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Brother Jimmy Dec 2015
Intoxicated laughter, sober rage
Both are made within this cage

Silent prayer and crippling fear
Are always present when you're near

The end of this short time with breath
Mysterious, this launch toward death


                            The LORD will ******
                                                          ­ Every
                                                           ­   One

                                             It seems to be
                                                      How HE
                                                       Has fun


     See now I am completely clean
         And notice how
             these thoughts

                          •••  ---  •••

Let's cling to hope
It's all we've got
We hope it isn't
All for naught

Let's cling to the hope
That God has planned
An amazing banquet
A rockin' band

A natural high
So real so true
In our new bodies
You, you, and you

ALL are invited
And ALL will arrive
LOVE will win
We needn't strive

Just open up
Your weary eyes
And know that here
Around you lies

A magic love
Hidden from view
And waiting patiently
For you

God delights in fulfilling
Every prayer detected
But never...ever
In the ways expected

So "nearer my God to thee"
I'll sing as I go down
And oh so happy will I be
As I transform and leave this town
Brother Jimmy Dec 2015
Driving on
Where'd I go wrong
In the creases

When did I
Decide to die
In pieces

Self sacrifice
To pay a price is ******
And zephyr blows but I have never heard her

...Too ...far
Down a road I shouldn't have taken
I live for vacation
I take one everyday

Driving on
Where'd I go wrong
In the creases

When did I
Decide to die
In pieces

can take you crazy places
When you don't know
the folks behind your faces...
Can help you force
yourself into tight places

Watch your pace, yes,
It can ***** you too
So sad so blue
Oh what to do
Oh what to do

Come alive
Come alive
And drive
Brother Jimmy Dec 2015
A blessing on you
I place with my heart
A covering
A blanket,
First an invocation to start:

May the One who is cause,
  who is start, who is first,
    feed you, your soul,
      and quench every thirst

May the God of all raise you by the scruff of your neck
And shake you and form you and snap you right back
To the place that you were when you went to the water
To the pond with our father,
-or when you learned from his daughter

I pray for you often, though I've been out of that habit,
I am trying to find it and if I spot it I'll grab it
But until I learn soul
And until I am wise
I will promise I'll look
At you with fair eyes

Please know little brother
I love you no matter,
And want you to sit with me up the rope ladder
I've never had words for you that you could follow
We've had joys and sorrow, some times hard to swallow
But no matter what I want you around,
And you and I both shall be wrapped in the Sound
For my brother, amidst the turmoil
Brother Jimmy Dec 2015
Got to get
Outta' here
Jump the fence, we're
In the clear
Where do we
Go, my dear
Now that we're away?

To the spot
In the park
Where we burned hot
After dark
Got a blanket
And a spark
Drink to this fine day!

Acoustic bass
Crisp guitar
Beers and hacks
Worries far
Until we spot
A police car
And scatter like the leaves

No one's caught!
Such pleasantries
Those times they brought
Such memories
Sweet and hot
Beneath the trees
And we are thick as thieves
Hiding 'neath the eaves
Brother Jimmy Dec 2015
Away he galloped
The gallant savant
Over hill and dale

The sun shone
On his anointed head
And flashed on his mail

With sword in hand
(The sword he'd got
From the Lady of the Lake)

He skewered through
(And sauced it too)
A tender, juicy steak
Apologies to my vegan brothers and sisters...
...but Worcester sauce is some good sh@t!!
Sautée some green veggies with a little Worcester, white pepper, and onion and your mouth will be happy.
I must be hungry.
Brother Jimmy Dec 2015
I wake
    A thirst
        A terrible thirst
            Rouses me from dreamless sleep
                So down to the kitchen
                    To douse and slake
                         With book in hand...
    A hero?
        This King of golden,
            Olden tales
                More like David
                    Than I previously knew!
A boatload of infants
    Four weeks old and unattended
        Born around May Day
            And a good man's wife
                Plays wet nurse
                    to King Aurthur's undoing
Elsewhere on my bookshelf,
    Apollo strips
        Marsyas of his outer finery
            After winning the battle
                ...Of the bands
Flayings a-plenty on canvases  
    In my image search results
      ...With "happy little trees"
            And the Faun
                 Skinned to his knees

Soothing voice of Bob Ross plays
    on loop in my head

Some of the only peace that has come
    Of late


The sky is darkened, the sun is hiding
    his face in skies over 'round the
        eastern edge...and the moon is
            refusing to shine her light.


I open my throat and try to
           To YOU
And back toward my bedroom I climb
Late night readings and ramblings
Brother Jimmy Dec 2015
Last night, we buried her body
Down at the bottom of the hill

The moonless night was crisp and cold
    The slip of foot and blanket fold
        We very nearly lost our hold
     I caught a nasty chill

From seven till nearly half past eleven
We dug a hole and buried Lil.

This was no common dog
This wonder, understand

Was gentle beyond words and could
    Do any trick you want, for food,
        She'd even say "hello", she would!
     She'd weave or sit or stand

So somehow
we believe
she would never leave

But she had to go...she had to go's not
what we had planned

But Lily,
darling dear,
we understand.

I miss her
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