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Ashlea Jun 2014
This mind of mine
is fragile, yet strong.
Fighting a constant battle between
the light and dark,
Each tugging at the strings
that keep this damaged soul
Tethered to the stakes of a grim reality.

Each path is tempting...
The swirling darkness that threatens
to engulf me in its sensual embrace.
The warm luminance that
Holds promises of days filled
with intense love and quiet bliss.

The battle rages on.
Just a late night poem. Would love to get some feedback.
Thanks for viewing!!!
Ashlea Jun 2013
Open up my mind,
Take a look inside.
Aren't you curious what you will find?
Every word I've said, every tear I've cried.
Out in the open,
For all the world to see.
Every thought that's passed through,
Everything I thought I may be.
It's all right here for you,
I just want you to see.
It's a crazy place,
This mind of mine,
A place made of whispers, and maybe a trace
Of a thing they call shine.
Shine it up, rise up
To the call, to the challenge.
Ashlea Jun 2013
want to see the real you.
Open, honest, all on the table.
Where the happiness runs rampart
Is where I want to be.
Is that in your heart?
Cloudy vision, blurred thoughts
My mind is racing, unable
To process the feelings that rush
Like a waterfall down my spine
Tingling, caressing, cascading through my mind.
Heart beating faster than it should,
Breathing rapid, hands are shaking
Can’t you see? I wish you would…
My heart is yours, yours for the taking.
Ashlea Jun 2013
Thoughts like a winding road
Passing by, passing through.
Leaving a path of destruction,
Thoughts that could never leave you.
Wish you could forget them,
Maybe you'd be better off
To leave it all behind.
Struggle so hard to remember
The happiness in your eyes.
The smile on your face,
The sincerity of your smile,
To see you again
I'd walk a million miles.
The sound of your laughter,
Is one I won't forget.
I swear it keeps me sane,
To tell myself I hear it.
Most wouldn't hear me out,
But I promise you it's true.
Mind, body, and spirit
I know, I know, it's you.
Ashlea Jun 2013
Dream to make believe
Of things that would rather be.
Head in the clouds,
Feet planted on the ground,
What's holding me down?

I may never know
What your face could show.
What happens inside,
Your thoughts, your mind.

Just let it all loose,
Set it free.
Put your trust in me.

The places I could take you,
Experiences to behold.
Happiness and joy,
What I wouldn't do to
Be the only one you hold.

Safety and protection
And pure, true affection.
It could happen you see,
Just put your trust in me.
Ashlea Jun 2013
Eyes that don't cry,
Lips that don't lie,
A love that won't die.

Too much to ask,
Just fill up the flask.
Drown the sorrows that last,
Put on this mask.

Fake smiles and hellos
Numb from my head to my toes.
Not fond of this feeling,
This feeling I know.
Ashlea Jun 2013
Can you see the despair in my eyes,
Hear the pain in my voice?
I wear this smile as a disguise,
No other choice.
Emotions run deep,
Cut like a knife.
Your heart I want to keep,
Not for now, but for life.
Words go unspoken,
Truths yet unknown.
The bond’s not quite broken,
But more a seed to be sown.
They say it takes time,
They say it takes patience.
But things turn on a dime
How much longer can I take this?
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