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Jan 2020 · 266
Aiswarya Jan 2020
There was a time in life when I thought there was no one
No one- to love me
I gave so much
Just so much that it was overwhelming enough not to receive any in return

Then there was you
You who were so unexpected
so different so …
So wanted

Your smile
Your glances
Your stares... were just tasty
Tasty in a way that I could feel them
Feel them in my mouth before I even tasted you- fully

With you I didn't hold myself back
In fact I threw myself to you
I wanted you
I wanted your hands on me
But most importantly I wanted your hands on my soul
I wanted you to hold my soul between your rough masculine palms
Because I knew
With you it would be the safest

And now that you have it in your very... bare...hands
I hope you would hold on to it
Because I feel our souls have connected
Connected in a way that science cannot possibly explain

Because science cannot… in any way...explain the way you look into my eyes while you touch me
Or could science explain the way your face flushes pink while you kiss me hard enough that I...
I just... can’t breath
Could science...could science ever explain why I...fell for you?

You have so much of power over me
By choice
By my...choice
But at this point I can't take it back even if I wanted to
I love you...
I love you
Jan 2019 · 244
The Sun
Aiswarya Jan 2019
Your smile was tattooed on my heart,
But just like the sun,
It rose and set,
If only I got the hints,
That just like my tattoo,
Your love too wasn’t permanent,
It rose and set.

Today I see the Sun rise again,
But despite its light exposing all those deep, dark, holes,
Your love is still nowhere to be found.
Nov 2018 · 403
Loving more
Aiswarya Nov 2018
Love until you're scared to love any more
because any more would mean
loving him more than you will ever love yourself
Nov 2018 · 192
Your Skin
Aiswarya Nov 2018
Everytime you touch her
My skin swells with goosebumps
Because even then
I feel your skin more than she does

Nov 2018 · 249
Morning Coffee
Aiswarya Nov 2018
I love your morning coffee not for the coffee itself but because it had your touch
- the subtle touch of your fine fingers
May 2018 · 235
Aiswarya May 2018
I thought loved needed to hurt
Until I met him
May 2018 · 233
Aiswarya May 2018
I did everything
Except to utter 'I love you'

You did nothing but
Said you love me

Who's in love and who isn't
Just isn't for me to say

I'll let our hearts decide that
May 2018 · 193
Aiswarya May 2018
a future without you
isn't a future at all
Apr 2018 · 193
How to love?
Aiswarya Apr 2018
Do you know how to love he asked?
I don’t know the mechanics of it
But I do know how to fall
and to never be able to pick myself up
Ever again
She said.

Apr 2018 · 159
Aiswarya Apr 2018
I'm a flower
   My thorns will pierce through you  
But my fine petals will caress you

So honey it’s for you to choose
To protect me or to throw me
Because either way
I’ll still grow

Apr 2018 · 172
Heaven & Hell
Aiswarya Apr 2018
He showed me heaven- again

And then said honey,

It’s time I drag you to hell-again.

Apr 2018 · 157
Let Go of Me
Aiswarya Apr 2018
I’ve heard of love
But it takes more than those letters to actually feel it

My heart always yearned for love simply because it missed home

Just then, she came. She walked in like a dangerous yet breathtaking tornado that snatched my heart and safeguarded it between her soft palms

The very same palms that held my face when my mother couldn’t

But her palms weren’t just soft,
They were powerful
So powerful that they could let go

Let go of my face, my heart- let go of me

But even now the scars of her carved fingers still remain

Because a scarred heart is deadlier than a broken one

Apr 2018 · 161
A New Opening
Aiswarya Apr 2018
It was a new opening,

A window that showed the tall greeny hills and the open blue sky.

But it wasn’t all about the view, was it?

It was about where I was standing- on a tall hill under an empty sky,

Still exposed and vulnerable

Feb 2018 · 159
Aiswarya Feb 2018
Come closer you said
I walked blindly towards you
Blinding all the voices behind my head- all the voices that made perfect sense

So picked my mind and dumped it
Just like I did to all the other chaps

As I walked closer, and closer
I felt my heart vibrate vigorously- simply because your presence was just too energetic

Yet I was afraid  
I was so afraid I’ll lose it- lose you
So this time I picked my heart
Wrapped it in a box to hand it over to you
Like a birthday gift

I walked closer and closer
With my eyes wide open
With my fingers tightly wrapped around your gift
With my body ready to give
Only to realise it was a lie

A step closer to you
Only meant a step - into the deep, blue, ocean

Along the waves of the ocean
I heard my mother’s voice pierce
‘Love suffocates honey, trust your mind not your heart’
Dec 2017 · 178
Aiswarya Dec 2017
i was upset
you left my words hanging
you left my heart exposed
you left my clothes untouched
you left my skin un-savoured

i was upset
you left me

i tried to fill those words
to stitch that heart
and my clothes, couldn't get any other man to touch it

i was upset
so i left myself
Dec 2017 · 188
Aiswarya Dec 2017
Love me right
And I'll be the shooting star
In your empty galaxy
Dec 2017 · 617
The Stars and The Universe
Aiswarya Dec 2017
Losing her was hard

Only she could see right through me and ice my buring soul
Only see could hold my fragile heart so fine that it felt like home
Only she could tell me what I really deserve; and she often said
The Stars, and The Universe

Losing myself was hard
Because now the stars seem so little and the universe seems so small
Nov 2017 · 201
Aiswarya Nov 2017
love is not when you feel butterflies in your tummy
it's when he leaves
but those butterflies still can't escape
Nov 2017 · 216
Aiswarya Nov 2017
After our casual goodbye kiss,
‘I will love you till death do us apart’- he said

It took me eleven phone calls and the entire night to realise,
It came too soon
#death #love
Nov 2017 · 201
Aiswarya Nov 2017
I grew,
Not the kind of mental growth that makes you a whole new person,
Nor the kind of physical growth that would turn eyes

But I grew out-
Out of him,
Out of love.

They say forgiving makes you a bigger person,
But I believe the growth that come with forgiving is so much more.

When you grow,
You get to see the world,
That was blinded by his beautiful yet deadly, deceiving eyes.

You get to feel the world that you could not even see what more touch because,
Because his arms were protecting,
At least, that’s what he said.

And mostly,
You get to love -love the world,
Because when you were in love with him,
You didn’t have enough love to give anything or anyone but him.

So don’t stop growing,
Because today I grew,
I grew to love the me that doesn’t love him anymore.
Oct 2017 · 191
Aiswarya Oct 2017
you were my sunlight
when you dusked
so did I
Sep 2017 · 162
Aiswarya Sep 2017
If you want her sunshine during the night
Deal with her storms during the day
Sep 2017 · 201
Aiswarya Sep 2017
If you can see sunshine in her eyes
One day she'll show you what a storm looks like
Sep 2017 · 205
Aiswarya Sep 2017
She laughed
He said he loves her
She flirted
He said he loves her
She tried
He said he loves her

He laughed
He flirted
He tried
Not a single word did she utter
Nor a single inkling

But little did he know
All he needed to do was- smile
To make her fall head over heels for him
Sep 2017 · 191
Aiswarya Sep 2017
You were the torch during my darkest nights.

You showed the brightest paths,
but also scalded me with all that- fiery heat.

You were my- deadly saviour.
Aug 2017 · 173
Aiswarya Aug 2017
If it is not him,
There will always be another man,
That will look right into your eyes- that you will be afraid to look at anything else but him,
That will do things with you- in you- without a single touch of those itchy, prying fingers,
And that will carry your heart- that's gasping for love, in his very rugged yet comforting, warm palms.

There will always be another man,
Just like him,
Who will break your- broken heart.
Aug 2017 · 252
Aiswarya Aug 2017
I said I love you,
I also said I was scared,
I parcelled my emotions and presented you my vulnerability,
But in the end,
You only showed me what a bloodsucking ghost you could be.
Aug 2017 · 682
Aiswarya Aug 2017
I had a rather fun childhood,
Because I was always played with.

Attention from my loved ones were always reviving,
And the best part- they always rewarded me,

For every candy,
My loved ones ran those fingers higher and higher from the sole of my foot to something my mommy called- treasure,
Like a stinging scorpion crawling up my thigh- it felt.

For every hot wheel,
I got my 'it' grabbed harder and harder,
Like my eye ***** being squeezed out till it spurts blood- it felt.

And for every dollar,
I used my 'it' to fit the lock- her lock,
Until it satisfied her gratification- her undying ****** gratification.

And just in case you're wondering,
'It' is what I called it because my mommy and daddy would never ever tell me what 'it' really was neither did they teach me how to protect it.

Is what I said,
But moans were all that was heard.

So I cried,
Because that was the only thing about my body that I was permitted to control.

And just when my heart lost count of its beats,
she said,
Aug 2017 · 520
Ferris Wheel
Aiswarya Aug 2017
It's like a ferris wheel,
It goes round and round and round,
What you ask?
My relationships.

My first love,
My first ride,
My first kiss up the empty yet hopeful sky,
And when the ride was over- good journey he said 'but I have other rides to take now'.

Then came second, third, fourth...
It goes round and round and round.

When will the ferris wheel ever stop you ask?
It's when I choose to stop offering rides because I am worth more than a -priced ticket.
Aug 2017 · 244
A Boy, A Man
Aiswarya Aug 2017
It takes a boy to make you feel beautiful,
It takes a boy to make you feel ****,
It takes a boy- to sleep with you,
But it takes a man,
Only a man to love you- like a mother,
To protect you- like a father,
To fight you- like a brother.
To understand you- like a best friend.

And your father remained my boy forever,
So I found a man for myself
- Said my mother.
#boy #man #love #affair
Aug 2017 · 565
Two Hands
Aiswarya Aug 2017
Two hands,
Two hands-of yours,
One to slap and one to grab.

Two hands,
Two hands-of yours,
One that worked during the day,
And another that only worked hard-very hard at night.

Two hands,
Two hands- of mine,
Both tied-day and night.

Four hands of ours,
Two ruled,
And two slaved.
Spousal abuse
Aug 2017 · 254
Aiswarya Aug 2017
Just like those roses,
Those red blooming ones,
Its petals so soft,
So weak,
It fell over and over again but always got replaced by new ones.

Always admired,
Because no one,
No one looks at it's thorns,
Only its flowers.

So you pick it,
Why wouldn't one pick something so exquisite you ask?

You want it- all for yourself,
Yank it away from its loved ones,
In return it pierces gravely through your rather thick skin.

You throw it,
You step on it like it's of no worth,
But you never thought did you?
Not once that,
Maybe just maybe if you hadn't picked it,
If you hadn't hurt it,
It would never,
Never have hurt you.

But no,
Instead you told yourself,
'If not the rose there's always gonna be another flower I can pick'.

-It took me an entire, lifetime to realise,
I was just one of those- beautiful roses.
Jul 2017 · 478
Dear Murderer
Aiswarya Jul 2017
Dear murderer,

The rain helped,
Those diamond drops helped cover the tsunami you flushed out of my eyes.

The sun helped too
Those rays helped wash my scars away from your eyes.

But you?
You never helped,
You never delved deeper to search for my sorrows,
You always thought they were never there,
Just like my feelings for you ,
or at least you never cared.

But let me tell you,
I fell slowly,
Actually- madly for all your huns, babes and oh boy right at babygirl my heart forgot to beat,
Although I knew I was just one of those hundreds who were high on your very generous coquettish drug.

But boy- sorry,
Your waves were too strong
They hit too hard.

I sunk,
I suffocated,
I gasped for air,
But I got it every single ****** time I looked into your deceiving selfish- lovable eyes.  

That's when I thought,
This- is worth dying for.

Dear murderer.
May 2017 · 222
Aiswarya May 2017
Falling for you wasn't the scariest
But knowing I wouldn't be able to fall into another man's arms - so perfectly,
just like I sunk in yours - did
May 2017 · 251
Aiswarya May 2017
You were a drug,
My drug,
Not only because,
You were addicting,
And harmful,
But because,
You led to a lot of-  side effects.

Incurable ones.
May 2017 · 223
Aiswarya May 2017
Just thinking of you makes me tear
But a single  glance of you makes me sink
May 2017 · 265
I'll wait for you
Aiswarya May 2017
You told me you'd wait
It took me forever to realise
You didn't know what they meant
May 2017 · 297
Aiswarya May 2017
I couldn't make you fall for me
But I also couldn't make myself fall for anyone else

I stumbled all the way
I ended up falling in pain
Apr 2017 · 264
Aiswarya Apr 2017
You said you love me,
I meant it more-without even saying it
Apr 2017 · 423
Aiswarya Apr 2017
Her smile,
Her smile when she knew I'll be there soon.

Her cry,
Her cry when she first saw me.

Her scream,
Her scream when I made her feel as if she was being skinned alive,
Slowly and deeply.

Her morning smile-was my best breakfast,
Her smothering kisses-were reviving,
Her attention-was the only reason I needed- to live,
Whereas her good night kisses,
Created-heavenly dreams.

My creator,
My world,
She gave me life,
She gave me hope,
And she gave me love,
She taught me to live life,
Then- she snatched it away.

Her smile became a grin,
Her kisses become obligatory,
Her attention begun dominating,
And her good night kisses,
I- don’t remember them anymore.

But I wish to know something,
Did my mother stop loving me?
Or did I just grow up?
Because nobody,
Nobody- seems to blame My Mother.
Apr 2017 · 247
Aiswarya Apr 2017
They say people come and go,
When they go,
It is meant to teach you a lesson,
But when the consequences faced are more than the lessons learnt,
It is not okay to wish you never had met them in the first place?
Apr 2017 · 298
Aiswarya Apr 2017
I’m here,
Right here waiting,
For you to realize I’m the one,
But looks like you’re taking a bit too long,
Never knew her spell was so strong,
At least stronger than mine.

Looks like her spell has more than one victim,
It's such as shame I had to be one of them.

She made me weak,
She made me forget everything my mind and soul used to dwell in,
And the list goes on.

Now I believe in her,
I believe in her love,
I believe that she, will never let you be mine again.
Mar 2017 · 272
Aiswarya Mar 2017
I bring myself closer and closer until I can smell his breath and breathe his smell
Mar 2017 · 273
Aiswarya Mar 2017
I thought she was an abuser,
then i realized,
the apple doesn't fall far from the tree
Mar 2017 · 307
Aiswarya Mar 2017
I love you**
and if that's not poetic enough
then, I don't know what is
Feb 2017 · 335
Aiswarya Feb 2017
Do I or do I not love you?

There's never a day where I don't lay in my backyard starring at those shiny diamonds that give me little hope in the darkest nights,
Wondering- do I or do I not love you.

Words try and form in my mind but they aren’t complete enough to escape my mouth,
So I pick a pen.

I couldn’t do more than doodles I vaguely remember scribbling back in high school.

I yearned to write about you,
I wanted to know the answer,
I wanted to describe every part and every aspect of you to validate my love- for you,
It was to no avail.

Tears rolled down my dolor eyes,
It wet my scribbled paper,
While the lead of my pencil blackened it,
Just exactly how my heart felt then.

Just when I couldn’t recognize my paper nor myself anymore,
I felt goose bumps- from the start of my neck to the tip of my toes,
I felt a thunderstrike that I couldn’t even clench.

I felt so warm on the inside yet so cold on the outside,
I felt so free on the inside yet so restrained on the outside,
I felt so lost on the inside yet- felt love on the outside,
I-felt you.

I like how you wrapped your rough fingers around the strands of my hair and tuck them, so softly behind my ear,
I like how you extended your flexed arms and secured my body so tight from the back,
I like how you grabbed my hands so firm, making sure the wet pencil doesn’t slip off our hands.

I loved how you wrote our love story holding- my hands.
Feb 2017 · 318
Aiswarya Feb 2017
I try and convince myself,
No- you’re not there,
You’re not in my heart,
Because I want to believe you’ve never managed to get there, in the first place.

Then I see that slit,
That slit- on my wrist, that reminded me of the time I tried to cut you out of my mind,
But I couldn’t
So I tried and cut my soul away from its home instead.

That was when I realised,
That this life,
Isn’t really worth living without you.

**I love you
Feb 2017 · 443
Aiswarya Feb 2017
Those who have it- doesn´t want it,
Those who want it- doesn’t have it,
Those who had it- regrets it,
Those who never had it- craves for it.

What is it you ask?
It´s called love my friend.
Feb 2017 · 377
Aiswarya Feb 2017
I walk pass,
And he stares,
No-not you,
The bartender it is,

He smiles,
I blush,
At least- I try too,
Like every other girl would,
But I realised I couldn't,
Because I'm not like every other girl,
I'm your girl,
The broken girl.

I know I could never earn you back,
I know I could never make you pick my shattered pieces,
The pieces you broke,
So I hoped he would,
But he couldn't either,
Because he-wasn't you.

And the story repeats,
With my doctor,
My boss,
My driver,
And that's,
My after-love story.

**I still love you
Feb 2017 · 328
Aiswarya Feb 2017
I am a woman

I am always admired for my beauty,
But never for my intelligence,
I am always applauded for my expertise in house chores,
But never for my expertise in a professional career,
I am always expected to raise my kids,
But never to raise my voice.

I am a woman

I deserve to be a wrestler,
I deserve to be a lead actor,
I deserve to be a racer,
I deserve to be a DJ,
I deserve to be a pilot,
I- deserve to be the woman I, want to be.

I am a woman

I am just like your father,
I am just like your brother,
I am just like your uncle,
I am just like-that male stranger.

I am a woman
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