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  Sep 2014 Chrissy
The Messiah Complex
What is at the root of our societal ills?
is it religion? with it's antiquated dogma and decrees
packaged neatly in the form of a pill
militant atheists call for it's eradication, but that
*would only cure a symptom, and not the disease
This poem was inspired by long held beliefs that religion is not the disease, but merely a symptom of a greater problem; human suffering.  Also partially from the article below.

All people operate from the same two motivations: to fulfill their desires and to escape their suffering.

Learning this allowed me to finally make sense of how people can hurt each other so badly. The best explanation I had before this was that some people are just bad. What a cop-out. No matter what kind of behavior other people exhibit, they are acting in the most effective way they are capable of (at that moment) to fulfill a desire or to relieve their suffering. These are motives we can all understand; we only vary in method, and the methods each of us has at our disposal depend on our upbringing and our experiences in life, as well as our state of consciousness. Some methods are skillful and helpful to others, others are unskillful and destructive, and almost all destructive behavior is unconscious. So there is no good and evil, only smart and dumb (or wise and foolish.) Understanding this completely shook my long-held notions of morality and justice.

I encourage you to read the full article here:
  Sep 2014 Chrissy
sleep is in the
similitude of



Soul Survivor
Be careful to
say what is important to the
ones you love
  Sep 2014 Chrissy
Runaway with me into
the forest. I heard the trees
breathe out the sweetest kind
of poetries. The leaves fall
down flawlessly. Take
my hand love and run away
with me. Hold my hips and
kiss my lips and dance through
the night as the moonlight
shines down on us. I'll whisper
stories into your mouth. We
can even build ourselves a
little house. Adjust the pretty
forest leaves in my hair. Tell
me i'm made of a collection of
gorgeous human cells. While you
caress my flesh , as I strip off my
dark plum coloured dress maybe
that will help lessen our stress. Now
hold still darling and enjoy this heavenly kiss*  ~
  Sep 2014 Chrissy
Amanda J
I never meant to fall in love with you,
I would take it back if I could.
What I would give to feel nothing,
When I look into your sweet brown eyes.
To stop my heart from speeding up
When you walk into the room
To keep myself from staring
As you sleep, so close to me

We're just friends, I know
But I want to be so much more
I wish I could be all you need
But I can't even figure out what you want.
You're one of my best friends, and I love you
I wouldn't dare ruin that with my feelings
But, after over a year, you deserve to know
I'm just afraid of what you might say
"They warned me about drugs in the street, but never the ones with hazel eyes and a heartbeat."
  Aug 2014 Chrissy
The Messiah Complex
Two galaxies colliding, you and I
I felt your gravity draw me in
the moment I saw you and we kissed our hellos
My boundaries blurred by your lips

Our union may have been
an anomaly of probability  but
our pieces fell into place like
a mosaic of paradox & unspoken wishes

One day death will come and this world
fashioned from our stardust will
expand and contract, until the weight
of our love forces it to collapse

Our final kiss will give birth to
distant stars that shine in our memory and
the waves of light bouncing from your face to mine
will  become flower and soil

One blooming and the other sustaining
because nothing ever truly dies
our whole will always be greater
Than the sum of our broken hearts
Written by Billy Dixon
August 3, 2014
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