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1.2k · Jan 2018
Coob Jan 2018
Every morning he woke up minutes before she did and would listen to the low hum of every breath exiting her nose.
She would flip from her side to her back and the beige covers rustled like dry autumn leaves.
She would moan as she stretched with her arms outwards, fists balled, and her legs high up in the air.
Then, she would turn to him, whisper sweet nothings, and swing her body towards the side of the bed.
The sound of her light feet pattering on the wood floor always made him laugh.

But now his house is haunted.

The walls seem to murmur intrusive thoughts into his head.
The floor rattles beneath his feet like a snake giving a warning.
The glass shakes in the window panes at any slight breeze, mimicking gunfire.
The water from his sink gushed from the faucet with such great speed that it rung against the white hollow porcelain.

She wasn't there anymore.
There's poetry in broken hearts.
413 · Dec 2022
Coob Dec 2022
If I spent less time looking ahead instead of down,
I'd trip less over my own feet.

When I look back,
I always have answers,
When I look at you,
I don't.

But I don't want you behind me.
364 · Dec 2017
Insert text here
Coob Dec 2017
I am my phone.
Every interaction I've ever experienced,
I have rehearsed or have done before with auto-corrected and predetermined results.
I have sent thousands of laughing emojis without making a sound.
I have typed I love you without feeling anything.
I have texted someone "I'm sorry" without a dollop of remorse.
Feeling is beyond my hardware and programming.
All I would need is a logo on my back and I would feel no more less human.
318 · Jan 2019
Coob Jan 2019
Have you ever felt so lost,
that even if you wanted to be found,
you couldn't describe where you were?
Stranded on an island in which the waters
that surround you are created by your own mind.
You can try to swim away,
but the waves carry you back every time.
On the occasion a boat will pass,
but you won't let it close enough to save you.
You're stuck and alone,
writing poems in the sand.
2:02 AM
288 · Jan 2018
Coob Jan 2018
I have anxiety.
No thought transverses my mind without causing turmoil.
Sometimes I put my feelings into a chest and throw it in to the ocean.
Everyday I dip my toe in the water, pondering.
Can I ever retrieve what I have hidden, without the consequences?
Ultimately, I know I can't. So I watch the waves crash.
Remedies only suppress what is out of my control.
Ebb and flow go hand and hand, as do I and my chest.
Relationships kind of **** if you have anxiety and insecurities that people can't accept.
262 · Apr 2019
A Paradoxical Song
Coob Apr 2019
You love me, I hate you, how I wish I could replace you, I have an idea in mind,

A robot to hold me, to kiss me and scold me, and never leave my side,

Metal on skin will feel so warm I’ll never let it go,

but for this I know, it won’t ever feel the love I show,

Alone I feel, with the pain I deal, I need you out of my bed,

Don’t you leave, but don’t you stay, for I’ll wish I was dead either way.
3:11 AM
April 11th
262 · Aug 2018
12:45am on a tuesday night
Coob Aug 2018
The A/C unit emits the same monotone hum that almost puts me in a trance like state.
My desk chair hugs my body and I can feel the warmth trapped between my skin and the black leather.
The grey concrete floor is cold against my toes.
The burning sensation in my eyes is not from being tired.
The crystal glass has been long since emptied.
The ring is now sitting on my desk,
instead of my finger.
Obsessive and insecure are both edges to the same sword, the sword that will cut me and I will bleed sleep.
I have work in the morning.
191 · Jan 2020
Time for two
Coob Jan 2020
You had time for me,
I had time for you
We had time for us,
We had time for two.

My past was behind me,
Yours was between us,
First we lost love,
And then we lost trust.

I came third,
Behind you and your last,
Now thanks to your past,
We lost time for two.
Angry about love pt. 1000
187 · Dec 2017
Coob Dec 2017
How I loved to trace,
It was a childish hobby I’ve always had,
Over and over I ran my finger along every detail,
The grooves her round cherry cheeks made on her face,
The jawline that reminded me of an opened book,
The thin red lips that felt so much bigger against mine,
She has never asked me why I do such things but if she were to ask I would probably say,
“My dear, there are times when I yearn to see your face but I can’t.” And I will hold up my index finger,
“so I need a stencil.”
Written for my beloved.
175 · Jan 2019
Pathetic Apathy
Coob Jan 2019
I took a long drive down a short road,
Approaching sixty miles per hour.
The road bent at the end,
A large oak marked where I should be turning.
Bark and glass tattered my skin,
At least now I won't have to go down this road again.
To feel or not to feel
174 · Dec 2022
Coob Dec 2022
I'll hold you at arms length,
Kiss you from behind my eyes,
and care only as deep as my skin,

If that's not good enough, well,
It's only for my own protection.
130 · Jan 2020
Love mobile
Coob Jan 2020
If love is a two way street,

Then I am either stuck in traffic or roadkill.
I’m on a coffee shop and my heart hurts today

— The End —