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 Apr 2015 DaRk IcE

Deep within the light of love I stand with open eyes
Basking in the glory now descending from the skies
Glowing all about me as this day has come to be
Nothing short of wonderful, your love has set me free

As I think of yesterday and days that come before
Constant the reminders from within my heart do pour
Wondering what will become of all that I do find
Waiting for the day to come that I shall call you mine

Aimlessly I wandered through the darkness of despair
Dreaming of the moment that your love would come to share
If only I had realized that fate would wave its hand
Delivering your love to me so I would understand

Many years I wasted only searching for the end
Fruitless my endeavors waiting for someone to send
Words of captured energy to wake my sleeping heart
Pleading for the happiness I hoped so soon would start

Then the sun was rising all along the eastern shore
Shining forth a miracle now standing at my door
Draped in wings of silver with a hand so open wide
Offering affection if I’d only come inside

Desperately I followed as you led me down the way
To shine upon my longing soul the love that you display
Passing through the garden gate to never look behind
Drinking of the future that my heart would surely find

No longer shall I worry of an overwhelming fear
For now my life is gleaming in the light you offer here
And as I stand now marveling this wondrous light above
*Forever I shall hold onto your perfect glowing love
 Apr 2015 DaRk IcE
MV Blake
When you went to sleep today,
I counted all the steps
That sat between you and me,
Like miles and miles of roads,
So many twists and turns;
The path was lost without a trace.

Is it strange to think
That we judge our love
By distance to our hearts?
Or do we choose to use
The ground between us
To fill that empty space?

So explain these tears
That fall together,
Sliding down my cheek
To join my other fears,
Of romance and careers,
As we drive this finite race.
For my Uncle Alec, who passed away this morning.
 Apr 2015 DaRk IcE

Lately I have lost time…
minutes and hours,
moments of the day pass by
without notice

I arrive at places not knowing
how I got there
I have held conversations
but can’t recall speaking

Watched the sun rise in the morning
and then set again that afternoon,  
unable to remember
anything in between

Found myself wondering
where has the day gone,
what have I been doing,
it seems like nothing

Except constantly thinking about us,
these wonderful daydreams
of you and me…
what we could be doing

Days at the beach, candle lit dinners
walks in the park, quiet nights at home,
holding hands in the moonlight,
skipping stones at the lake

Dancing until dawn, morning coffee,
kissing on the veranda, sleeping in,
making love in the rain, counting stars,
falling for each other over and over again…

There, you see, it has happened again,
I just wrote this poem, I think  
and my only recollection is
another moment lost in thoughts of you
 Apr 2015 DaRk IcE
 Apr 2015 DaRk IcE
I'm sorry for making you feel worst,
Maybe I'll write lines with verse
I'm begging on my knees, to remorse
I damaged your heart, all the emotions burst
The pain I gave, it's not a curse
To make you feel special again, i am thirst
All my thoughts became one even though they're dispersed.
I'm sorry.
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