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rhiannon Jan 2019
As blue as a ocean,

As cold as a icicle,

Far away from the equator,

A deep pool of tears.

Crossing the streets,

Watching the children,

Look in misery,

Faces cold with fear,

We only live once

and their fortune has gone.

When i’m feeling blue

and you’re not here,

I feel my pulse rise,

Sadness is here!
rhiannon Jan 2019
People call it *******,

people call it crap,

you try to ignore it,

but you feel overwhelmed,

you ponder over books for


looking for new ideas,

though none of them are

as good as the first,

tears soak your clear page,

as your hard work is

turned upside down.

the words break my heart,

smear my page,

don’t they understand

how much it hurts

to see you’re own

work be hurt.
rhiannon Jan 2019
In a strange world.It feels like i’m dreaming,it’s just really strange. No one understands.It’s hard to explain.They just see my happy and don’t seem to know that i am upset inside-just because i’m smiling to be polite.It feels like i’m getting weaker and weaker every day.I find it hard to sleep.It’s hard to let out how i feel so it’s just trapped inside a book in me-i get scared people will judge for how i feel or laugh if i cried.It is difficult to cope with the constant fear of failure or nightmares of failing the exams.I’m stressed.I’m worried.There’s just too much on my mind.I try not to cry.I try to be strong but on the inside i’m weak.Why is this happening to me?Why?It is like i’m trapped inside my own feelings trying to find a route to escape.
rhiannon Jan 2019
Globalization affects us.Have you realized just how much workers are suffering from the dangerous working conditions and extreme long hours?It’s horrible!We go into work not knowing if the building will collapse.Recently,a woman has fainted at work from being overtired and hungry.Over 50,000 workers have been sent to emergency services each year for injuries.Don’t this make you care!Don’t this make you realize how much globalization has affected us.These big TNC’s coming in has increased the working poor and economic inequalities of many Asian countries.It seems that you don’t care how much we’re suffering because you earn so much money from us.Something needs to be done.Someone needs to listen.NOW!Before it’s too late.These injuries may turn into deaths before someone listens.Haven’t you even realized just how much carbon dioxide is being put into the atmosphere and our water systems from the big company’s operating in our country.It affects our health.Many workers end up suffering with askema or lung diseases or have diseases from drinking contaminated water.Don’t you want to save our people or even future generations from suffering like we have.If you do then you have got to listen and do something.
rhiannon Jan 2019
i am in my black clothes,
i wear the colour of death,
i sob,i sigh,i wonder why
i go on drawing breath.
nobody loves me,
nobody cares,
i cannot eat,i canot drink,
i cannot talk on the phone.
i hold my tongue and
close my eyes,
i shut my mouth up tight.
i am in my black clothes,
won't someone see my plight?
rhiannon Jan 2019
Have you ever wondered what it would be like to be a famous best selling author?With thousands and thousands of books being sold all over the world and some of those being sold you can sign.Just the thought of teaching children to read and letting them learn from someone famous inspires me.About 99% of authors travel the world and teach the poorer countries or go into schools to give a speech.It’s amazing!Absolutely amazing!

However,it takes years of experience,hard work and training to become an author…to make a success.Authors don’t become famous straight away.They face many rejections and re-writes before a book is even published,before their words are understood,before they become successful!

You may think books are absolutely ******* but you’re wrong.Books are one way to learn and understand difficult topics.Books are a way that many authors express their feelings,thoughts and beliefs that they find too difficult to speak.Books can help you to rewind,de-stress and relax after a long day of work.What would i do without books?A book is a key to your journey of success.

J.K.Rowlings is a best-selling famous author that has been a real inspiration to me.She brings characters to life with her strong imagination and the magical way she crafts her stories.I enjoyed all her books and hope to write like her in the future.

From a really young girl starting school i have always enjoyed English and had dreams of becoming an best selling author.I don’t just want to write books though.I want to educate children who are less fortunate than me and give speeches in schools and travel the world around me.It will be an experience that i’ll never forget.I really don’t know what i would do without books.I would be lost,stressed and would struggle to calm down because books have helped me forget about being stressed and everything around me and to relax.It’s a dream that i have always wished for.

From fiction to fact, stories to poetry, a million different genres or topics to choose from there will never be a book you’re not interested in so why don’t you pick one up and read a chapter each day.
rhiannon Jan 2019
I get laughed at,
i get ignored,
i often feel trapped,
and i keep my thoughts stored.

People can be cruel
and very mean,
but no matter what i follow my dreams.

Life has waves;
i know that.
but i stand brave
and just take the crap.
i may feel exhausted
but no matter what,
i follow my dreams.

i know what i want,
and i won't stop trying.
Quitting?i can't
for now i'm flying.
it's impossible it seems,
but no matter what
i follow my dreams.
please don't judge.i have had an extemily bad childhood and find it hard to's  lucky i'm still here cuz i tried to **** my self years be supportive.thanks!
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