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 Nov 2014 Antoinette Arnuld
you make me
wanna smoke
cheap cigarettes
and **** myself.
I should've guessed, I should've known.
If there's a lightning, thunder will come.

That I was a guest, this wasn't my home,
but I was just too afraid to be alone.

Winds might change after tomorrow
and the sea my pain could somehow swallow.

But today there's this mountain of sorrow,
that blocks the sun, and makes me feel hollow.

They're all lies.

          The                    happiness.

      The                     laughter.

     All                      pretend.

I put on a facade.

A mask.

People think I'm              happy.

People think it's genuine    laughter.

    I only                                 pretend.

I'm a soulless vessel.






all the same thing. You do
something stupid and end up
croaking, but why? You work so hard
to reach your goals. Achieve at life, to end
up laying                     six                          feet
under?                         What                        is the
point                           of                       living
if it                       all ends               so fast?
You hear live happily from complete
strangers. I don't see the point in
living like so. How
could someone live
happily, knowing it
is all going to end...
I don't know if I achieved that to your eyes but I tried to shape the poem as a skull to symbolize death.
My son runs, wrapping arms around
my nebulous waist.

"l love you, Mom!"  He squeezes tighter,
as if letting go would be his black hole.

"I love you, too, " I squeeze back, absent mindedly.  (Where is the cream? I need coffee.)

"I love you more!" he breathes, without pause.
He gazes into my eyes,
searching my planets.

"Oh no, that can't be true," I retort.
I forget the coffee, his eyes are starlight.

"I love you to infinity!" he exclaims,
staring harder.

He wants to sail the Milky Way with me.

"Me too," I reply, and remember oxygen tanks.

I'm speaking in light years, and I hope the sound waves will catch up to him.

His face cracks into a million years of forever, before he lets go,
dancing across the universe of our livingroom,
his solar system intact.

At least for now.
For the past couple of months, I have been staying-up way too late and have been sleeping-in way too much.
      My days have been consistent of waking up just to wish that I could go back to bed.
          How ridiculous is that?

At one point in time,
I could've sworn that things would be different right now...

But not too much has changed...

       Just my attitude.
           And the long list of failure's that continues to grow.
This is personal.
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