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 Jan 2019 Gabriele
 Jan 2019 Gabriele
You give so much love,
Yet forget to love yourself
Your heart so fragile
It shatters so easily
Yet it's a heart so big
It's craves to bring joy
To everyone it encounters.
The kindest of them all
The loving of them all
Are those that know not love
 Jan 2019 Gabriele
Jade Lima
 Jan 2019 Gabriele
Jade Lima
Maybe someday I’ll meet someone with galaxies behind their eyes.
Maybe we’ll get lost gazing at the stars.
Maybe their soul will feel effervescent.
But until then I’ll stare at the moon, waiting to find some meaning in this universe.
Maybe someday I’ll feel the sun shine it’s warm rays and I won’t be so alone.
Maybe someday the constellations will make sense and I’ll finally find my way home.
But until someday comes I’ll just keep wondering.
 Jan 2019 Gabriele
Jean Paul
Every now&then
It's fine to wander
A bit further than the rest
We connect in million ways
With just logic
We can't make any sense of this
After all
this journey takes place
 Jan 2019 Gabriele
You miss a meal,
Then it turns to two,
A day passes,
And no one notices you.

Craving nutrition,
There goes a week,
Those many hours,
Longing for something to eat.

Using the same excuse,
"I'm not hungry, I just ate,"
The numbers keep dropping,
Was sixty-three, now fifty-eight.

You can't go back,
People are noticing you,
They say you should eat, and you say,
"You have something better to do."

It's harder than you think,
Just leave me alone!
Stop telling me to eat and drink!
If I need you, I can find my phone.
This poem is about an eating disorder, it’s dangerous and those that have it can be greatly effected. Not only them, but those around them as well.

— The End —