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Becky Littmann Aug 2014
Zippity do dah zippity a
My oh my what a ******' HOT *** day
Plenty of sunshine heading my way
Sunshine heading my away!?!
HELL NO sunshine I've got something to say:

"Your shine is too bright,
Your rays are too hot,
You weren't invited to hang out,
& you take too long to leave!!

Staying cool is forever a fight,
Rain I sure do miss you an awful lot!
I hate being in a ******* drought!
Sweet drippin' in places you wouldn't believe!!"

Zippity do dah zippity a
My oh my what a wonderful day!!
Nicholas Fonte Mar 2018
Zippity Zappity Zap
  Jolt yourself awake
    Zippity Zappity Zap
      A spark of inspiration
        Zippity Zappity Zap
          Bolt over to the goal
            Zippity Zappity Zap
              Shocking that you failed
                Zippity Zappity Zap
                  Linger in my thunder
                    Zippity Zappity Zap
Cunning Linguist Dec 2013
Immerse yourself until wholly submerged
in my unholy divergence;
Poor form tormented soul - 
Roll your pain in a J
then dip it in chloroform
Embrace my urges to purge
the remnants of sanity,
Spilling and screaming
all these profanities at humanity

Confuddling all posers
with my bastardized prose ~
Please, continue badgering
and nagging me
with your ****-******* menagerie
of trivial drudgery
I’m in misery so
go ahead and bludgeon me
Square in the noggin’
So that I can jog it,
whilst juggling all these nails
from my coffin

I’m awfully harmful and cruel
got these scoffing jealous skeptics
Acting a fool,
coughing up a lung-full of fuel
for all of the putrid mind puke I spew
My mixing *** skull’s
where the ingredients accrue
Just stew with me for a little
while longer though won’t you

I’m a cancer-ridden addler
babbling mad adages,
ravishingly tenderizing my meat
Laced with some dust from space, yes, no lackage/absence of it lining
within my nasal passages see
spun off some of that absinthe
In a cloud of burning trees
Please tell me you feel me

It’s staggering how I’m both crazy batshit,
**** smooth as rotten laxative cheese
Brain’s melting acidic beef
I’m like Randy Savage I got
Bombastic fat ******* in heat
Straight making my **** go flaccid post-weep

Don’t get offended women
just imagine
How painfully average the package
is within my lap that I’m packin
But now it’s wrapped
and I’m ready to fucken
fully send it no cap
My turnaround is lightning fast
In and out of your *** quick as a wink like The Flash

Faces contort in ghastly panic, actually
Dastardly antics unleashed in vast swarms
Plague the masses in pandemic proportions with them massive casualties factually once more
Give ya some relaxing action 
And skull-**** y’all
with such a passion *******
Your corpse falls to the floor
and right through the trapdoor

Candid, my pen-chance enchants
Heavy-handedly inanimate
in suspended animation
Supplant reality augmentation
Machinations of my imagination;
Implicating **** ransacking  
and seafaring through crab infestations 
Wreaking havoc and bequeathing vengeance
I’m a fire breathing grim reaper reeking of ****** ~

- Off is the nearest direction in which to ****
Dissect my ******* with your tongue
Turnt up ******* plumpies in the rumpus 
Just for the fun of it until I erupt
Remember, I’m avid for dismembering appendages
I expect you’re exceptional at accepting
a barrage of septic bombardment
Chance of success: logistics analysis zero percentage
(Cos I done ******* on all those *******.)

Superbly superlative and speculative
So fast on Adderall
I make Mad Hatter’s head spin
Quicker than you can snap: 
Giving your family heart attacks
Smack you in the face, 
While fapping my fabulous lap rocket

Thunderously plundering under covers
Spring-loaded with faux pas’ so hot
Make your mother’s ***** pop out
and say “hello”
like a Jack-in-the-Box

& U kno Those foxy grandmas
be jaxing off my **** -
Bingo wings beckoning me to flock
Choppin’ up rocks round the clock
with the glock in my pocket til I rot 
Caught em wit the molly-whop eyeballs pop out they sockets all dramatically
Whole squad **** swap the rod, on God
Blow my whole *** when I start spitting them double entendre fatality snowballs
Zippity-zop like Cosby’s special BBQ sauce
Bet I’ll dip my puddin’ pop and stay fresh with the drip til I drop
Y’all just holler when you want me to stop

Palpable, these **** butts malleable as putty
Barbarically barrel rolling into dat ***
rip it to shreds like confetti
Power Pole extend
Face pressed into your *******
Inhaling the wafting aromatic stenches
of distant French fish factories

Clearly getting dome from your dearly betrothed violently
Now she bridal and my seeds spiraling virally
Vital signs finalizing
Bounce that *** like jello
Swell; I’m in your hair like gel
Now swallow my jollies and don’t bother
Unless you hollerin’ and giving me dollars
Zealots idol my harlotry

If nose goes go slow grow low
Throwing those yoloing hoes out windows
This ***** simply bonkers
I conquer fear me

Brent Kincaid Sep 2017
I’m still stuck in the fairy tales
Of magic shoes and handsome prince,
Of servants of my own to boss
And I’m still at wash by hand and rinse.
My dreams of riches and luxury
Are still around and just as strong
But haven’t come true that much.
So I must be doing something wrong.

Zippity zappity, zoppity, zoom.
This is me begging at the moon.
Flaffity, naffity, raffity, roon.
My fairy godmother needs to come soon!

I’ve kissed so many **** frogs
My lips have become amphibious
But not one morphed into a prince
So, the solution must be obvious:
I am not holding my mouth right
Or kissing in the wrong phase of moon.
I am not going to be able to hold on
If this wish doesn’t come true soon.

Zippity zappity, zoppity, zoom.
This is me begging at the moon.
Flaffity, naffity, raffity, roon.
My fairy godmother needs to come soon!

I’ve bought magic seeds and amulets
To help the process on it’s magic way
But nothing seems to be working for me.
There must be better words to say.
Some kind of abracadabra mantra
That makes the real voodoo begin.
If I ever get this incantation right
II’m going to do it again and again.

Zippity zappity, zoppity, zoom.
This is me begging at the moon.
Flaffity, naffity, raffity, roon.
My fairy godmother needs to come soon!
Christopher Paul Feb 2018
One night, when my head lay nestled
Softly against some down,
One night in particular I was awakened by a sound.
Perhaps I am dreaming? I thought to myself.
But if I am dreaming,
How can I ponder to myself?
Yes I am certain of this.
Awoken from my slumber it is obvious.
But why? Is what I wonder.
Why so suddenly?
And sure enough the answer,
Was right in front of me.
A rappity tap
A rappity tap TAP TAP
Subtle..but I heard that.
I slowly lower myself from bed,
Careful not to bump my head.
I tippity-toe
To my bedroom door
Which of course,
To my remorse
Is on the upper floor.
I peer around the corner,
But I know that no one is home.
Its just me and Mr. Mittens
Other than that,
I'm all alone.
I creep along the hallway,
Careful not to alert my guest
I stop atop my spiral staircase,
And listen closely for the rest.
Bingity boom
                        Bingity BOOM BOOM!!
That was definitely in my living room!
Wide awake and terrified,
I grip the railing very tight.
                       I ease along,
Bumping every picture on the wall.
My heart is pounding in my chest.
I need a second to catch my breath.



Its quiet now or so it seems..




Maybe thats the end of it.
I take a breath and begin to step..
Zippity zap!
                      ZIPPITY ZAP! ZAP!
Something just flew by so very fast!
Thats it I've had enough!
Enough of all this really weird stuff!
I MARCH right into the living room,
And walk right into a zooming
A lamp goes crash
A fur ball goes dash
Aha! I marvel at the scene.
A scene that is EXACTLY as it seems.

Brent Kincaid May 2018
What happened to the land of the free?
What ever became of American equality?
When was The Great Take-back begun?
What became of “with malice toward none”?
What happened to rich people’s responsibilities?
When did we decide our peers were enemies?
Why didn’t we learn from the Great Depression?
Why are we letting them set up another session?

Eenie meanie mighty mo, when is it fine to hire a **?
Hickory slicker zippity zopp, when is this b.s. going to stop?

Why have we let ourselves think like adolescents?
Why do we keep liars and cheaters in our presence?
It’s up to us each who what lies we should tolerate,
So when does being a mountebank go out of date?
When do we start fighting and hitting bullies back
When they make it known they’re on the wrong track.
How many times will they have to lie and steal
For the rest of us to know their villainy is real?

Fluster and bluster and flippity flopping, confidence is dropping
We can no longer trust our leaders to protect, so let’s reject.

When did all of our statesman turn into real estate’s men?
When did the human in humanity cease to matter at all?
What makes half the country vote for a scoundrel horde?
What did our country accomplish by dropping the ball?
Why have we become the people we used to dislike so
And now we are the ones who arm and **** each other?
And why do we still have many lifetimes or more to go
To finish paying for murdering and pillaging our brothers?

Questions, suggestions, all are loudly ignored by them,
Our leaders whose sense of decency has grown dim.
Desiree Schort Jan 2022
Tiny little tippy toes,
Zip zippity zip across,
Silk strings float upon the air,
Invisible trap of death,
Needle sharp two juicy fangs
Merry-go-round goes dinner
Save the fat one for later
Tiny little beady eyes,
They say in the south the past is
Not dead it is not even over-So
Where do you go when you are
Seeking where the ghosts of the
Past still live-Take your Dreams
South.  Say to the conductor do
Not stop till I am in the Land of
Where I left my true love so long
Long ago.  She was little then and
She used to tease me so till I said
You are going to make me love ya
Till   I am dead  till I am dead and
Gone  Going to where all my life
Is past and done on the Old Bard
Line lighting fools their way to dusty
Death Come to life again-Heading out
Way down South  I'm Coming Home to
Zippity do da Zippity aye My Oh My
What a wonderful Day it will be On the
Old Bard  Line When  all my yesterdays
Light my way to where My love and I
Were in bygone days so bright of yore

For Lissy

The coincidence of two worlds
Each an affirmation of the other.
(alternately titled: excuse me while aye...
touch the sky, hen derrick lee
and pull lightly gag.)

September third tooth house sand
     and eighteen didst find me
to awaken with a start
     during the wee
(***** Paine Weber) re
duck tee yo absurdum painful hour
     of predawn this morning
     with an experience

     nada so grew vee -
feeling (the unstoppable) tree
men diss urge (lance
     sing arm) strong
     sensation to regurgitate,
     which tum me,
(and ma tummy)
     prima facie (pre

mud Donna Brownian
     bow will Movement)    
     processing) ranks as
     the moost unpleasant –
basic ****** condition,
(hence disqualifying this former
     anorexic tib bee ya
bulimic), which nauseous repulsion

     to stomach tomb muss elf
     (yea - pertaining to
yours truly: Ma
     Thee You Scott) a tinny
     brass, heartless, and
     dis straw hit cow
     word lee lion
     dew wing ever re:

thing in my "FAKE" NON GMO
     gluten, lactose (i.e.
dairy substitute), and
     monosodiumglutimate free,
wand door full
     wizard ding once fore mid
     able superman, (and now fee
bull powerless reign jars

     ipso fact-so) dee
did immediately whee
kin n ding excess see
ville lee more, dee
pull lore rib hill
     den das bloviation
     spattering, Obi
Wan Kenobi, Casanova,

     (Don Quixote) key
ping figurative lid, prithee
a boot mine gag reflex
     within very limited nee
zero printed edition on reek
     quest not to
     publish very disagree
hubble reader's un
     digest tib bill

     (authored by this atheistic
     secular humanist gib
     brush gabbling, (sans
     reincarnated doubting Thomas pre

lapse Aryan) Unitarian scree
ming cowabunga herbivorous
     droning baby bee
nix nox zippity doo dada
lix lox nicks nox hip pea.
Stu Harley Nov 2020
zippity do dah
zippity aye  
plenty of sunshine
what a wonderful day

— The End —