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Miracles are answered prayers. Work hard. Love hard. Stay prayed up.
Relax, be good to yourself and enjoy your day lovebugs .
I, so admire y’all !!! Be great y’all! ❤️
I thank God for the people and places that bring me peace no matter what else is going on around me. This year has proven to be challenging in a multitude of ways, but I've maintained my peace despite it all. I've had to learn to channel my inner peace when people and situations challenge me to do otherwise. And when all else fails, I close my eyes and return here in joyful anticipation of returning once again. Keeping peace and love in my heart!
Sometimes sappy
Mostly happy


The sappy tries
Happy has its own time

Give them their space
Know yours well
The boundaries and fences
Keep them flexibly strong
Thank you all at Hp
For reading my work here
For all the support
Sorry to have not replied to the last few  of my  posts here
Will surely do it soon
Hope,  you all are doing well 🙏
closed her
eyes and took
a very deep breath,
crossed her fingers then
w  h     i     s    p   e    r     e   d,
"I long to see the   o n l  y
man who made me
shine in his
 Oct 2020 The Gray Wolf
Lida Dela
Somewhere in the deep terrain of my heart,
there was you all along,
your heart echoed your sweet songs
from a distance far off,
yet so close to mines.
 Oct 2020 The Gray Wolf
Lida Dela
By the glistening dark skies,
And the celestial winds,
Did you think it was I who was lost,
When I gave my all for love?
And I see a place of prism lights,
After storms turn souls into gold,
And I call you in the night
In rendered states of whispered prayers,
Eternity waits.
 Oct 2020 The Gray Wolf
Lida Dela
Remind me old friend,
of what it was like,
long before this,
when you and I didn't exist,
when the white clouds heaped
and never separated,
when roads didn't cross
for only a moment in time,
and when love,
never meet
 Oct 2020 The Gray Wolf
Lida Dela
Oh love,
I am not my silhouette,
In me lies seas of the infinites love,
How can I not ponder on the grandness of it all?
I am not yet ready to be given a shroud.
 Oct 2020 The Gray Wolf
Lida Dela
Do you remember those days
we sat in the corner,
tethered in blankets
of the warmest days,
because we had known each other?
And we threw behind us
a world where
'souls caved into desires'
and there was no more
heartache and pain
when the world around us
became a frozen lake.
Would I dare plead for something different,
why nothing last's forever?
The sun sets, the moon fades,
the roses wither away..
so it is so,
that is life's way.
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