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SinoAko Dec 2018
I care too much.
About what you say,
It keeps me up night and day.

I love way too much.
I keep giving to you,
But your gifts to me are few.

I think way too much.
All the loud thoughts,
In my brain tying knots.

I want too much.
For your attention,
For your praise and consideration.
SinoAko Dec 2018
Is it me?
Am I the source of it all,
The problems and calamity?

When there needs to be blame,
Why is the sound from your mouth,
Always my name?

I guess the fault was mine.
I just got used to it,
My grievances all in a line.

I'm sorry that I,
Caused all the pain.
I'm sorry I try.
SinoAko Nov 2018
There are cracks in my wall,
That you didn’t like.
As time went on,
Pieces began to fall.

You tried everything;
Duct tape the holes,
Or paint over the cracks,
Even put up a painting.

You see,
The tape will fall,
And the paint fades.
Cover up is not a possibility.

Just leave it be,
Because despite it all,
The cracks and holes in the wall,
I’ll still be mine.
SinoAko Nov 2018
Each piece is a part of me.
This one is my personality,
That one my temperament.
They all complete me fully.

Others saw me whole,
They said I was too different.
I agree wholeheartedly.
From others, their pieces I stole.

I put his thoughts there,
And her standards here.
The others took a glance,
Yet I was too similar to compare.

I was confused at first.
Isn’t this what you wanted,
For me to be similar and unoriginal.
Now fitting in was the worst.

Now I look to find,
The pieces of me I gave away.
I should’ve never listened,
To the opinions of mankind.
SinoAko Nov 2018
I entered this maze long ago.
I was on a search,
For love and happiness.
Alas, it was not to be so.

The walls closed around me,
Trapping me on my own journey,
Stuck in my own mind.
Until you came looking for entry.

You brought help with you,
That golden string to guide.
But I didn’t want it,
To believe it was true.

I thought you were the same,
Just like everyone else.
Looking for treasure,
Not willing to learn my name.

I drove myself mad,
Burrowed deeper into the labyrinth.
I scared you away,
And lost the only friend I had.
SinoAko Nov 2018
My favorite kind of chocolate,
Is not everyone’s favorite.
In fact, it’s bitter taste,
Deters people from it.
But I swear it’s my soulmate.

I took one bite,
And suddenly I’m in love.
I crave more of it.
The bitter taste,
Is an affection that’s hard to fight.

They tell me it’s bad,
That you aren’t good.
I’m deaf to their cries.
I ignore the warnings,
And soon it drives me mad.

I should’ve stopped it,
But you seduced me.
One look at you,
And I lost control.
Now I’m on a chocolate-free diet.
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