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Dusk spills through thin mist,
purple haze on tired hills—
the world turns off slow.
Haiku Soft Senses 2/5
Mornings licked amber—
wet, bright—
papaya pulp split in the grass,
rain still steaming off rooftops.

they came—
sway-backed, jewel-eyed—
weaving cobalt ribbons through the cricket fields,
feathers slick as oil spills.

I waited—
barefoot, rice pinched in small fingers—
not offering—inviting.

they took—
beaks sharp,
eyes glinting like they carried whole summers behind them—
but they never left.

even when the rains came—
hard and urgent—
they stayed, hips swaying under silver sheets,
tails dragging through warm mud.

I thought they danced for me—
as if the whole monsoon belonged only to the girl watching— silent, secret-spined—
hair curling at the nape—
too small to touch,
too quiet to call them by name—
but they saw me.

I know they did.

they crowned me in silence—
Princess of Puddles,
Keeper of Small Hungers.

somewhere between the serpent hunts,
the rain-slick pirouettes—
I learned how beauty moves—
how it takes without asking,
how it lives without needing to be seen.

they were never mine—
but I belonged to them—
to the fevered mornings,
to the blue-green shimmer folded beneath heavy air,
to the secret language only wild things speak—

something wordless—
something that never leaves you.
Every morning, on my way to school, I passed by those peacocks—swaying through the fields, feathers damp with night rain—the first beautiful thing that ever made me feel chosen. Feeding them in my backyard became the quiet ritual of my childhood, and still remains one of my fondest memories.
Lilac hush —
earth, half-waking,
baroque birdsong.

Moss curls ,
dew beads on nettle’s tongue —
small, glassy prayers.

wind —
silk-handed seamstress —
stitches light into every leaf,
veiling the world — breath and bloom.

Bones of old trees cradle the sun’s milk,
wildflowers nestle in their ribs —
what dies here, lives softer.

river, translucent and slow,
spills silver veins , the skin of the valley —
a quiet pulse beneath the green.

Somewhere between sky and soil,
we become the silence —
lungs folding into pollen-laden air,
fingertips brushing the hem of forever.

Nothing belongs.
Nothing is apart.

In the meantime,
the world remakes itself —
petal by petal, wing by wing —
and we, fragile passengers,
are simply learning how to listen.

I mistook the weight of absence for clarity,
as if the silence meant something resolved.
But I find no finality in distance,
only echoes that shift when I turn away.

Certainty was never more than a flicker,
a brief pause in an unsteady hand.
Even now, I trace the outlines of the past
as if repetition could make it solid.

But the shape keeps changing,
just like it always does.
Waves retreat too far,
leaving ribs of old whales bare,
oceans gasp for breath.

Once upon a time, there was a love.
She lived in a responsive heart.
That love grew up and blossomed as amazing flower.
And they had never ever lived apart.

That love lived really like in heaven.
Her life was careless just to the full.
But once he came! Her curse and misery!
And love began to fade in full.

He weaned that love from joke and smiling.
She stopped to look with open eyes.
He was her ****, her full obsession.
She was his captive, no otherwise.

So heart was suffering, love was dying.
There was no happiness in their mood.
And heart, inspite of pain and sorrows,
Just let the love to leave for good.

Since then the heart is fully empty.
The love is gone. Where’s she and how?
No love, no truth, no faith, no kindness.
No point to live from then to now…  

There was a love. And she was pure,
Unblemished, naïve and to all.
But you destroyed her white perfection.
You make her suffer just in full.
I offer you a ballad about love again. I always write about love, because it is love that fills my life. And yes, my love is not always happy and bright.
Thank you very much for reading it! 🙏💖
Winter season,
grey colorless skies
audible in the distance.
Empty feeling in crowded house.
Long, chilly nights, dead water streaming.
Veins with cold blood, stuck.
Passion in black clothes, not breathing.

The year is moving, Spring in birth canal.
Waiting to be born.
I think of you, lying beside you .
I dream of movements of bold trees.
It excites me.
I know it’s wrong but in my mind it’s full blown spring.
A white cloud is coming to me.
Like a bride in cotton candy.
Thinking of you, no more winter skies.

I close my eyes.
In my mind there you are.
There is an explosion of fire in the sky.
Summer in your eyes,
reflecting colors of a sky, burning.
I’m drifting.
It’s summer in my head and my mind is singing.

With passing time,
new days
new seasons
new loves
New memories.
Time, essential to it all.

Time, day, night, new month, new season.
New year.
You are  the sum of time.
She leans into the petals,
skin dissolving into soft color,
the green veins of leaves brushing her arms
as if they have always known her.

His voice, a thread of dusk,
winds around her wrists,
pulling without force,
settling in the quiet space
between her ribs.

Her breath, uneven,
presses against his mouth,
a drowning in tenderness,
a weight both unbearable and light.

She does not resist.
She does not speak.
She simply disappears
where the flowers open.
Beneath the arch,
        among the branches,
      the maunder of her eyes
           finds noir in an afterimage,
every reflection is unique,
    explicit and indivisible,
        every reflection is her,
      there she looks close
       for gracefulness,
            in the essays of her skin
               and their brazen transparencies,
         she enters into her body fable,
      the shape of her resembles
           the tenor viol: where it widens,
                  where it narrows,
                where it digresses
              and monochromes,
           she reflects a fragile geography,
             a soft cargo, but
               an inkling of hurricane,
             rendering the fault lines
          beautiful and strong,
       in supplication tomorrow's explorer
will disturb the patterns
   until she's become her own lullaby
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