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Aug 2017 · 460
Come to life
Brother Jimmy Aug 2017
Now my mind is awake...

My body will presently follow

So one more moment  I will take

And in the dark I will not wallow

There seems to a mind such as mine

To be a sort of shift to make

So I will wallow in the divine

And rise for heaven's sake
Aug 2017 · 235
Conscious of this moment
Brother Jimmy Aug 2017
Today is a birthday
The earth still spins
This moment is over
Soon as it begins

Such blessings you've spoken,
My head you anoint,
And it took our whole lives
To arrive at this point

We've wanderlust, so...
We'd better get packing
Or figure out what,
In this moment, is lacking

Today is a death day
The earth still spins
This moment is over
Soon as it begins
Aug 2017 · 227
Brother Jimmy Aug 2017
The branching connections are vast
All pervasive
Connecting me to you
Interconnecting all beings

We are all here made of the same stuff
The stuff of stars

Your ancestors,
Your progeny,

Your friend,
And enemy,

Aug 2017 · 169
On Being
Brother Jimmy Aug 2017
The fact
That we exist at all
Is mind blowing!

What is this unlikely experience we creatures of earth are having?

Consciousness  is  miraculous.

  The seeming unlikeliness of something
Obviously doesn't eliminate the truth of it

Open your eyes and imbibe!
Look where we are!  Observe that we are!

We are here!

On the outer edge of the milky way
In conditions perfectly balanced
To support our continued existence

What striking synchronicities!
Aug 2017 · 199
On Drugs
Brother Jimmy Aug 2017
Come and renew us
Pour out the new us
Lessen our pain
Soap in our beer
Doesn't faze us
Purple haze us
Over and again
Take away our silly lack
Sure it seems to bring some knack
How it seems so, but in reality
Real malady
Only takes hold
Over the bold
Markings that my essence
Scribbled in your presence
Aug 2017 · 159
On Fire
Brother Jimmy Aug 2017
Far too furiously
I see the flames engulfing
Rivers of fuel
Entering the hallway...

Vividly lighting the ceiling
I note that that's where it dwells
Scorching it's way past light fixtures and crown molding
It flows and glows brightly
Over our heads
Never ceasing
Aug 2017 · 181
Brother Jimmy Aug 2017
The world is in chaos
Rationality is dead

My role-models are ******
And I'm stuck in my head

The dread! The dread!
It ***** at my legs

It's muck and mire
Here in the dregs
From a farther
            vantage point~
It is  ...comical

                  Your heads,
Adorn your beds
Eat your breads (full of gluten)

Stick your boot in
To the mud
And laugh aloud
Be proud

Of all your minuscule kingdoms
Aug 2017 · 264
How Do We Let Go?
Brother Jimmy Aug 2017
I just don't know what to make of it
Give it all to Him, you said
I think I need some time away
You both seem so different than in the old days

We're apart when we're together
The tensions grow and shrink,
N always wanting me to stay,
Yet spending our whole time on links

I don't know what to make of it
It's the isolation amidst the masses
The loneliness when we aren't alone
Pushing me toward the brink

How am I supposed to deal with it all?
Give it all to Him?

How is that done, exactly?





...And the fear...
...And the hate...

It is hard
Here in this incredibly strange place
With no access to you
Save the memory of your face

Alive and awake here
In my own skin
The pain is too difficult
And so I fall again

But now taking inventory
Observing my own thoughts
And noting without judgment
The actions and the oughts

I'm tangled and impeded
In circumstance, it seems
Perhaps I'll learn to let go...

Please visit me in dreams
Aug 2017 · 573
Changed Faces
Brother Jimmy Aug 2017
Go unmasked boldly

Out into the daylight realm

With your wildly changed faces

You will surely overwhelm
Aug 2017 · 226
Brother Jimmy Aug 2017
I don't know what it is I should do
And I don't know what I should say
I'm not equipped to deal with this ****
Your life (all lives) slipping away

I wish there existed a way
To just ...pull you right back down
For another year, and another day
Wish that we could keep you around
I'm not ready, not at all
I can't deal with the wages of the fall
I thought you were going to rally and
Stay and hold your firstborn's hand ...


I was glad to be your son

(Just don't ever tell anyone)
Aug 2017 · 257
too much suicide
Brother Jimmy Aug 2017
"Too suicidy?", she asked,
(as if there were gradations)

The cosmic existential choice
Will cross my mind quite often,

But mostly when I'm overwhelmed
By those slings and arrows Hamlet mentions

Though fortune is sometimes with me and sometimes against me,
It is outrageous, ...always.

The temptation presupposes a never ending rest...

And whether or not "rest" is an accurate description of death,

It amounts to a self-perception of laziness...

and so I would not base the choice to continue existing

On whether or not 'tis noble but on whether or not it's ideal.

And if I consider the specifics and various methods ...and especially the fallout...
It is less than ideal.

Plus all the birds and spiders
Would miss their bard.
Aug 2017 · 133
Song of Not Knowing
Brother Jimmy Aug 2017
...And you don't know
   Just where you want to be
   And you don't care
   It's a side show
   Will you learn to haul them in
   With your fresh snare

When you are down
You got to get up
You got to go show
You'll survive
Another day's gone
Another night too
Oh my, good for you
You're alive

The gold floating down
And your casting-crown
And fillings that
magically turned
What good are they now
They've changed you, but how?
What change did it make
When you burned?

   No you don't know
   Just where you want to be
   And you don't care
   Well it seems tricks
   Aren't good enough for me
   So the sheep stare
Jul 2017 · 149
Just numbing a sixth sense
Brother Jimmy Jul 2017
It's more akin to touch than to sight ...or sound

A focused vibration
                           felt within my bones

My eyes can't spot it
My ears don't detect even the smallest whisper when it begins

And at its crescendo, I'm buzzing and sharp

And aloud, I say, "Yes LORD?  Your servant is here!"

And then it subsides
And it's no longer clear

Did I feel that?
Was it real?

I doubt it;

I feel...

That even if angels came down to my street
And lifted me up - right off of my feet

And for minutes, held me airborne
Two yards off the ground!
I'm certain, the moment that I was brought down...

I would doubt my own senses
That's why I can't be
The chosen, the faithful,
Who's allowed to see

Prone to scoff at the stories
Of loved ones who'd swear
There is something much bigger than ourselves out there

Prone to wander and wallow
Prone to spit, not to swallow
The stories of old
As I stray from the fold
"Prone to wander, Lord I feel it,
Prone to leave the God I love
Here's my heart, O take and seal it,
Seal it for Thy courts above."

Jul 2017 · 146
God is love
Brother Jimmy Jul 2017
In agony, trying to know,

I stumble in darkness searching for love,

To find which ways land me below,

And which path will lead me above
Brother Jimmy Jul 2017
We stumble up
And up we go
Up this mountain
Iced with snow

We scan the scene
Seek the guru
The learned being
To join the crew

To face our demons
And our fears
Fulfill our dreams
Of purposeful years

Step over threshold
With vacant stare
As we discover
Nobody there

Oh what a scare
Oh what despair
To really think
There's nothing there!

Or maybe we
Just have it wrong
It's not in notes
It's in the song

What makes the soul begin to glisten?
Perhaps another way to listen?
Jul 2017 · 249
The Lake is Rising
Brother Jimmy Jul 2017
Oh what a day and night I've had
With twists and turns galore
My blisters burn,
And sure, I'm sore,
From walking where the shore...
Had been before.

The water level's rising
And all the advertising says
It's controlled and this was planned
...For the shore to take the land?
No more walks on the sand

"No Swimming" signs now pollute the scene
And the swell, it looks a brownish green

The old blue's a hundred yards out!
...Why, if I had any clout...
I'd tell the string-pullers to straighten up
And keep the waters from filling this cup
Eroding away the lakefront lawns
From folks that dine on perch and prawns
And dandelion greens and wine
And now they'll have no funds to dine

Way on high the adjusters sit
Deciding where to close the gap
Don't give me that conservation ****
And this tax season you'll get the crap
Kicked out of you
It's sad but true
Someone was chided
And it was decided
And now there's nothing that you can do
But bite your nails and be part of the stew
Southern shore of Lake Ontario
Jul 2017 · 421
Drunkly Stumbling
Brother Jimmy Jul 2017
Where to begin?
With a spin! With a sin!
But you've spilt all your wine
Down your chinny-chin-chin...

The neighbors are talking
Though I hate to relay
The concern that they show
For it drains fun away

You're just having fun
So you say, so you say
The spinning helps get you
Up, up and away

Your advances are tainted
By slur and by sway
You stumble and fumble
What an awkward display

Ah, now I sound judgy
My teeth grin and gnash
And I know I've grown pudgy
From all of the hash

But my tells are subtle
Not in people's face
You're stuck in a puddle
You'll fall on your face

I want to repair it;
We want to be free;
We'll **** and impair it,
...Him, you, and me.
Jul 2017 · 238
Children of a certain age
Brother Jimmy Jul 2017
Oh the screamers are screaming
And clawing and mooning
They soon will be dreaming
They're crammed in and spooning
If it weren't for my many interventions tonight
Surely, they would have, committed a crime
One, or more, would be out of the fight
Down to the mat for the very last time
But now, I'm chaperone;
As mediator; as bodyguard,
They unite against me here alone
In this bedroom prison yard
Jun 2017 · 448
Safe travels
Brother Jimmy Jun 2017
It is the eve of your leaving
I cast about for tasks
To occupy my mind
I emote very little
Not wanting to seem anxious
Or blue

I trust you will take care of yourself...

And your companions

Know your limits.

Be ever so careful
Watch out for danger

Look lively and remember us
The Edge is no stranger
But tread lightly

That sadness won't be quelled
With reckless abandon

Here I am again going on
And on.

I will be thinking of you
Awaiting your return
In one piece
Jun 2017 · 479
Epitaph Ideation
Brother Jimmy Jun 2017
Epitaph i

He loved
He tried
He lived
He cried
He fought
His head
He rests
He's dead

Epitaph ii

Here lies Haschi-moto
His eyes are clouded over
His blood is thick as pudding
So let him feed the clover

Epitaph iii

When life is at its end
You'll end up here, my friend

Beneath the earthen quilt
A dearth of fear and guilt

Epitaph iv

Life was very hard
But now I have some rest
Asleep here in this lovely yard
With no drum beating in my chest

So peaceful is this time
In bed, beneath the ground
I'll rest-up with no cares
'Til Christ returns with trumpet sound

Epitaph v

Here lies the tired vessel
Drained entirely of its hustle
Here's hoping he won't wrestle
With fire, sulphur,
shredded muscle

He praised his silent God above
For all that He did give
For teaching him to cope and love
And the blessed life he got to live
Jun 2017 · 331
To One who Is
Brother Jimmy Jun 2017
One who is...

When I grow young
Sitting at your feet


I will
Forever after
Feel like I'm complete


You will
With joy and laughter
Gather all the souls


We will
Completely understand
For whom the bell tolls
Jun 2017 · 286
Brother Jimmy Jun 2017
The house is empty
Except for your ghost
Lumbering past
Legos and Lincoln Logs

Vacant expression
Weary eyes
Licking your lips you lie down

And the only weather
Which would soothe
Would be a rain
                        of frogs
May 2017 · 290
Lee's Great Joy
Brother Jimmy May 2017
Don’t be complacent
Do what you know will open you
Do what you know will melt you
Do what you know will renew you, and those around you

The way exists.
The way is open.

Overcome sin

Not that You Must it's compulsory

It’s not Thou Shalt overcome sin…like some sort of guarantee

But Thou Mayest

It is possible!

**The way exists!
The way is open.
May 2017 · 304
Questions to Self
Brother Jimmy May 2017
And who are you
To be reading these words,
Not knowing their meaning
Or consequence?

Delving into these hopes and those fears...
With your mind's eye,
And your mind's ears,
So voyeuristic, your mind still adheres,
To "those precepts", ...making you tense.
...Why do you sit on the fence?


I know who you are,
And what you come for,
Why do you just sit there?
Panic attacks?

It's okay - come in and sit a spell,
And we'll talk of heaven ,
And laugh at hell,
(Or we may tell you lies,
Since they are ours to tell)

So take a load off and relax
May 2017 · 229
Brother Jimmy May 2017

At lunch with Mr. morality-now...
Enter Tommy
The bureaucrat
With much aplomb
He'll chew the fat

He will tell you
What it takes
To make the partner-
ships he makes

And how to play
The politics game
And deal with those
Who smear your name

You need to know
Exactly what
That pain-in-your-****

Find out what
They care about
And use some leverage
To beat the lout

Apply some pressure
And you'll find
They'll change their ways
Or lose their mind

Oh, while you're
At it, pray for all
To hear the savior's
Beckon call

That's what Jesus
Of course would do
It's worked for me
It'll work for you

These apparently
Discordant tips
Call into question
All your quips
And how
May 2017 · 221
The clock's going to chime
Brother Jimmy May 2017
The restless soul
                             heaves a low heavy moan

Of loneliness
                                     when we’re not alone

We all have inner
                                              sadness at times

Enjoy this brief visit
                                   before the clock chimes

Enjoy yourself, its later than you think...
May 2017 · 164
Brother Jimmy May 2017
I need to write a brand new poem
Of hope and strength,
Of pride

I’m fettered, chained, shackled, bound,
The old trope, at length,


The scaly skin is thus removed
By claws that gently peel
The rind

“It all comes”, the student said,
“Of slumbering in caves,
I find”
May 2017 · 184
Brother Jimmy May 2017
Tiddlywinks and rabbits
Hares and hinkey habits
     Elicits élan
          When ev'rything's comin' 'round

Invisible personal savior
Pondering human behavior...
Maybe increase
     Willpower in these
          Organic inventions
               You've made from the ground?
May 2017 · 257
The Slogging
Brother Jimmy May 2017
In Rochester, on East Avenue,
A greyish soul treks off to work,
Throws back the coffee handily,
Sleepily pays the sales clerk-

His gaze is now transfixed by a tree
Colorful and flowering
Wishes he could stay outside
Alas, the tasks are towering…

He checks and sets the openness
Of his eyes in his image in the glass,
So as not
     to make it seem
          he’s as gone
               as he is;
Stumbles past the guard, plops down on his ***,

Planted thus, in front of his monitor,
In a cubicle, first floor, across from the lab,
Curses his fate for landing him here,
In this windowless slogging, dark and drab.
May 2017 · 359
Brother Jimmy May 2017
And when the end of days arrives
And we are queued and cattling
Oh we can praise the Lord for death
For then ends all the prattling

The soreness stiffly settles in
So sit and stew and ponder thus
If there were anything to sin
Why would we wait here for this bus?

The scale is so at odds with us
Morphing, shrinking, chasm-crack,
The only way is on the bus
The driver, bless him, takes us back

My thesis is almost complete
I stayed up late to edit it
So would you read it in your seat?
It may be crap but could it fit?

Within the mediocrity
The realm in which we write
So early in the hour of tea
Or later in the nerves of night?
May 2017 · 263
Tri-iambic Trip
Brother Jimmy May 2017
If you could stop this plight
Could plot a place for pep
Could turn the day to night
Transport me through a trip
Repairing ripped remains
Requiring rest and rains
Your vigor vim and zip
Voracious vrooming stains
Beholding what beheld
When it was still intact
The weight is with me still
The cloud and cataract
The vision that now dulls
And daily duty culls
New meaning from the old
Severe, the mercy sold
May 2017 · 1.2k
Just Be Open
Brother Jimmy May 2017
Someone slams your precious art
Remain Open
Callously pokes and prods your heart
Remain Open
The world wants you to close the door
Remain Open
Wants you curled up on the floor
*Remain Open
May 2017 · 322
Brother Jimmy May 2017
The old dog shudders for a moment
Then completes his drawn out breath
Then the shudder returns again
Soon he will meet his death

It grieves me so that I cannot fix you
So much tragedy has clung to us of late
But you won't imbibe hardly a bite
And it doesn't bode well for your fate

I know that time will take us all
But I'm not ready to let you go
Here want a steak? Want this ball?
Why do you lie there breathing slow?

Get up old man and gnaw this bone
You can have whatever you desire
One more walk and one more bath
One more lie-down by the fire

You were so loyal lonesome friend
So soft and kind and warm and true
And I do not like to face the end
Especially this, the end of you
Apr 2017 · 289
For Tuck
Brother Jimmy Apr 2017
The ripples on the water
Interfering on the surface and
Casting shadows down below
Patterns dancing on the dark sand

A chocolate lab yelps his glee
Paddling toward the driftwood
He doesn't understand the fetch game, see...
But he sees that running's good

He excitedly romps with his sister, the yellow,
As he drops his stick,
And she grabs it
...From where he left it on the sand
Delivering it quickly to their owner's hand

Swans survey and skirt the scene
Staying just out of reach
Teasing these canine swimmers

And the surface, as it shimmers,
Flashing sun into these eyes
Triggers a series of sneezes

And the breeze is cool
And the day is hot

And I think of you there
A lot

My dog, Tucker is not doing well.

Please stay with us a bit longer, Tuck.
Apr 2017 · 251
This is the day
Brother Jimmy Apr 2017
This is the time
This is the place
Wash off the grime
That covers your face
Step toward the goal
One step at a time
Each step takes its toll
Yet moves toward sublime

This is the day
As they say, as they say,
He has made, so be bold!
So be bold!

So hitch up your stockings
And follow the fold
Ignore all the mockings
And jeers from the throng
For you'll be with Jesus
Death comes 'ere long
And death is what frees us
Is that what He said?
Not really, re-read it...
(At least what's in red)

He spoke of the kingdom
Here on earth as in heaven
And how the yeast of religious ones
All pervasive like leaven

He never said focus on the end,
That wasn't the crux of his story,
Wait for heaven, wait for heaven,
Your time
Up in glory...

The story
Doesn't go that way
So depart from the fray
Seize the day, seize THIS day
Be present and realize the kingdom is here,
The kingdom is now,
Get up and get clear
With some sweat on your brow
This is the day that the LORD has made
Carpe, carpe, carpe this diem
Forget heaven-plans that you made
And soon, I think you'll see Him
Apr 2017 · 301
Brother Jimmy Apr 2017
Small thrush in the understory,
Speckled neck resembling the spray of notes,
Of your calliope song in all its glory,
Resplendent music, the art of throats
Apr 2017 · 230
mysterious whispers
Brother Jimmy Apr 2017
ethereal vibration
tickles the ear
raises the hackles
acutely aware
of the organic
panicky call
whispers the name
of someone so small
the surge of fear
the slowing of time
alone in the house
for the very first time
Apr 2017 · 275
Trading Post and Moon
Brother Jimmy Apr 2017
Comes the fiddling fiend
Comes the lascivious lingerer
Steals away, the sneak, to the bend in the creek
And lies with A lovely light

From the beckoning field
Where the battles were waged, we trade,
Furs and beads will fill their needs
And keep the moon up tonight

And illumine well the fight
Apr 2017 · 224
Weird dreams
Brother Jimmy Apr 2017
Off to sleep I drift
To the land of nudes and spaceships
Same place that I've found myself in countless times before

Same but somehow different
    Funny how in dreams
    The setting always seems
    To be distortions of real places
    Here are my people, but with different faces
Warped and bent, strange incident
Brother Jimmy Apr 2017
We're here, at "tomorrow",
Brother, my brother,
Oh sorrow, oh sorrow,
One orthodoxy for another...

When it comes to worry,
You need a reprieve,
And maybe, just maybe
A place to grieve?

Much like you
I didn’t know him
I didn’t show him
How I feel...

But to him, truth
Was absolute,
And his force of will
Was resolute.

The intercessor,
Heaven bless her,
Keep her, sweep her,
I am lesser.

Do I think there’s more?  
Well, just a smidgen…
Avoiding confrontation
THAT’S my religion

Not sure I can say it smooth
Prove true or false? It can't be done.
Inviting bridge or gun, forsooth,
And hence the proof becomes less fun

We need comfort, health, and grace,
We need to wake and clean our space,
We need healing, let's not delay,
A fresh reminder that we're okay
Let's talk more, m'kay?
Apr 2017 · 214
Lost Call
Brother Jimmy Apr 2017
I await your return and long for your embrace so
Have you received the messages I’ve sent you?
I was conversing with you only moments ago,
But still I cannot reach you.
     Are tests what you teach to?

Come to us, please, come on down,
See the pain and anguish in so many faces
Remember the last time you visited this town?
On the ceilings there are still  some scorched & faded traces
     Of the fire, once extant in these windblown faces
Brother Jimmy Mar 2017
This mask is weighing heavy on my shoulders
(And a witch doctor's countenance does anything but soothe)
I, alone, watch over the tribe
I, alone, teach them truth

Instilling the proper methods in my small clan
But... as soon as I bring them to tears,
I'll try to give them some respite
I do what I can to quell their fears

I'll peak out
From behind my mask
And wink and smile
And sip from my flask

I've done it again
I'll send them all forth
These mighty men

And dance and cavort
Around my fire
With a shout and a snort
I'll lift them higher

Than they could have ever lifted themselves
And when we reach the day's demise
I'll place my garb upon my shelves
And lift my countenance to the skies

And feel the satisfaction
Of the Favor of the Power
And gaze with benefaction
At my people, from this tower

Mar 2017 · 154
Brother Jimmy Mar 2017
Gingerly walking on the ceiling
This place is wrong-way-round
And I can't help this feeling
That my logic isn't sound
The older I get, the less I know,
My perceptions,
Feb 2017 · 348
A Valentine for Diane
Brother Jimmy Feb 2017
Studiously learning what’s in the Mazatlán,
They caught each other’s eye as she sat in a corner booth,
The gleam he saw aglow there, he began to dwell upon,
The radiance of her countenance was akin to light and truth

He joked and mugged and walked a wire,
She gestured, and, the flames grew higher,
She told him of her man betrothed,
He shuddered but appeared unmoved.

But growing way down, deep inside him,
There welled a thirst, so powerfully pure,
He tried to bury it, to push it down,
But drawing him, pulling him, her enticing allure,

They stood calf-deep near Ontario’s shore
The moon smiled down and charged their glow
She’d lower her eyes and his heart would soar
That moon knew things that she didn’t know

For he whispered to the moon his heart’s desire
That this fair maiden would one day be his,
And the mother of the fates was summoned by wire
And soon, on the island, it was sealed with a kiss!

And she changed her destiny and his heart leapt for joy!
She could not have known how happy she made him;
There were fireworks and magic for that unseasoned boy
He was glad his thirsty thoughts had betrayed him

Fast forward five years, to a kneeler on the altar
A bond was forged there - which never will falter
And darling new creatures now fill their book
And he is even more smitten than at that first look
Feb 2017 · 708
Brother Jimmy Feb 2017
A man left a so-called "good career" to follow his heart, to pursue work that he thought would be fulfilling...
And he bled-out into his art.
The old self, and fear, he set to killing.
Although he was paid far less,
And his finances became a mess...
But a hint of a smile emerged all on its own sometimes
He spent his days with pen in hand and verses in his mind...

The kingdom of heaven is like this:
A sower sowed some seeds,
But the ground looked too rocky,
And the ground appeared too thorny,
But the sower sowed there anyway

And the worries of the world and the lack of rootedness tried to choke out the green growth
But this life is not yet extinguished,
And there's a crack in the pavement through which the narrow chutes are peeking,
And the green apogees are pointing toward the sun.

He who has ears, let him hear.
Brother Jimmy Jan 2017
Canavero  says he can
Make of me a better man
It only will require, he said,
Smooth transposition of my head

Although success has not yet been
For those they've chopped beneath the chin
Yet in Japan it seems that that's
Not the case for a study with rats

And Doctor Canavero thinks,
That after I've met with my shrinks,
And signed the legal paper mess
My transplant'll be a big success

My head and neck?
Or just my head?
It'll be a cool trick
...If I'm not dead

Will I have a different voice?
Or will my larynx here be kept
Intact as skull is ferried forth
To donor body, where there slept...

A suicide victim in his prime
No damage done below the neck,
That pliant supple platform, I'm
Soon to inhabit...we have the tech!

For thirty some years I have been trapped
In this nonfunctional wreched form
And now a doctor, young and apt
Will attempt to weather the media storm

And try with all his godlike might
At giving me a second chance
And he believes that after the fight,
And long recovery, I'll jump and dance!

And if the plan fails miserably
And I just never ever wake
We still will have made history
I'll finally buy the farm and slake

The thirst I've had - to end it all
And leave this cursed,wretched plane
And nevermore will I forestall
For never shall I wake again!

If you don't know the reference, google the names.
Jan 2017 · 419
breaking measure
Brother Jimmy Jan 2017

This sword has slashed and slain good folk
And hot coals have caressed
And with this instrument, have I lain
My soul to bear; my core to rest...
It’s sure to harm and falter
With fricative formations always ready
Even near the altar
My muscles tensed, my thoughts unsteady
But this sword can also heal
Can soothe like salve a haggard heart
So I will climb and I will kneel
And try once more to hone my art
Jan 2017 · 316
Show Yourself!
Brother Jimmy Jan 2017
I feel you watching me
I know you're right there
Just out of view, hiding
Why not just appear?
I look for your ghost
Each turn that I take
Materialize please
For heaven's sake
What are we in for?
Give us a clue!

But you wouldn't if you could
That's exactly like you
Naw, you've gone to heaven, for you it's begun
Or rest till the last day,
and THEN we'll have fun.

... just saying, if you are still near,
Come give me a whisper right here in my ear

Then on with you to the light if that is the way

But maybe leave me a note ?? case I pass the same way?

On MY final journey,
I dare not get lost.
I need the real stuff-
Even counting the cost
So ready the tree and the nails for me
Or put in a good word
Cause I want to see
The center
Of joy

Just hope
That I can
Weather the storm
Jan 2017 · 391
It is finished.
Brother Jimmy Jan 2017
And now begins
The guideless era
As my guide has departed Terra,
Gone, but surely not forgotten,
He's left...
His form is pale and rotten.
Slack jaw
Reveals the row of teeth
     A row above
          A row beneath
I perceive slight movement in his chest,
But a touch confirms
He's now at rest
His nostrils drawn
His ankles crossed
His hand is limp
And now the cost of sinful man paid in full for this fond friend,
There's no remaining time to spend
At leisure in his kingly presence,
But he's left behind his essence,
And from him we all have gained
A starting wisdom, we were trained
To laugh and cry and live and pray,
To seek truth,
                  to love,
                            and point the way.

Now to Him who is abundantly able,
Receive this servant at your table
Dress him in your softest gowns,
Kingly colors, shining crowns,
With a smile upon his face,
Doused with your amazing grace!
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