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rhiannon Jan 2019
Dear diary,
It was hard at first to speak out at last,
Knowing i have been judged for expressing my feelings in the past.
I was nervous,But  also happy that i was getting it all off my chest.I felt better knowing i wasn't laughed at for having emotions but listened to and understood.I felt that by talking to people who understand i could be more confident and less scared of what might be said.It seemed hard at first as i have trapped my feelings in a book for so many years but it will be worth it as i will actually have a shoulder to  cry on,someone to talk to and less things getting to me all of the time.It made me feel stronger,more confident and i felt like i could be who i actually am without the worry of being judged.It  has been so hard keeping all my feelings in and acting happy to public when i know i'm not so i think i'm glad i can finally have someone who i can talk to who actually understands.
rhiannon Jan 2019
You may think i'm pathetic
ugly and fat,
But i really don't give a crap.

You may call me a baby,
Weak or even crazy,
But why should i care.

You may say i'm adopted
and stupid,
But i can't let you
get to me anymore.
'cuz i know what i want,
and i know where i stand.

If i want to move forward,
I can't look back
at all the horrid
memories of the past.

It may be difficult,
I know that
But i believe in myself
as i know i can do it,
And i stay strong.

I throw it away as if it's *******,
I ignore it as if it's nothing,
And i do what i love best,
I follow my heart!
rhiannon Jan 2019
Discover all the positive things
Life has in store for you
And move forward
To discover who you are
And fill your moments

Don't sit down with negative thoughts
Or bow to negative circumstance
Decide your future
And don't give up

Learn to stand up
To your ideas and dreams
And when you fall
Try to bounce back
Renew your spirit
And grab the moment
And prove your worth...
believe in yourself
have faith
try hard and never give up
i know i have low self esteem due to my horrid past and hardly any faith in myself but you should always believe you can do it or you'll only feel worse.
  Jan 2019 rhiannon
I never thought I'd matter
To anyone

Until you
Came along

And changed my perspective
Of the universe

You made me feel
Like I matter

And I'm grateful
For you.
  Jan 2019 rhiannon
you look back at the school
and see your tantalizer standing in the doorway
and realize they have been telling you lies about your self and criticizing you by your size
When you look up at the sky
And realize how bright the sun is in your eyes
you look around and see that the world is so much
more fuller and beautiful than they tell you it is
you see the fluttering the butterflies
and hear the chirping of the chickadees hopping around in the grass
you hear the running of water from the creek behind your home
rhiannon Jan 2019
No one seems to love me,
No one seems to care,
and even when i'm crying
they act as if i'm not there,
Why am i even living?
When no one even cares.
i just want to end my life,
To stop all this upset being around.
Then no one will be laughing,
Or constantly teasing me,
Cuz they'll be regretting it
When they stand in front
of my dead body.
Why am i alive?
Why am i here?
It's clearly pointless when
no one around here
cares a crap about my
feelings or how their words
affect me but about how much
they can upset me.
I'm going to end my life!
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