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 Oct 2018 Julia
I have hated you since the mention of your mere existence
Held an enimity against you in my heart like an obsessive compulsive disorder
I have despised your very being
The one who holds my future
Whom my dreams and desires shall be entrusted to
The person who holds the key to the decisions I should make
A husband
You have been tied to words like permission and submission
Not love nor admiration
You are the cage to my past and present
The prison of a future
I am destined to experience
From the moment of birth
Squeezed, suffocated into a box
And the only time of release
would be until another box would lower me down
Only now aged like wine
I think of the poison I was fed
How my brain was tied and folded
Pressed down
And made small
So that it could fit for everyone around me
I wonder if I am an anomaly
I have grown into me
Not what he would like me to be
The damage was undone
When you became part of the solution
 Oct 2018 Julia
The ocean wind whistles in my ear
The most peaceful song you could ever hear

I watch the big waves crash into the shore
One by one they crash some more

The salt of the ocean tastes bittersweet
The taste on my lips forever a memory

The water drops softly on my wet skin
As I feel it, I slowly grin

The sweet smelling sea breeze forever here
I hope to come back every single year
 Oct 2018 Julia
Roberta Day
the greatest motivator,
I've been slacking again.
 Oct 2018 Julia
Skye Marshmallow
We are all silhouettes
Wrapped in the tapestry
Of a blooming night
Outlines etched messily
Into a cotton wool sky
Beautifully imperfect
A stray wisp illuminates
Sings sweet like our
Honey bee laughs
We smile, always
Endlessly sunshine yellow
For here we are youth
Wild like dandelions
Rebelling against being
A common flower
We paint the word ****
In shining glitter
Send it to outer space in
A paper airplane
Then dance on crazily
Like the night is infinite
Dreaming for a forever
Something a bit different
Sea pulse asurge, your pores brace for influx:
the scrub of sixteen salts whose rigid karma
scrapes us down. So sound the signals
(likely sales) from shoehorned sleeper
towns. Their patron wasn't long for earth;
a grid (what genius!) takes a bow,
puts slideshow on, and all we hear is how.

When sunlight stirs again we'll chisel
feeble errors, chip a bullet
out of stone. We'll see which skulkers
have a six at home, and toast
the night in sheetery. When devils
drain the foosty runoff of
your prim report to primal center,
sweep up white-horse myths bleached out
of paved-gray lots. Submerge in steam
of favor, frenzied in unseen replies
(no sharper catching eyes as coffees,
tipped to spoon in drowse-A.M.s
from furtive nights) -- Behold (unsold to rights)
uncensored action, living truth!
Untempted nine-percenters,
go-betweens for stunning tens
ground out of poison  pens.
Abrade with noise what was to clean our lens.
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