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 Nov 2018 Danny
Emily Jane
The Night
 Nov 2018 Danny
Emily Jane
There is a creature in the night.
It is the wind that races around street corners
And taps on your shutters.
It is the cold silent blue lurking between slumbering rooftops.
It is the sliver of pockmarked white that casts a slinking shadow
As she climbs up the black.
It is the leaves of the oak,
 Nov 2018 Danny
That Summer Day
 Nov 2018 Danny
'twas a long hot summer day
sticky air without a breeze
concrete burning my bare feet
cicadas screaming in the trees

a triggered memory
smelling honeysuckle scent,
the way he looked at me
remembering what he meant

when I was sixteen
with his mischievous grin
and a squint in his eye
he said, I hope you know how to swim

in his old pick up truck
as we rolled the windows down
he drove us to this place
in the woods outside of town

off road, through a pasture
to a watering hole, he found
guaranteed to cool me off
from spring fed water underground

sweet talking me naked
still not sure how he did it
a memory now sacred
my first time skinny dippin'
I still love skinny dippin' to this very day
 Nov 2018 Danny
Starving Artist
"Why are you still stuck on her?"
"Why can't you move on?"

Because . . . if I don't have her, what do I have?

— The End —