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 Jun 2018 Bobcat
Mike Hauser
When people ask me
Why poetry
Why not pick a paying profession

Take hold this truth
That I'm laying on you
In which there is a valuable lesson

If you do what you like
You're going to find
Life holds treasure in wonder

Instead of the dough
Taking you out in its tow
And then pulling you under

When you're doing things
Think more the gifts they bring
And not money to be made

When people ask me
Why poetry
Do I really need to say
 Feb 2018 Bobcat
Agony surpases reality as the binds constrict. Endless visions dancing, teasing and mocking the weary soul. Sweat soaked body flailing back and forth. Each night and every minute worse than the one before. The open window seems to provide a message as the wind whistles thru the pines. Singing a song, slicing the night with words not meant to be heard. As they sway with each enchanting gust they bring a tear to the broken heart. Devils tongue, gut wrenching visions, sharpened claws tell a tale. Scouring to the right, scampering to the left no chance of escape. Pinned to the fresh earth, feet and hands bound tight. Sweat adhering the binds, compressed tightly. A prayer to God and hopes for a shining knight. Yet the devils blanket draws and annihilates the breaths from the body. Lights grow dim and breaths slow, maybe tonight all the prayers will be. Maybe tonight I wil go?
 Feb 2018 Bobcat
 Feb 2018 Bobcat
Oh the deafened eyes have not seen the blood ravaged moans. The limbs swaying to the beat of the devils band. Purple stains strewn about. The company of misery brings many. No peace tonight. So far away is the mornings light. The sad sickness of love torments the mind and enthralls the heart. Empty arms stretch across the night. Visions of the new love ravage the broken dreams. Why? Why must love be so cruel? How? How could you leave me to die? Promises of survival are met with a proof of death. Though the heart may beat, dead roses upon the floor show the light. Oh the dreams that painted the heavens, and the desires that paved the path. Tonight may pass, but tomorrow and tomorrows tomorrow will bring an end. As the rivers turn red and silence captures the heart, and the gentle breeze stops, silence! Listen! For the soul screams for those that will listen as it departs.
 Feb 2018 Bobcat
 Feb 2018 Bobcat
Foraging the forest of love
Ravaging the hearts of men
Anhialation falls upon the weak
Neglect not the shield
Crushing is the evil will
Eroticism is lure to the heart
*** shall break thy spirit

Games upon games arrive
Articulation lost in the sirens song
Madness meets mania as loves prey
Molesting the soul and devouring dreams
Omnipotence becomes the path
No more need to pray
She is the end…….
The poem seems to be the emphasis. However, take the time to assemble the first letter of each stanza and will learn the pain of my poetry. As someone said the other night. **** a poet off and you will be eternalized in a very bad way. I would like to thank her though for I soon will publish my first poetry book and I habe started my first of a series of books about love, pain, and suicide.
 Feb 2018 Bobcat
 Feb 2018 Bobcat
Ravenous tranquility of the clay lips
Moistened by the bloods tiny sips
Fangs pierce deep into mortal wound
The bride's hatred hidden and perfumed

Motherly wings wrap the gentle soul
Feast filled at Satan's empty bowl
Squandered hopes paralyze with fear
Vanquished all but the final tear.

Darkness lights the path to hell
Loneliness is the only place to dwell
Round and round the light spins
Night flooded with her ghastly sins

Ravaged arms punish loves demise
Blood pours from the stricken eyes
Gentle lamb and a wooden cross
World's tumble with such a loss

Screams and pleas from bruised knee
Through open window they failed to see
Every thing was perfectly said
Lonely and tortured in the lions bed

**** the night and curse the day
As soaked line begins to fray
Flickering candle gasps for air
Wavering prayer reaches great despair

Clawing open the blackened wings
Satan and his angel sings
Glory to the fallen child
As love becomes delicately mild

Pierced navel and broken jaw
Back and forth sharpened saw
Final pleas for loving arm
As no one meant any harm

Darkness covers the day
As he chose not to stay
On top of blood soaked ground
Place a heavenly mound

Tears upon tears upon the sheets
Rhythm no longer gathers beat
In loneliness love lies still
She failed to pay Satan's bill
A month and a half left in this world. Little to do except to explain the pain that the world inflicts
 Feb 2018 Bobcat
Difficult enough for us not to want this
Strong enough for us to keep holding on -
 Feb 2018 Bobcat
 Feb 2018 Bobcat
Shall there be the day
The heart will no longer stay
Will the arms to heaven high
Reach after the gentle sigh

Will death befall passionate love
As war removes the white glove
Will blood spill upon the ground
As the knee bends on the mound

Long after the blood is shed
Love will rear it's ugly head
No matter the cost to the heart
Love will remain a lonely part

Other hands upon the  tangled web
As the flow removes the final ebb
Nothing but dismal visions remain
As time has invoked lasting pain
 Feb 2018 Bobcat
Silence falls upon the screaming voices as the lights grow weary. Tiny beads of sweat paralyzing, vitriolic taunts of the demons dance begin. Puddles form upon the heart, the masquerade covered in the nights blood. Prayers for darkness extend to the fathers tongue. The curse of the mornings light, begs for deaths door. The river follows the burned channel, as agony stains the cheeks. Loves mark, tattoos the memories, and haunts the web. Grasping for something greater than air, loves grip tortures the soul. The light  promenades the corpse to the blinded eyes, as mockery hides the night. Bastille's hold falters not, death awaits before dawn's prize. Happiness squandered with premises of a future. Silence, silence, silence, rocks tumble no more. Padded hope brings a moment's relief.
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