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Alex Dec 2019
Looking into your eyes
I see what the blind see
Hearing your voice
I hear what the deaf hear
For my heart speaks truth that only the mute repeat
Your beauty is that of flowers bloom
That hold in it the innocence of life
So fragile that a passing wind makes it kneel
So powerful that the fragrance forever is remembered
You are that of Cherry Blossoms
Who's beauty comes and goes with the seasons
Who's beauty is as if painted on a canvas to live for eternity.
Alex Dec 2019
A school in which we learned
Bodies gathered to be burned
Behind these walls are death camps now
Cause and reason we ask how?
About a field is what they'll say
A field of death is where they lay
Do we speak of a war-torn land?
Americas shadow is where we stand
Remember those who lost their lives
Weapons used were guns and knives
Countless names we add to lists
Numbers tattooed to our wrists
What's so different in the world today
Nothing for the clouds are gray
What the hell is wrong with the world now? Shake my head....shake my head hard.

This **** has to stop. =(
Alex Nov 2019
Drift upon a sea of regret
my feet drag on the failures of my past
and weaken at missed opportunities

the waves cut my soul with words past said
the winds whispers the lies
the storm consumes me

Drift upon a sea of regret
i reach out my hand to lovers lost
they sink into darkness
their once warm touch is now gone

Nightfall appears unwelcome
The stars as vast as my sorrow
Each shine as a reminder
For i stand at sea alone
Every time I hear Emilie Simon - Desert it makes me feel totally lost...I love to listen to it with my eyes closed laying down to really feel every note, every word, every second of that heart breaking beautiful song.
Alex Sep 2019
Falling in darkness...
Arms out for help...the void extends its hand
Sadness and despair embraces me...
A blindness overtakes me...
For now I see the truth
The once fading light of a candle was the creator
The smoke that rose once gone...his ghost
For it fades into nothing...
Nothing from which it came from and which it returns...

In measurement of time man is a grain of sand in an hourglass as big as the universe itself. Every moment captured in memory makes that hourglass fill...Every failure...every triumph is another grain that time it will be covered by time we shall all be forgotten....Can you tell me what moment in time did the first grain fall? What moment will be the last? Who will tilt the glass in the end?
Every time i listen to Samuel Barber - Agnus Dei I feel the highs and lows of every moment I have ever lived. I have never truly been a religious man but if I was to ever believe in a higher being it be that which let man create music such as this.
Alex Sep 2019
Upon my deathbed years from now when asked do you have any regrets
My reply will be reply will be pure...
It will be said that upon my last breath as a single tear rolled down my cheek
I replied, "For being born in a world that showed me no love... when all I wanted was to share mine"
Praised be to the lord that holds me in bitterness...for he plays the chessboard well...
and I am the first and only pawn taken upon that board...
Alex Sep 2019
Sitting upon trees burned
Whos foul named weve yet learned
Holds out hands with fingers bare
Lord of hell whos son is heir
Stands a figure whos cloak and shroud
Burns a darkness in fearful cloud
A sickle in hand gripped real tight
Tells a story of darkened plight
Now we lay in a hole just dug
With tombstones bare like a passing shrug
Alex Sep 2019
Standing alone in a field of mist and fog I find my only companions the lacerated remains of my body and soul

for the hallowed cries of crows torment me in despair with sadness so deep that the ocean itself could be consumed by it

As the morning fog fades so does my purity for all that's left is the cries of the seagulls by the sea and their reflection my memory
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