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 Oct 2019 B D Caissie
Mike Hauser
You might not be an astronaut
Never be a king or queen
Never meant to be the president
Or walk the red carpet scene

Won't win the Noble Peace Prize
In science or literature
May never find that mountain to climb
Or discover the colds elusive cure

You may never make it famous
In the circles that you move
But you can always count on the one thing
You are good at being you

You may not step into a room
To the roaring of applause
Or have the Paparazzi follow you
Taking pictures of all they saw

You may not be a rock star
Filling stadiums at night
Among these and other things
You may never do in life

While the above for others
May all soundly come true
You can always rely on the best part in life
And that is in being you

You may take some things for granted
Seeing green on the other side
Wish that you had made it
Much further in this life

You can take it all to the bank
With holdings firm in your belief
That where your ship has landed
Isn't at all where you should be

But when your lot is filled with haven't got
All you can do in life is lose
Just stick with the plan that is at hand
And do the best at being you
Within this space
of my happy place.

There, inside my heart
in my aloneness,
and solitude
in my quiet moments
and inner silence.

Within my heart,
in the stillness
of my soul,
i find the peace
that i seek.

As if my soul
touched the clouds
and the whole
universe shrinks
before my eyes
becoming one with me.

Of that which
i seek in myself,
i found in within.

Like the seed
within a fruit,
i now become.

And like a
ripe fruit that
fell off the tree,
i am.

Alone and ready
to sprout and
bloom in the
royal garden.

New amongst
the exotic plants,
i must blossom.

Among the
royal princes,
my regal rope,
i wore.

Seems i am
a verse in the
chapter of a
new book.

I blended and
subtly merged,
now tangled with
the galaxy.

I am now
the sun and
the moon and
the stars of
the universe.

I became the water,
penetrating into
all things.

I became the air
within the wind
floating in space.

I became
all things within
and without.

And in all
things i found
©2019,Emeka Mokeme.
 Oct 2019 B D Caissie
Emma Price
Oh, my dear
please calm my fear
by staying near
as the demons jeer
and the ghosts leer
whisper in my ear
when the coast is clear
~much love
 Oct 2019 B D Caissie
Lamar Cole
The night was made for romance.
In the night our two hearts dance.
Under the stars our lips touch.
In the garden your embrace means so much.

The night was made for love.
Our hearts cooing like a white dove.
Your eyes sparkling like diamonds so white.
I love you darling with all my might.

The night was made for caring and trust.
And darling, God made this night for us.
 Oct 2019 B D Caissie
A spoonful of clear
patience and a goodnight sleep
Changes perspectives
Yes this is very true ***
Postivity - inspired
In this late season
I  cannot embrace the things
I loved in the spring
old man, dry month (from TSE)
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