All throught the night I dream

Because you are by my side

Caring in your special way

Dreaming as well, next to me

Each other dream of our love

For we dream together

Giving our love our hope

Hope that we cherish in our sleep

In our dreams we are always as one

Just being in our dreams here together

Knowing our love shines in our minds

Loving our souls and our bodies tonight

Mind and body reunited in our special place

Never being apart from our dreams and desires

On a higher plain of existence, together

Placing our promises and our love for ourselves

Quest of our salvation we find in each others arms

Reaching out and holding on for what we have

Special love belongs only to us this night

Two souls that entwine together for ever and ever
Under the dreams that protect our love at all times

Velvet kisses that we share in a dream scope

We never drift away from silver reflections of the heart

X marks the spot that our dreams take us now

Your dream to me is mine I share with you

Zodiac signs matched with love in dream

copyright Chris Smith 2009L
Nov 2009 · 906
72: Give Me The Week
Sunday        -  give me faith

Monday       -  give me love

Tuesday      -  give me hope

Wednesday -  give me a wish

Thursday    -  give me passion

Friday          -  give me desire

Saturday      -  give me you
Nov 2009 · 1.5k
71: Light Up My Dark
Dark clouds gather above me
They gather above me this night
The rain falls down on me
Drenching my inner light

Dark times are surrounding me
Dark like the clouds up above
Washing away some of my misery
Soaking me through my love

But through the dark I see you
Coming to me when the sun is set
Rain soaking your clothes through
Clinging to you when you are wet

Come, my lover, and mark your mark
Love me in the rain on this dark night
Come and please light up my dark
Embrace me with your shining light
Nov 2009 · 2.0k
70: The Devil's Daughter
She will enter through a black veil
Ready to take you and use you
Beauty with a skin that is so pale
She is ready to come and ****** you

Black like the night is her hair
Her eyes are passionate like the starlight
She stands naked and is tempting you there
She will make love like the Devil's daughter tonight

She will be wild and take everything you can give
It will not be enough because her lust craves more
She will have her way for as long as you live
Drag you exhausted onto the cold floor

The Devil's daughter has so much endless lust
For her passion will always continue to forever grow
She will leave you drained and left in the dust
Tempt you with her body so she can steal your soul
Nov 2009 · 824
69: Lonely Hearts Express
Something that everyone knows
No need to tell the press
Lonely where the train goes
Take a ride on the lonely hearts express

Passengers are all looking down
Out the window no one looks
Drinking with the sorrows they drown
Nobody reads from the untouched books

Every passenger feels the hurt and pain
Everyone is feeling all the stress
Outside, tear drops are like the rain
Take a ride on the lonely hearts express

Are you waiting there on the station platform
Waiting for the train to one day arrive
Looking for the station master in uniform
Going through another day just to survive

You hear the train coming down the rails
Wondering why life came such a mess
Boarding this train, it never ever fails
Taking a ride on the lonely hearts express
Nov 2009 · 720
68: I Love You Still
I will swear to you
That my love will bear true
I give you my heart and soul
And my love will start to grow

And on each and every day
For every wish I shall obey
And when you look into my eyes
They will never tell you any lies

And everyday I say to you
Just how much I love you
This I promise that I will
Because you know I love you still
Nov 2009 · 790
67: You Stole My Heart
You stole my heart away from me
You gave yours back in return
You went to where we were meant to be
Showed me love I had come to learn

You keep my heart and keep it secure
Take me to places I have never been
When we make love, together we are pure
You show me things that I have never seen

You stole my heart and you made it good
You helped find the words that I write
You look after my heart the way you should
You ****** me in the glow of candle light

You keep my heart, so close, next to you
I touch your breast and feel your heart beat
So many times I wanted this moment to be true
Together we are lovers and we are complete
Nov 2009 · 1.8k
66: Wild Rose
My love, you are my wild rose
For I will never try to tame you
A wild passion like the wind blows
I love all the things you do

My wild rose, you are always free
I am lost within your tempting smile
Showing all your naked ambition to me
A willingness that always has style

Like a wild rose, you can never be tamed
You have a love that will always grow strong
And everything you do, you can never be blamed
Take me with you for we can do no wrong
Nov 2009 · 705
65: Passion And Poetry
She is there and waiting
His touch she is anticipating
His words always move her
His words always sooth her

His poems fill her with desire
He kisses her neck, it tingles like fire
His hands caress her with tenderness
She wants this moment to be endless

Tells her poems of Bryon, Dylan Thomas and Poe
Words like music that fill her soul
He makes love to her like no other man could
He makes her want him more than she should

She never thought she could be captivated by poetry
Never thought it would open up her passion so free
Never thought she would give in to this man
His words excite her more than anything else can

Now he has to go away and she lets him go
It is so hard when her body craves him so
His passion could never ever be mistook
For now she knows she has to close the book
Nov 2009 · 1.6k
64: Grampy Abe
I have forgiven my own attackers

Forgiven the one who cheated on me

Even though she told me to **** myself

That no one would come to love my scars

I battled long against my depression

Won some battles, some I have lost

The years have never been easy

Hatred could easily had swallowed me

I was molded by those now gone

A grandfather I loved with respect

He was not my true one by blood

He was a black African and he was proud

And Grampy, today I am missing you

You taught me who I would come to be

Some would only see you as a black man

My eyes only see you with pride

Abraham Rachid, your soul is always near

I feel you when I am needing you most

I reach out and I touch your spirit

Your soul always helps me to stand tall
A broken heart hurts the most
Every nerve feels like breaking
Your mind goes into overload
Your body starts to shake
You can never stop the tears

You want to be able to hold her
Tell her nothing is as it seems
That your heart belongs to her
You know she somewhere crying
But she is an ocean away to hold

You want to tell her she is the only one
You know the pain when someone cheats
Can she understand you have friends?
And friends they will ever only be
You want this hurt to just go away

You thought that she really understood you
Of the happiness that she would always bring
Your soul, body and heart belonged to her
You shared your words with all the world
Now a broken man sitting in the dark alone

You lost that special purpose in your life
And the fight has been drained away from you
You know she will never forgive or ever forget
But you pray one day she will be coming back
For this maiden you know you will always ache

But you can at last feel the warmth of a smile
She has contacted you and the day begins anew
You can feel the black clouds drifting away
Your heart begins to beat in union with her again
And in time you know you can both heal

copyright Chris Smith 2009
Nov 2009 · 706
62: You Are There
Once I was left torn and twisted
My soul was left bleeding from the inside
Tormented and confused with thoughts resisted
I felt myself shattering away my pride

And you are there, to take it all away
The pain is gone, when I feel your sweet touch
I see you in my dreams, I want you to stay
I am sweating for you, I need you so much

Once I could not escape the shadows in my brain
I was endlessly running with no place I could go
I thought that this emptiness would always remain
The coldness of my blood always seemed to flow

And you are there, whenever I need you the most
You reach out to me and you teach me to be brave
You make me strong, when I feel like giving up the ghost
Come to me now, because you are the one I crave

copyright Chris Smith September 1st 2009
Nov 2009 · 990
61: Johnny Please Don't Cry
He always was a shy boy
Always found life to enjoy
They picked on him one day
They took his enjoyment away

They would put bugs in his hair
He thought his teachers didn't care
They called him every bad name
Said that being strange was to blame

Hurt him and caused him pain
Pushed him over in the rain
They even spat in his face
Told him he was a disgrace

Johnny please don't cry
I know you just want to die
Johnny I don't know why
It's easy when you try

I wish the bullies would just go away
Leave Johnny alone for only one day
There are too many boys and girls in tears
Too many bullied face suicide these years

Poor Johnny couldn't take any more
Found him hanging from off the floor
Poor Johnny is one of the dead
We should **** bullying instead

copyright Chris Smith 12th November 2009
Nov 2009 · 945
Ode To A Lover
You know that I want you
You know that I need you
I hunger for you my sweet
I can feel your heart beat

Your desires are my quests
I gently kiss your *******
You sigh as your ******* are excited
I kiss each one and you are delighted

Down my kisses go as I move
Kissing your stomach so smooth
Below you tremble as my tongue will explore
Tasting you and my tongue makes you beg for more

Then you go down and lick me like a dream
You take me like you would and ice cream
I am ready for you and can no longer stall
You smile at me as you swallow it all

Your hand comes and strokes me then
I am ready for you once again
I am inside you between your thighs
I see the need that is in your eyes

Moving faster, your legs wrapped around me
Going deeper as you want it to be
Your heat is like something that is exotic
Our love making becomes fully ******

I can feel myself flowing into your charms
Then I collapse into your waiting arms
We will sleep the night away
Make love again come the day
Nov 2009 · 954
Rainbows' Shroud
Yesterday a soldier died

Died doing his country proud

Doing his best he tried

Now buried in a rainbows' shroud

Gave his country satisfaction

In the sky is not a cloud

He was killed in action

Now buried in a rainbows' shroud

But why did he have to die for

In a war that should not be allowed

Too many men are killed in a war

And buried in a rainbows' shroud
Nov 2009 · 776
Dream The Day Away
Close my eyes to sleep

Then I am sleeping deep

I have no words to say

So I will dream the day away

Dream of a World of peace

Where all war will cease

Where no killing takes place

With no discrimination against race

No child will ever starve

Everyone has food to carve

No famine is out there

Everyone is treated fair

Never crimes saved on tape

No woman will ever face ****

No drunkard fist to feel

No one will ever steal

No dog or cat is rejected

No illegal drugs are injected

Dreaming of only harmony

Never fear of any harm to me

But when I awake from my dream

The world will still silently scream

Of a dream that can not be true

No real dreams for me and you
Nov 2009 · 662
No More Tears
Silently you seem to lie there
Never sharing in your fears
Seeming to think I no longer care
Wishing there were no more tears

I can not help just being a man
Having the passions that I feel
These desires are what make me human
These desires are what makes me real

You try to hide as you cry
That I only need you for my lust
And no matter how much I try
I never seem to gain your trust

So please do not lie silently there
Share with me your fears
Let me show you that I care
Together there will be no more tears
Nov 2009 · 634
Unseen Beauty
She looks at her reflection

Mirror holds the image of her face

Looks at the make up and makes her sellection

Puts it on to show her beauty and grace

She is a pretty picture with cherry lips

She loves to look good for all to see

In her hair, pink ribbons and golden clips

She looks good, so beautiful to see

But she never goes outside the door

She will never be going anywhere

Scared that what men are looking for

That they only will see her wheel chair

(copyright Oct 2008 Chris Smith)
Nov 2009 · 4.5k
Wheelchair Blues
Here I am, leg in plaster

Nurse with a needle, after me

Forgot the brake, can't go faster

Now all I get is woe and misery


I got those wheelchair blues

Suffering those wheelchair blues

Hear my wheelchair blues

I'm singing those wheelchair blues

Rushing to get that elevator again

Going quick and my hands are sore

I'm just too slow, because then

I end up crashing into the closed door


I got those wheelchair blues

Suffering those wheelchair blues

Hear my wheelchair blues

I'm singing those wheelchair blues

Showing off and think I'm clever

Should have taken my painkiller pill

You won't stop and wish I never

My fault for trying to go down hill


I got those wheelchair blues

Suffering those wheelchair blues

Hear my wheelchair blues

I'm singing those wheelchair blues

At last I can get out of the chair

But things will never be the same

Because now it just ain't fair

They've given me a Zimmer Frame


I got those wheelchair blues

Suffering those wheelchair blues

Hear my wheelchair blues

I'm singing those wheelchair blues

I got those wheelchair blues

Suffering those wheelchair blues

Hear my wheelchair blues

I'm singing those wheelchair blues

copyright Chris Smith
Nov 2009 · 1.0k
Let Your Guitar Sing
Come play a tune for me

Play of love lost memory

Play of almost anything

Let me hear your guitar sing

Let music fill the air

Play for all of us there

Listen to your sweet tune

Playing by the stars and moon

Beauty of the six strings

And the melody it brings

Hear beautiful music tonight

Play until the day light

Please play a tune for me

Play and set me free

You can play anything

Let me hear your guitar sing

copyright Chris Smith 2008
Nov 2009 · 713
The Faded Light
When she was little she wanted to act

To see herself on the big screen

She wanted the world to love her

So she followed her dreams and they came true

She starred and the world embraced her

Then the work began to dry up for her

They said she was not young anymore

She felt her starlight glow begin to flicker

Young lovers deserted from her side

She was made to feel isolated and all alone

No money coming in, she was soon forgotten

Lost the big home she could not afford anymore

No one sees the actress that the years have forgot

She only sees the world in black and white

Even the home she lives in, do not want to keep her

Now she is starring in her final role

The movie plays out in her drunken mind

She sees her acting out being a bag lady

Roaming the streets in old age, scavenging for food

She will never know the truth in her own reality

So the Winter cold comes stalking down the alleys

Somewhere a lone figure lays unmoving in newspapers

No one comes near because no one really cares

They take away the body of a frozen bag lady to the morgue

A long forgotten actress that once shone so bright

copyright Chris Smith
Nov 2009 · 919
52: Darkness Of The Night
I come craving your soft touch

The kisses on my cold skin

The heat coming from your body

The desire inside I feel burning

I want to feed on your love

But I fear that I will betray you

Attempt to take more than you can give

Temptation to take all that I can

But my feelings are holding me back

I will not let you surrender to the dark

But I will feel your body next to mine

I will find comfort in your warm embrace

Feel these movements becoming one

Because I know when the dawn breaks through

I will be gone with the darkness of the night

copyright Chris Smith November 2009
When passion comes calling

Your heart is felt, falling

You believe your actions are just

Is this love or is this lust?

Your desire trembles too much

You lose control, as such

Your passion you can not trust

Is this love or is this lust?

In the heat, your bodies collide

Together you feel them slide

You do what your bodies must

Is this love or is this lust?

Make love fast then do it slow

Together your desires flow

You feel those emotions bust

Is this love or is this lust?

She takes your want all night

These cravings you can not fight

Even taking the satisfaction in the dust

Is this love or is this lust?
Nov 2009 · 838
50: February Angel
She flies into the darkness
Hidden in the black shade
Her dark wings engulfed in blackness
I watch a beauty that will never fade

Follow her in shadows I will go
Follow her to Hell and back again
For in the darkest night she will glow
For her light burns the brightest then

February Angel, her heart will never be cold
Even when she dances with demons tonight
She has a beauty I could never hold
My dark soul will never embrace her light
Nov 2009 · 622
49: More Time
There is a time to leave

And a time to grieve

There is a time to love

A time to pray above

And there is time for me

A time for your lover to see

There is a time to cry

And there will come a time to die

And a time to read what I write

A time to have to fight

A time for children to play

Always a time for being with you today

But give me more time tonight my sweet

More time for my heart to beat

That more time to admire you

The time I want to desire you

But time is passing me by

Time always seems to fly

This poem is for all of you out there

All who I desire and admire, take care
Nov 2009 · 685
48: I Want You Now
I want you now

I desire your touch

Need to have you

Crave you too much

Please come to me now

Give yourself to me

Show me what you like

Let us now be so free

I want to see you

See your body glow

Let me slowly undress you

Make love nice and slow

Tell me how much you want me

Tell so much what you need

I know we want the same thing

Show me and I will heed
Nov 2009 · 1.2k
46: Fallen Angels
Fallen Angels will fly again
Find their wings one more time
Learn to soar once again
New wings growing over time

Fallen Angels will fly free
Find their hearts are still true
Find what will be, will be
Fly high up into sky blue

Fallen Angels shall once more, rise up
Rise up and once again be seen
Show that they have taken enough
Fly over grass so green

My fallen Angel has found new wings
She is now flying up so free
With the Angels her sweet voice sings
She sings up there for me

copyright Chris Smith 2007
Nov 2009 · 1.2k
45: Over The Top
The young soldier was crying
And his comrade lay dying
In the trenches he bled
In these trenches he is dead

Will the big guns ever cease ?
Can both sides ever find peace ?
As bullets continue to fill the sky
How many men will still die ?

No matter who everyone blames
Generals continue with their war games
They are unwilling to stop
Sending brave men over the top

copyright Chris Smith 2008
Nov 2009 · 527
44: The End
The people slept, dreaming
Silently the World was screaming
The Universe was reaching out
No one heard the silent shout
Even dark forces could not pretend
That things were coming to an end

And twenty billion souls came awake
As they witnessed the Universe break
They could hear a distant rumble
As suddenly Galaxies would crumble
The end would take all, everywhere
The end was coming for everyone there

Beings gathered together from every World
The end came, they were ready and curled
Holding each other, all were a different kind
Stars ended and there was nothing to find
Poets cried and found the words to write
And the end came with a blinding light

copyright Chris Smith 2007
Nov 2009 · 5.4k
43: Dark Desire
Give in to your dark desire

Tell me want you want

How does your body ache

Trembling at my touch

I want you to show me

Exactly want you want to do

I need just to know

You feel this way

The same as me

Give in to dark desire

copyright Chris Smith 2005
Nov 2009 · 1.4k
42: Shallow Can Be The Soul
Shallow can be the soul

For it comes for every man

The heart break that he will find

When he thought everything was right

Only to now be proved to be wrong

And you will have to forget the past

Maybe the heart can still grow

And you can find the light again

To come and ignite your inner self

To learn to forgive and to forget

To let go feelings of desolation

And find feelings of atonement

To forgive others, first forgive yourself

There is always two sides to every story

We can live in our inner judgement

And sometimes the punishment benefits the crime

For sometimes we must move on, because ;

Shallow can be the soul

copyright Chris Smith 2008
Oct 2009 · 1.5k
41: If Is A Word
If I walked a thousand miles

Would you greet me with smiles

If I braved the desert heat

Would we ever meet

If I looked deep into your eyes

Would I see where your soul lies

If I came and kissed you today

Would you come take my breath away

If I reached up for a glittering star

Would you come to be with me from afar

If I could only give you the silver moon

Would you run to me very soon

If I ever gave you my very fragile heart

Would you promise to not break it apart

If I was to give you my body to treasure

Would you give me yours with untold pleasure

If I was to ever give all this just to you

Would you tell me what you would do

If is a word that is there and only

Would you leave me being lonely
Oct 2009 · 645
40: Feel Her Pain
She sits alone, with her pain
Her head is hurting once again
These injuries she suffered long ago
They always come to haunt her so
Hurts so bad, she wishes to die
But the only thing she can do is cry

There is nothing anyone can do to help her
This cursed pain will haunt her forever
She sinks with her hands to her head
Agony making her wish she was dead
This pain never seems to go away
Like a nightmare here to stay

So my friend, I will always be here
You need never suffer alone and in fear
You do not have to suffer on your own
No longer do you have to be alone
I know this pain will never end
I care, because I am your friend
Oct 2009 · 1.1k
39: Dark Surface
To believe in a purpose
Under the dark surface
Hides away those scars
That are visible like stars

The darkness in the soul
A darkness that will grow
Grows and reaches out
Before you can shout

Millions hidden in the dark
Shadows alive like a spark
Shadows eating you alive
With no chance to suvive

So let us all hide away
And wait for light of day
Until the time we know
When shadows will go
Oct 2009 · 924
38: Second Sight
I was blind and now I see

I was a boxer and now do not fight

I was bound and now I am free

For I have found my second sight

Second sight is all around

From the sky down to the ground

From the man on top of the hill

From the workers in the mill

From lovers going hand in hand

From the music from the marching band

From the morning of another day

From the children all at play

So please come open your eyes

And look deep into the light

And soon you will realise

That you also have second sight
Oct 2009 · 642
37: When The End Comes
The news had just come over

The World was going to end

So he rushed to his lover

Last kisses he would send

They had one day left together

Before it ended in a ball of flame

Crying and wishing time was forever

Loving each other so much the same

He held her tight, together they did cry

Knowing together,at the end, they would be

Together, when the end came, they would die

And that together, Heaven, they would see

He wished he had more time to love her

More time that he could still adore her

A little more time to be her lover

More time he could still ensure her

Not long before the end of the World will come

He weeps as he looks deep into her beautiful eyes

As long as she is here, Death will be welcome

Both now asleep, never to see another sun rise
Oct 2009 · 659
36: Too Blind To See
Everything seemed to be okay
Never knew it was going wrong
If only you could give me another day
To help us still be able to belong
I was just too blind to see
Too blind to see

Never knew in what I was dealing
When all I was doing was hurting you
Should had felt what you were feeling
When your love for me was still true
I was just too blind to see
Too blind to see

All the times you were waiting for me
And I took for granted what we had
In the end I left you feeling empty
I was the one who made you sad
I was just too blind to see
Too blind to see

Please can you give me one more chance
So I can now begin to get it right
Can we try again with our romance
Take me from the dark, back into the light
I was just too blind to see
Too blind to see

Iam here begging you to forgive me
Please will you take me back once more
I will be that man you want me to be
I will never go back to how I was before
I was just too blind to see
Too blind to see
Oct 2009 · 752
35: Light A Candle
Light a candle

For the soldiers

Going off to war

To help guide them home

So they never lose their way

Let them see the flame

And come home safe

Light a candle

For all of the lost

Never forget them

Let them come home soon

To those that love them

And cry tears they are gone

See the glow and come home soon

Light a candle

Never let it flicker

Never let that flame die

The soul sees the burning light

And knows it is always there

For should that flame go out

The soul is lost in darkness

copyright Chris Smith 28th October 2009
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