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 Oct 2013 Kellin
It Never Rang
 Oct 2013 Kellin
I hate finding myself staying up late

waiting by my phone

for a call you’ll never make

I hate you


before I sleep

I taste your name on my lips

followed by the words

I miss you
Forever Joined As One

I wonder what my future holds
And I wish that I could see
What's in store for my life
And if you'll be here with me

Will we take the road together
Or were we meant to walk alone
Can we find the love that slipped away
And somehow make it grow

Will you hold my hand and walk with me
And never let me go
Or Is the love that we once shared
A love forever gone

We both made vows to forever love
And I know our love's not done
A promise to God, that two hearts made
Forever Joined As One

Carl Joseph Roberts
Written for a friend who is having a tough time, wants to hold her marriage together and is fighting to stay strong.
 Oct 2013 Kellin
Austin Skye
Oct. 23rd, 2013

In the slowness of the night..
I breath and I feel.
My thoughts run wild
Through forests of wonder
Of memory and futures.
My eyes wander
Through time and in life.

But as the sun begins to rise
Reaching through my blinds
To gently caress my face..
My skin goes numb
And my heart does race
My thoughts choked off
Like there's no air, no space.

I wander the day and I tell myself
To breath
I stumble through the barren streets
Devoid of trees.
I feel the night so long ago
Slip through my fingers
Taking with it my ease.
And while I'm waiting
For the moon to free me
I am only skating
On thin ice slowly melting
Under the sky.

Then as the sun dips
Below the mountains high..
My blood runs fast
Every breath
Again begins to last.
The darkness keeps me
In tender embrace

I breath and I feel
The slowness of the night
My thoughts bound
Leaping about
And my eyes can see
Without a doubt.
The night is my dreaming time. It inspires the desire and drive, and the thoughts that I write.
 Oct 2013 Kellin
I am the huckster of love, bibulous in love
She is my bijou, she is my billow
She is my Hob-goblin.
At dead of night she called me
I fell into oblivion
She came off with flying colors
I was impressed by her green eye
She was a pack of lies
I sailed, I sailed under her false colors
I sailed, I sailed under her false colors
These are the hows and whats of my love
Waiting to pay the debt of nature
Waiting for the call of my creator
Living to write my swan song, living to write my swan song
Expecting to write it ere long, expecting to write it ere long
I am the huckster of love, bibulous in love
She is my bijou, she is my billow
She is a hob-goblin.
Huckster of love- the man who travels around with love
Bijou- jewel
billow- grave sea
Hob goblin- Naughty fairy
Swan song- the last work of life.....
 Oct 2013 Kellin
Nick Durbin
As the light fades, and the darkness settles over my room,
My thoughts are engulfed by you –
A woman whom has encapsulated my struggled journey through this world…
She, who received my heart and simply kept it –
So, I watch as the sun sets on this day,
Flickering against the porch and the clouds above -
Fading over my horizon, and shedding light on the beginning of yours…
I reach for the fiery embers and dissolve into the sea of orange and red,
Melting into the sky, in search of your beauty –
Bursting ‘cross the shores, crawling over the ebbing tides,
Erasing shadows, meticulously illuminating each minute morsel, each delicate droplet of life –
The arrays pouring over your skin, as I soak into your golden brown complexion,
Seeping deeper and deeper, layer by layer…
Flooding your body; saturated,
I am a part of you, I am now yours -
This poem is for Jing, the woman I have met through poetry and love through delicate words...
 Oct 2013 Kellin
Seán Mac Falls
If I were to become again
Your dove, in all its tenderness,
Your star in the holding sky,
Would we never know once more
The miracle of flight, of white
lsled lands, undiscovered, burgeoning,
And green, the rainbow sparkled peaks,
The oceanic, new sights of the eye?
 Oct 2013 Kellin
oh me oh my
You told me once,
that you were afraid
of not one,
but entirely too many things.

But you said to me,
something I could relate.

You were afraid of withering old,
growing bitter at such a young age.

I drew the tiniest of white lies,
slipped through the cracks of my two crooked front teeth,
and said I agreed.

But dear,
I've become bitter,
too long ago to remember.

In the future,
I'll let you know,
make you remember back to that moment.

You were the one that made me withered and bitter.
 Oct 2013 Kellin
Alaska Young
I found a puzzle piece on the floor.
I cherished it. I spent time with it.
We biked through the streets,
and even cuddled under the sheets.

I found more puzzle pieces on the floor.
I picked them up. But I knew I had to stop.
I had a special piece, the first.
You just happened to satisfy my thirst.

These puzzle pieces I found once on the floor;
I was wrong. They were a lyrics to a song.
I set you down for a little while,
and deciphered the puzzle with a smile.

I found a lot more pieces on the floor.
Telling the story. Relieving my worry.
But there was something I did forget,
that first piece I was able to get.

The puzzle pieces joined together on the floor.
Making an image. Erasing the damage.
And when it was about to be complete,
a piece seemed to be missing, even under my feet.

My puzzle pieces lie on the floor.
Never a picture. It was nothing but a rapture.
For the piece that started it all,
was in a place where I could not crawl.
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