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Asmita Ray Aug 27
I carve with a knife on my *****
To only find a fathomless cave
           Which gapes at me--threatening to swallow whole.

Fear and dread thunders to my core
             At the horrors of our sin
         That stain our souls
Asmita Ray Aug 27
My eyes bleed of a thousand woes
My heart throbs, when I hear the raven's crows
About those crestfallen shadows
That prowl faintly beneath our skin
Pining to take shape of a vile thing

I beseech, if only a sacred voice
Quell these demons back
Like a ray of light piercing through a crack
Betwixt this odious curse--
Albeit to free us.
Asmita Ray Aug 26
Agony concealed deep inside
My lips tremble out in a startled cry
Brimming with pain
Brimming with disdain,
Towards anguish with hatred's scorching heat
I learned so, to hate
With no regret
Asmita Ray Aug 26
Night cascaded her dark robes overhead
She enthralled me with her children--
And, I stood there
Captivated and Bewitched.

How the crescent blooms so full !?
Veiled by the solar glare--
Yet, so beautiful
Sterling sisters splay across their Mother's robe
Between the black folds, twinkling stars danced merrily
                         So full of joy, so full of hope
Asmita Ray Aug 26
Waves of memories drift me gently,
Over the moon
Enclosed in a cocoon.
Of a great millennium, I didn't live to witness.
Lapping against soft and dark tress
Entwined with such a great message,
Which I truly fear to thoroughly address.

Oh! Whence it embossed a vignette on my bloodied crest,
Whilst I serenely retired to my nest.
A nest of sanctum from my sacrilege--
That the demons would merrily profess.
Hence, once again I--
Enshroud myself in a chrysalis
Meander far, far away
Into the cavernous abyss
Asmita Ray Aug 26
Gleaming like the vista of Dusk,
I wish he was not my crux
For it may douse the glimmer of smile and trust
And cast a smothering darkness of distrust

Willow trees brush their leaves
Against a stone engraved with a secret--
Only between you and me,
A secret of an immortal tryst
Asmita Ray Aug 26
I trace a sliver of sapphire
Hanging on the edge of a horizon,
Where waves of water and tongues of fire
Clash with their might and valour
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