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Banele Msimango May 2019
I have seen so many rainbows in my lifetime, shining bright and vividly across the blue African skies. True sights to behold, that has many in awe, yet the beauty of it's colors never last. But you... you're tall tree that bends to no wind, a gentle and harsh sea full of life, each day you blossom defying every rule of nature and your beauty is unmatched and your colors never fade away.
Banele Msimango May 2019
This place has gotten me so miserable, yeah I've met wonderful characters and stringed a few. I've made reasonable friends, am sure that would make my mother proud. The memories I hold are simply unmatched, nonetheless I am not home. I feel as if my spirit refuses to settle in, my blood boils in my own silence. I just can't help the cravings of a decent conversation in my native tongue or the exotic foods undiscovered. I crave to root myself immensely in my culture, unequivocally I'll be whole again. No place like home
Going with the emotions
Banele Msimango May 2019
Every day I am a slave to the heartache and it just doesn't seem to be ending anytime soon. I have learnt to be okay with it all though, simply because I have known pain from the day I was born and there has never been a better feeling I have known. I have evolved, adapted and came to piece with the facts of my story and found true happiness within my self.
Banele Msimango Apr 2019
Teased as you roam around in the empty spaces. My only mistake was to try and grasp your skin...sadly reality kicked in, and am back in this cluttered floors with tiny room to breath.

i miss you
Banele Msimango Mar 2019
In desperation and
heartaches, I
searched to find his
physical presence
until he reminded
me "I AM”
Banele Msimango Mar 2019
I get tired of dead voices within. For a moment I look outside my self with intentions to buffer my self-destruction only to find I am better within myself, pure in my own hurt than to open to a more dead world.
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