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Oct 2009 · 957
34: Full Moon
Dripped in blood,he stalks

Hear the unholy howling

Within the fullest moon, he walks

One bite will be a curse

Young maiden, he tears her to shreads

Her entrails are shrewn across the ground

More victims decapitated, missing heads

Torn from their torso by supernatural strength

By day, you will never find him turned into man

By the full moon, it is the night of the beast

A demon, a creature causing chaos with all he can

Death and horror are now his feeding grounds

Joins in a pack with those of his own kind

Hunters come and shoot with bullets of pure silver

Spreading the curse with poor souls they find

Only one escape from this wicked life is only death
Oct 2009 · 516
33: Tears In The Dust
Small boy huddled in a corner

He will never question why

He did not dishonour his father

But that did not stop the black eye

Little baby all battered and beaten

Can not hide away being bruised

Mother can not stop her drinking

But the baby should not be abused

Young girl is daddys' pride and joy

She worships him, no one can know

Makes her protect his little secret

Does not listen when she says no

I look down, crying tears in the dust

In that dust my tears glisten

Knowing that children do not deserve this

Hoping, out there, people will listen
Oct 2009 · 1.1k
32: Mad Welsh Man
There was a mad Welsh man

Writing all the poetry he can

Hoping people will understand

He decided to move to England

He followed his heart and his head

And came to live inHemel Hempstead

His life found a love that was true

Wanting others to find love to

Now all his troubles are long gone

True love is making him strong

Now he has found employment

Life is now full of enjoyment

For the first time he at last feels free

And is still writing down his poetry

Finding the words whenever he can

Always going to be a mad Welsh man
Oct 2009 · 344
31: Reign Of Light
I walk the edge of darkness

And fall deep into the pit

I am surrounded by the blackness

All around I feel darklings sit

Who will help me out of this despair

As I sink deeper into this nightmare

In the void of my mind, who is there

Only my shadow, my sadness I share

But she comes and shines so bright

She takes me by my hand as I cry

She has come, my reign of light

Up from this dark place we will fly

I feel her goodbye kiss on my lips

And she falls down against my will

Back into the blackness she slips

As I cry, she is in the darkness still
Oct 2009 · 11.5k
Poetry comes from the soul

Reflects what is inside

It can only ever state

Can not defend what died

Words are what we will give

Who listens to what we say

We will always try to share

New meaning every day

This world is a big place

So many are in the mix

When it is already broken

No one is able to fix

So poets will all unite as one

With so many words to share

All of us will always glow

See our soul in there
Oct 2009 · 736
29: The Highway Man
He lived his life in the shadows
Destinied to die by the gallows
Waiting for the coach in his sights
Then the highway man strikes

Strikes fear as his victims shiver
Orders them to stand and deliver
With the threat of his gun
He will take the money and run

Soon he vanishes and is long gone
As if he was not there all along
Being there on this lonely road
Running with all of his gold

But another night he will be back
Again to fill up his empty sack
With gun in hand and mask on face
Robbing with all of his grace

And with everything he has bought
Soon he knows he will be caught
Just like church bells have rang
He knows soon he will hang

This is his life and his way
How he shall live out his day
Until the day they hang him up high
A highway man until he shall die
copyright Chris Smith 2007
Oct 2009 · 737
28: Shattered Dreams
Nothing is as it seems

Living out shattered dreams

With false promises we make

And the ones we always break

Knowing what we must

Never knowing who to trust

Always letting somebody down

With our sorrows we drown

Never knowing what to do

Trying to always be true

And having no way of knowing

And these thoughts still growing

My heart is always broken

Taking my love like a token

My thoughts are my own

In the life I have sown
Oct 2009 · 938
27: Lust
To crave your touch

And want it so much

Your body next to me

To do want must be

To feel my carress

As I touch your breast

Listening to your sighs

As I kiss between your thighs

Then I shall enter

Into your moist centre

And our bodies shall slide

With me so deep inside

Having you to hold

As I feel myself explode

I feel your body tingle

As our juices now mingle

Lost at our leisure

Lost in our pleasure

Making love all through the night

In each others arms at morning light
Oct 2009 · 683
26: To You
To watch clouds in the sky

To observe the stars in space

To hear a new born babys' cry

To feel the rain on your face

To help a flower to grow

To smell the sea breeze

To play in the snow

To climb the highest tree

To have love in our heart

To be with someone you care

To know when to start

To feel the wind in your hair

To be there for a friend

To care for a child

To stay to the end

To be able to run wild

To listen to a song

To be free as a dove

To know how to be strong

To be able to fall in love

To have these words to read

To always be true

To wish you to succeed

To just say thank you
Oct 2009 · 619
This Bitter Life
Everything seems twisted, wish I was dead

I should have resisted, thoughts I dread

Nothing seems to go the right way

Never seem to find a light day

I should have avoided all the stress

I should have watched out for the mess

But life is what you will make

Even when you feel you will break

I thought there would be nobody there

I ought to realise somebody will care

But it is so hard facing this bitter life

So difficult to live with so much strife

But I will not let them come and break me

Even when I feel they will forsake me

But I see the smiles from my close friends

And all this stress, then seems, it ends

And at last I then feel this very glow

When having so very many caring friends to know
Oct 2009 · 7.6k
Would You
Would you tell me how you feel

Would you touch me and be real

Would you move your hand below

Would you move it nice and slow

Would you go down and lick

Would you let your tongue flick

Would you swallow it whole

Would you taste it flow

Would you want to be on top

Would you move and never stop

Would you feel me deep inside

Would you let me come and slide

Would you want us to overload

Would you allow me to explode

Would you let me stay in there

Would you, would you dare
Oct 2009 · 1.2k
Lie To Me
If you do not love me

Then lie to me, baby

If you do not need me

Then lie to me, lady

To be without your touch

When I need you so much

Not to feel your kiss on my lips

Or the sensation of your finger tips

What would I ever do

If I was then without you

If you were ever to go away

Do not tell me that day

So if you did not want me

Then lie to me, baby

If you did not desire me

Then lie to me, lady
Oct 2009 · 2.3k
Passion In Her Soul
Can you hear her crying?

Waiting to be loved

Can you hear her sighing?

Wanting a body to hold

She wants desire tonight

To satisfy every need

To be made love to all night

To crave a lovers soft touch

She is alone and explores

Each contour of her body

For a lover her yearning implores

To come take her to paradise

Alone naked on a bed of desire

Wishing that her dreams come true

Sensations of pleasure to take her higher

A woman with passion in her soul
Copyright © Chris Smith 2009
Oct 2009 · 610
Lost Souls
I came looking for lost souls

Lost, like me, within the darkness

So together we could find the light

And share in the heat we feel

To escape from this forgotten place

Find a way out from the cold

Give me a sign and come rescue me

Show me I can still find hope again

Together we can follow our needs

Open our hearts and then be found

Melt this dark place, cold like ice

Then there is hope for all lost souls

Make bright again this dark heart

Help me keep my nightmares at bay

I am a lost soul, come and find me

Rescue me with a love long forgotten

Then from this darkness we can escape

To hold each other, as lost souls no more
copyright Chris Smith 2009-
Oct 2009 · 2.5k
Suffer the innocent

Who do no wrong

They close their eyes

And they never belong

Suffer the children

In a harsh world they grow

Danger within their playground

It is all they ever know

Suffer the woman

Living only in ****

Where would she go

How would she escape

Suffer the man

Judged by the colour of his skin

Cursed for being different

Why is that a sin

Suffer the poet

Having the words to say

Sadness to write then down

Innocent in no other way
Oct 2009 · 965
Night time lullabies

Sweet singing voice

No more baby cries

Sleepy feeling rejoice

Far away tales

In your sleepy head

Dream of distant sails

On distant boats instead

Hush a bye my little one

Close your sweet eyes

Your dream land has begun

There are no more baby cries

Little one you are sleeping now

So cosy and warm in your bed

Let your wonderland dreams allow

Take you away to dream land instead
The sun shines and the children play

The heat radiates from the passing day

Under a old Rowan tree I find shade

But this love I have can never fade

For in Summer, I am in Winter still

She has gone, I see the wide blue sky

Not even a cloud is there floating by

She is away from me, in a land so far

And on a day like this I wonder how you are

For in Summer, I am in Winter still

In the cool river I witness dogs that swim

I see butterflies floating only on a whim

And even I know, to enjoy this day I should

I can not stop feeling this hurt, even if I could

For in Summer, I am in Winter still

So enjoy your day, I am alone on a sandy beach

She is just across the water, out of my reach

I look up now and I see a sea gull cry

To be in her arms right now, I would gladly try

But in Summer, I am in Winter still
Copyright © Chris Smith 2007
Oct 2009 · 24.2k
When The Darkness Comes
When the darkness comes.

I will be waiting for it.

With my eyes open wide.

With my soul still pure.

And with my soul still intact.

I will fight with pride.

With no going back.

I will try not to fall.

I will stand my ground.

Never bow down my head.

Let the darkness engulf me.

For my lady's light glows.

Her love gives me strength.

Against the impossible odds.

Showing me the way.

— The End —