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Feb 2023 · 194
Caien Musharraf Feb 2023
Sad is the night
And moon in all her glory
That soothing light
That has no warmth in it
Not even a bit
But still I sit on this cold roof
And close my eyes to feel
To feel what ?
It has been so long
The only emotion I know is sorrow
But it feels good
At least I can still feel
Time is said to heal
So why deal with despair
When heart will itself repair

Those souls
Appear in the dark
I wanna know
How they got her

In all her glory she shines today
For her night is her day
Joyless cold night
Her dim sight
Might wanna go
Sad is her light
Filled with some sorrow
That I can't know
That I won't know

I wanna know
What her secret is
So unknown
Something hopeless
But still has a crown
A crown of light
do I see hope
Or a white rope
Something souless
Or something bold

Good bye cold light
The rain has come
Jul 2020 · 194
A Thought
Caien Musharraf Jul 2020
how beautiful are they
Each colour
represents an emotion
But blessed is the
Among them all
is the
When given with knee
on the ground
When put down
on the ground
with a moist eyes
When torn down
petal by petal
May 2020 · 156
Fish eye thoughts
Caien Musharraf May 2020
The windows to the soul were shut
Coals were burned in hearts of men
Sometime we pray to God
Sometime we curse God
Sometime we forget God
Sometime we become God
Our false beliefs of becoming the start dust lord
Pride like an octopus tentacle
Gets us down every time
Life has become like a poem with that same end rhyme
Now and then we lose to ourselves
Not "now and then" but every time
I wanted to climb the ladder of life
But that snake bites me by the time I reach ninety-nine
But you know you
whatever may happen
Surely gonna win sometime :)
May 2020 · 159
Caien Musharraf May 2020
Wicked was the lobsters
His shell like jellyfish's slime
Man with eagles wings and fox heads
Wolf eyed children with clocks in there brain
Am i not real like a leaf fallin from the tree
Popular pollen jaming the thoughts in the cortex
Willing to make peace winth soft sponge stones
Lone blood of infant on lithium like I
Why cry for good loses
Loses are more precious than victory
Pride is more expensive than clown like poverty
And we see like a clild falcon sniffing the sent of the worm our mother brought
May 2020 · 153
Was I there
Caien Musharraf May 2020
I'm a tulip on the side of that lake
That beautiful lake
That today has become blood
Thought that flood could erase me
But it is hard to become dead
Red was my color
You once say me there
Do you remember
In that sad aoura you would grieve
Not for me but for yourself
Then at a distance you would see me
And all else wouldn't matter
Then with a smile, with that smile
That  glimmer of joy and hope
Buried deep down somewhere in your heart
Will again start to flood
Then in that future when you will be joyful
I bet you'd be glad I was there
May 2020 · 153
Waking Dream
Caien Musharraf May 2020
The green tunnel
In a dream
I think, was it
Mint flavor and methamphetamine
Lurking in my thoughts
Those visions still give a rough ache
Being a passenger is a punishable offense
Dreams casting shadow over reality
From the dawn of time to its dusk line
Questions remain
Untie the folds of time
Soul still remains
And will remain
'I' and the 'infinite I'
Let soul taste the taste of death
But I will wake back in Barzakh
Till then I wait
And see paradise in my dreams
Sitting there along the stream
The Grim Reaper
May 2020 · 155
Caien Musharraf May 2020
Every where I see faith is lost
Are we free?
Even under God's own tree
Every where I see truth is tossed
I know you too are lost
I know you are
Deep down one can see that scar
You know it
Sometimes heart and mind are divorced
You feel it
Soft cool chills running down the back
You know
Have to deal with this mental plaque
You have to find that floss within you
And toss all pain out
""Every bird flies in it's own way, Eagles like Eagles and Crows like crows ""
Aug 2019 · 280
Caien Musharraf Aug 2019
Walking on a starry night
Perfect night for star tan
Golden wafer of joy scattered along
Stars make me feel bipolar
White eyed dogs
Seeking to learn forbidden magic
Two angels
Humanity made them evil
Inside Egyptian land
Humans fading into the darkness
They have to teach and preach
Till end of time
Jul 2019 · 191
Caien Musharraf Jul 2019
I was listening
To those voices
Feeling those feelings
Tearing the depression apart
I felt how it feels
To fall from those heights
Sailing those oceans
I did break your heart
Feeling empty
My soul was filthy
I didn't know heart could be so smart
I asked too many questions
Made those assumptions
That made us to part
I am afraid to say
That I am sorry
I know I broke your heart
I thought I was too smart
Till all things fell apart
Jul 2019 · 256
Aroma of thoughts
Caien Musharraf Jul 2019
I am the unknown
On a highway searching
Searching for her
Trapped in a dream
Am I
Images of her eyes
Keep flashing
Half asleep
Half awake
Everlasting pain
Jul 2019 · 913
Caien Musharraf Jul 2019
Two miles away was sun
Naked, striped down
In a sea of sweat
The fire from the sky
The demons of past
The girl in the heart
I felt free at last
The seventh paradise
That hell of  ice
Kicked in that hell
Deed of life
The boat of the time
I am gonna make it
Baking a cake
All things for God's sake
I am gonna make it
Jul 2019 · 264
Gently shook my head
Caien Musharraf Jul 2019
Thinking about it, my heart fades
Those evil spirits of smokeless fire still haunt me in my dreams
Still I find they are afraid of me
They only haunt me in my dreams not in the real world
I am important to them all
Because I am the only one they haunt but I don't react back
Now I feel they have become weak
They give me black rubies and silver diamonds in dreams
Beg me to visit an exorcist
But I always gently shook my head and move on
Some of them have fallen love with ruthless death
But they aren't even dying
Their condition is like a flower
Flower which has bloomed but is yet to form a fruit
In rainy days they become sorrowful
In rainy days they don't even look at me
Then I roam the empty dark path which has an exit on other side
From the exit light comes in
I watch it for hours
I see happy people on other side
Children, men and women of all ages
All seem to be very happy
While watching them laugh and play
I get a smile on my face
I gently start creeping to the door
But then I stop and I shook my head, gently
I turn away from that door
Then return to my sorrowful ghosts
Jul 2019 · 286
Ravens call
Caien Musharraf Jul 2019
Lurking in the dark
Listening to the song of early lark
Scary vision void of light
Can he **** the vision, he might
Coldness in the rainy breeze
Wish everything could be cleansed with water
Every rainy breeze is first warmer
And these **** spectrum lines of Balmer
With no light to be felt
No tide from the Mediterranean belt
With no stone to pelt
The Raven in his best sits
Watches him turning into oblivion
In a flash
Jul 2019 · 516
Blurry visions.
Caien Musharraf Jul 2019
Smoke filled has wings that you can't see,
Inside it are things which one can't be.
Sin eyed are those rings which made those kings,
Though lark sings, his feathers are tin dyed strings.
An aspirin down the throat but body is about to float,
On the life's offshore boat how many souls are gonna float,
I don't wear this high collar coat to stay in the rain and see a lightning bolt.
Those graveyards I visit, strange graves say please sit,
I didn't eat a bit or took a bite after I say that ****** site.
That fight between the thoughts of same brain,
It gave me some sort of migraine.
Does hope has to refrain it must be high on *******.
No lithium in my blood I think I might make a mistake,
As long as people believe in Noah and the flood,
There is gonna be more blood.
Fate has burned me on top of a tesla coil, wrapped inside a tin foil,
And you tell me why does my blood boil.
My hope is no longer a seed spilt on soil.
Jul 2019 · 659
Substance Symphony
Caien Musharraf Jul 2019
THC all in my blood.
Red eyes, pale lips, tears are about to flood,
Red as western red-bud, from the Hyades mud.
Beblood the white flower bud,
Does Beelzebub has a crud.
Like a parasite leashed on to me,
Photoelectric effect it has to be.
Dark rain fell onto me.,
Lark forgot his song,do you see.
Ghosts of the past disturb us all,
They don't stop until we fall.
And I forget to have a conversation with me,
How can I have a chat with thee?
You see, I have a plea,
I don't want the world to **** my blood like a flea.
This past, even God can't change,
Why worry about it, it's so strange.
Even I can't find a function's range,
I think I have to get Dr. strange.
Melatonin send me to sleep,
I don't wanna wake up with that morning bleep.
At photoelectric effect demons of past did wake
Is all my poetry fake?
Like a symbiotic leashed on to me.

— The End —