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  Oct 2019 Carmen Jane
Donall Dempsey

You wear
my kisses

in your hair

to everyone

but us

they glisten
like emotional jewelry

bloom like flowers
of desire

you wear
my kisses

in your hair

smiling secretly
to your self

as to how
they got there

& to where
the other kisses

  Oct 2019 Carmen Jane
Edmund black
I often wonder why people say love is color blind? See, I don’t think love is color blind at all. Love does not require sameness to love. No, love sees every color and every shade, uniqueness and relishes in everyone. Love seeks to understand and give freedom of expression to every brilliant color. It doesn’t demand general labels such as black, white, yellow etc. Love has perfect vision that sees , embraces and celebrates every color
In everyone and everything
See , I see color and kindly let me enlighten you

It’s Beautiful

  Oct 2019 Carmen Jane
Alex Teng
All I need ,
Is a little rain ,
A little wine ,
And a lot of you.
Making ripples in the pond
Swimming in the shallows
Swept off by the waves, into the deep sea
and back to the shore
Buoyant forces keep afloat
Hope is the float
Takes you deep, into the shallows and back to the shore
Soaring high into the skies
Float into the zero gravity door
Back to the ground
On two feet
Undying faith in self
Abstract thoughts
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