A tree's roots
Deep in the ground
Like little fingers
Calling me down
Says it softly
A few simple words
In a poem maybe
Or is it a tune?
It sticks in my head
Its sickly rhyme
Echoing and never changing
Word unspoken ring
"Pretty girls and pretty boys
Come meet my roots
Come and lie down
And hurt no more
Listen to me, pretty being
Listen closely and fully
Open your ears
And open your heart, dear
Pretty things happen here
No pain nor suffering
Just me hugging you
Me and the worms"
I scream near the tree
A shovel waiting this time
Tempting and calling me
Over and over again
I scream at the roots
And at the godforsaken tree
I scream at the branches
And the cursed leaves its bears
"Why, why, why!
Why do you say such things?
I want nothing to do with you!
With you and your worms!"
My feet won't move
The godforsaken tree has me
Its roots hold me here
Here staring at the tree
Quietly it speaks again
Quietly it says a new tune
Softly it pushes me foreward
Closer to it personal shovel
"Hush, hush, you want this
You want to be held
You want to pick it up
So you can be held once more
Hush, hush, pretty being
Let my roots hold you
Let me comfort you
Let me, pretty being,let me
Shush, shush, stop your crying
Stop your harsh words
And stop those tears
I am here now
Let me wipe those tears"
I collapse into the earth
I fall into its roots
Crying and heaving
I fall into its embrace
My end is here and i bid farewell
Give me the writing prompt Roots and this is the result