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It was my pleasure,
To get my heart broken by you!

I am sorry,
But tell me would you mind
If I visualize you in my dreams
Or keep you in my heart
For forever?

Walk straight through the
Shattered pieces of my
Heart and altered ego!
Ignore me, go away
Just use me and throw away.

But trust me!
When its all over
At the end
You will still find me
On your side!

Even if I don't want to
My heart will keep on
Cantillating your name
For forever!
To the girl who stole me from myself!
My blood will not be on your hands
Though I bleed because of you.
It didn't lasted
For as long as I expected it to be.

But thanks for making me believe
In love,
And giving me the experience of a lifetime
And how it feels like to be loved!
To her
What it means to be a poet??

To turn your fears into poetry,
To turn your sorrow into words,
To learn how to remember,
And to learn how to forget!
You will always stay with me,
Whether it's in the form of melody playing in my brain,
Or the poison
running through my veins!!
 Jul 2019 Devanshi Tomar
Why do we naturally close our eyes
When we kiss
It’s as if it’s a reflex built in our genetic code
Eliminate one sense
And all of the others must heighten
In order to compensate for the loss of one
So when we kiss
We want to taste the other
We want to feel the other
We want to hear the other
More deeply
More closely
Close your eyes
My dear
 Jul 2019 Devanshi Tomar
My parents first broke my heart
when I was younger,
and I have continued
to break it ever since.
Please stop hurting us.
 Jun 2019 Devanshi Tomar
late at night, i lie awake
thinking of things i should have said
all the mistakes i've made
and signs i should've read

then think about what i can't live without
you, front and center in my mind
sometimes it feels like halfway love
almost, but not quite

still, parts of you make me whole
who i am and who i need to be
i think of love letters that weren't torn up
feelings of blue and green

when i'm without you
blank page, artless innocence
i realize how dependent i've grown to you
and feel the need to create a distance

sometimes i look up at the purple sky
and wonder if you're looking too
i gaze at the colors and the beauty of it all
though its beauty would never compare to you
Ive been trying to quietn the mind
To be a little more mindful
So I can find the time
To be a little less mindless
The more you live in the moment
The moments become timeless
The more you move the more you see
Most people are lifeless
There are people everywhere
Brainwashed beyond compare
You can see it in their eyes
Within their vacant stare

There's a lot of people
Who are lost in their minds
They don't even know
If they're dead or alive
Goin about their business
In a haze of dizziness
Living for tomorrow
Thinking bout yesterday
Listening to the chatter
The story of their lives
There's a lot of people
Who're preoccupied
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