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 Oct 2019 B D Caissie
Story like a flower...
When her stalk was broke and died...
Her pollen will fall and wandering with the wind:

Growed beautiful new story--
I think maybe I would have liked
To have been loved gently
But I sunk
With broken knees at your alter
Pledged Allegiance to a false god
Who spoke the Old Testament like it was truth
And the hands that were wrapped around my throat
were dipped in holy water
so even in death I was blessed
He will preach
To all the women he has turned into sin
Say -with a soft caress across my check
That echos and vibrates off the walls
Like the silence after a gun shot
“If you love me you’ll do this.”
manipulation comes easy to him
Hand to God
he is your salvation
And no one will ever love you like he does.

- He can’t be your salvation
- Because you already saved yourself
 Oct 2019 B D Caissie
Greatness, my old friend
We've walked together for so long
It grieves me then that I must leave
For now I must further ascend.

Immortality's house is dark about
Her lovely Queen on her sick bed
In her dreams she cries out for me
With copious tears and heavy sighing.

So pack up my things and put on my
My purple robe and crystal diadem,
My going there will be a fine affair
'Twill be the greatest of all royal

She'll see me coming, her tears will
   stop running
I'll stand before her and banish all
Then I'll take her in my arms and kiss
And light up her world like a flare.
A bit of fun
 Oct 2019 B D Caissie
Snuggy ****** of a curled up cat by
   the fire
Furry faced, smiley headed, svelte
   purveyor of the big meow
Purring away like a Geiger counter,
If you seek Nirvana then seek no
   more, it's here
The Cat, she knows.
My cat poem. He's my relaxation technician.
 Oct 2019 B D Caissie
You can't unring  a bell
what's done is done.
Don't  live in the past
and the future's unknown.
   Be a PRESENT to your self
and that's where to live.
The here and now
this moment to give.
   Sure learn from the past
and plan for the future
Insure your house for leaks
and your health to be sutured.
   And dreams propel us forward
and experience teaches how.
But all we have this very second
is the here and now.
            Live in the  now!
I think it's  some kind of  Zen philosophy to live in the now.  Let me know.
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