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whence the word special is said, be wary of the speaker
whence the word special is said, be wary of the speaker
pitfalls are in the making, one can trip up
pitfalls are in the making, one can trip up
pitfalls are in the making, whence the word special is said
be wary of the speaker, one can trip up

the memory stores info well, an utterance hollow ne'er forgot
the memory stores info well, an utterance hollow ne'er forgot
wising up seeing the light, one is misguided
wising up seeing the light, one is misguided
one is misguided, the memory stores info well
wising up seeing the light, an utterance hollow ne'er forgot

a revelation did dawn, that guy wasn't legit
a revelation did dawn, that guy wasn't legit
his line but a fallacy, clearness of sight now prevails
his line but a fallacy, clearness of sight now prevails
clearness of sight now prevails, that guy wasn't legit
a revelation did dawn, his line but a fallacy

a revelation did dawn, one is misguided
pitfalls are in the making, whence the word special is said
that guy wasn't legit, an utterance hollow ne'er forgot
his line but a fallacy, wising up seeing the light
one can trip up,the memory stores info well
be wary of the speaker, clearness of sight now prevails
Mary E Zollars Feb 2018
So lets get this straight:
An armed, white man walks into a school,
kills 17 students and teachers with a tool
that can be bought at just any store
by a 19 year old, insane, fool,
before being caught, all on Valentine's day,
Marking the 30th mass shooting just this year
And it's not time to talk about gun control?

If they had been black, you'd say "more police"
If they had been Mexican, you'd say "build a wall"
If they had been Middle-Eastern, you'd say "travel ban"
But they're not, they're white, they're mentally ill,
so "Report the disturbed" our president says
"It's about mental health!" our congress says
"But it's not time to talk about gun control"

You send your thoughts and prayers,
while we're pleading for your help
You want to know my thoughts and prayers?
I thought our country cared about us
I thought our country loved us more than guns
And I pray that my school won't be next
That my friends won't be mourned on the internet
That we might be safe in our unsafe unchanging world
Because you won't talk about gun control

But you know what?

***** you if you think that's all we're gonna do
We're taking this horse by the reigns
Knock some sense into that old brain
We're organizing, rising up and wising up
Taking a stand, and taking a walk
Making our voices heard, better watch for that 10 o' clock
We will not be complacent in our friends' deaths
We've done it before and we will do it again
They say "when we're older"
I say "why wait till then"
These laws are going to change now
These deaths have got to be dwindling down
Everyone knows kids can be one loud crowd
And no, we won't calm down
Until no one ignores our outraged sound
We will make the politicians come around
And finally, gun control will bring peace to our towns

And finally, me, my family, and my friends, can feel safe, with long lives ahead,
and we can go back to school together again.
Yenson Nov 2018

The first, of course, is the “G” word. No explanation necessary.



The gang stalking recruits are of course being recruited into a cult for the purpose of carrying  out vigilante activity. As we all know the same authorities who “do not have the resources” to protect you from burglars, gang intimidation, vandalism, mugging, ****** assault, etcetera, are not short of resources to deal with the least whiff of vigilantism, as people desperately try to protect themselves. The recruiters of course do not wish their recruits to be reminded that they are engaging in vigilante behaviour, so I remind them at every opportunity.


The methods the recruiters use are classic cult methods. The recruit is told lies while their emotions are manipulated; they are not told the true agenda of the cult they have been tricked into joining; they are given targets to hate and vent their frustrations on; they are enslaved and over time leached of all their resources; their children will also be indoctrinated and used. People know joining a cult is a bad thing. So at all costs the recruiters wish to keep the idea of cults away from their recruits. Again, I make a point of reminding them.


Another word/concept the recruiters want the recruits to forget. Again, another rich source of conversation with a gangstalker.

A major tool in the gangstalkers weaponry is successfully keeping the practice of gang stalking a secret. Most people not being stalked and many who are have never heard the term gangstalking and do not know what it means – a major Orwellian coup. Getting the word out is a major difficulty. From this point of view the words – covert war – are hated by gang stalkers. Both words, and especially in combination attract peoples notice and naturally induce them to read further.

FAIR GAME (Scientology)

Remember the film “Fair Game”. Odd title don’t you think when the story line had nothing to do with Scientology. The story based on fact about the betrayal of a CIA agent betrayed by her own government.

Gang stalkers do not like mention of Fair Game because the methods of Fair Game and gang stalking are identical. The existence of Fair Game tactics are acknowledged, but the response of authorities to gang stalking is to assert dogmatically that gang stalking does not exist and any who claims it does need the help of a psychiatrist.


The authorities do not wish people to be reminded of the Mafia. Many gang stalking methods and Mafia methods are identical, particularly the diverse rackets both gang stalkers and Mafia engage in. Infiltration of legitimate businesses, exploitation of labour, housing scams, protection money, and controlling people such as medical personnel who can make ” mistakes” in medical treatment, or an office worker who can “lose” or corrupt private data.


If the STASI were not the creators of Zerzetsen, they were the world’s foremost practitioners – a massive state spying apparatus which created as many spies as citizens. Gang stalking and Zerzetsen are identical.…



After the primary objective of gang stalkers to keep awareness of gang stalking from public knowledge is the secondary objective to ensure that if anyone comes across the concept of gang stalking or targeted individuals it will be immediately linked with insanity. The purpose of gaslighting behaviour is to make the person on the receiving end look insane.
jeffrey robin Mar 2014
///   ///


Well we wander

( ain't no HOME here  )

ain't gonna worry no more
ain't gonna hurt ourselves no more

Ain't gonna hurt eachother no more


Just moseying on outa here !

ain't gonna NUMB OURSELVES no more

( in those USUAL ways )



Wander around



( ain't gonna HEAR the idealistic  **** no more  !  )

Moseying around

(  we gonna find the REAL WORLD and just love there  )


We must face DYING to be FREE

( ain't gonna allow no pain no more  )
Anjelica Nov 2012
The dance of the souls is something eternal,
Never ending and unclear of when it started.
Beauty in the knowing that two souls can share a harmony,
to be on the same plain at the same Time,
to carry out their dreams together.

Come with me,
to a land so far away from this.
Travel into the mountains with me,
meditate on rocks,
hunt for crystal gardens
and find the gnome villages.
Sleep beneath the stars with me,
and wake to the Father wising.
Let us play as children do,
with no recognition of anything other than
Time is eternal for those who live outside of it,
that surf the edges
who disregard it.
Let us play with the Time Keepers,
I hear they get lonely.

Let us make a world of our own,
never upon the basis of 'should'
I want to climb the highest tree,
taste the strangest food,
explore the deepest of caves.
You can too,
if you only make the Time.
Nik Bland Feb 2018
My dear, you wound me
As only one who holds my heart can
So unassuming yet so
There’s no wising up with
Such a pretty face
A subtle disaster
A ticking bomb in my arms
Oh how you wound me
As only one who holds my heart can do
Ashwin Jul 2013
I am a fool for wising that my hands to be turned into gold now I  cannot eat the food I want and cannot drink the water I want to but someone told me to go into the unchanging water and I was healed
Things that worry me
Is my vision steadily deteriorating?
I look at the iPhone screen in the dark with my glasses off
Is that enough?
Or must I factor in the harsh light from my lap top screen
And the screen on my Kindle HD-X
I will even on occasion watch the television screen
And a movie once every two or three months
But all those I wear my glasses for
It's mainly the iPhone at night I am concerned about
Like I'm doing right now

Let me tell you the truth
My cynicism has evolved into a meaner beast
There aren't too many people I want to get to know past "thanks for the money
God bless" and if you think I really care if God blesses you why then you haven't been paying attention
I can't seem to muster up a smidgen of compassion for anyone
It's been so long since I felt that special kind of affection for anyone
And though it's true that people are typically getting dumber much faster than they're wising up
I'd say it's a wonder we worry about it at all
Or is it all in my head?
Is the Ambien invading entire sections of my brain, one by one, the ones not totally massacred and eradicated by the last ten years onslaught with marijuana of various properties and potencies
I suppose I should level a fare share of the blame on the Great Communicator THC
BUT I'm not a lost cause
Not yet
Not today, I made it through the day
Tomorrow isn't quaranteed

And as far as you know
I'm just the quiet guy in the market
Not a word for anyone he runs into
Not a word
Thank God for the self -checkout
I may ***** you, it's true
But I'm harmless
Unless attacked
Then I'm a ******* raging inferno
Blessed with precision
I will drag you into my hell
And you will know what it's like to be me
Walking cloud nine in the pits of Sheol
Tyler Nicholas Aug 2012
Does sleep visit you often?
How do you lay upon your bed?
Do you ride the REM drug?
Do you dream?
Do your eyes dry and crumble?
Can you feel anything?
Do you wake up in a cold sweat?
Do you wake up tasting colors?

Do you wake up wising you were someone else?
KathleenAMaloney Jan 2016
Body Snake
Wising Winters
Flame of Attribution

Recollection of a Hand
Moving to the Sound of
Sweet Whispering.

Slithering Indictments,
Held In Love's Darkness..
Trembling Coven Bound

Prized Feather
Of the Victorious
Angel Wings

Pure Virtue Risen...
God's Decision.
Life's Judge

Rainbow Miracle.
Arik Fletcher May 2010
Deep within this heart of mine,
drowning in the sands of time,
searching for a sacred sign,
dreaming of a world sublime.

Deep within the heart of me,
thoughts i cannot truly see,
dreams that cannot ever be,
chains that will not set me free.

Deep within this heart of mine,
wising i could draw the line,
tiring of the endless climb,
crying for the final time.
Nekatu Poetry © Arik Fletcher
Overrated is the word that comes to the fore
To tell of that woman's particular store
The products she vends aren't all that fab
Most of them have a dull look which is so drab

She may need to take stock of her inventory
Then thoroughly evaluate its retail credibility
The purchasers are wising up to her trade
They've become disenchanted with her escapade

To-day her shop soiled item went on sale
Few customers bought what was in her bail
Her sales pitch fell upon deaf ears
All that she offered for sale meet with load jeers

Store owners such as her have no excuse
For attempting to sell the dregs and refuse
The customer never outlays a dollar for trash
They prefer value for their hard one cash

The numbers of keen buyers aren't of a glut
Soon her second rate business shall be shut
Retail vending must be up to customer satisfaction
If not store owners can be put out of action
Matthew Jul 2010
A man alone, A man unheard
never to speak a word
He is a dream, a figment
of what he used to be

A man is married, he does not care
She is his to own
He torments her, all the time
An illusion, of what he was

A mirror is broken, a mirror is shattered
Pieces of him on the floor
He is shattered, he is broken
nothing but a dream

He is shattered, he is broken
he lies on the floor
The pieces of him, what he was
before he took a drink

He beats her often, he beats her hard
She is always afraid
He tries to change; He won't change
And yet she wants to stay

"I love him so, I love him so"
Is all she ever says
Beat her rough, beat her hard
So she'll finally leave

You loved him then, you hate him now
You are wising up
He hit you then, you shot him now
You are finally safe

The courts hate you, I love you
this is our debate
They let you free, you go with me
You are finally safe.
Copyright: 2009
People be hating
by the words that im saying
By the truth that im laying
Shut up if you don’t like what im saying
All them boys be misbehaving
And then girls be over thinking
With drugs and underage drinking
What the hell is this generation thinking?
Getting messed up out of condition
Taking on infliction By man or woman
that’s no tradition
It makes me sicken.
From what people be doing
Turning into villains wising to be killing
Wishing it be different…. Back and forth missing
People been teasing And many needing pleasing
So sick of all you people full of greed
Think of someone elses needs
Now take a seat And watch what I speak
This is what I preach
Jake Espinoza Sep 2012
Things come out wrong when I try to write my wrongs in pen
        In ten days I’ll be doing one of two types of time:
                either time spent sitting and sleeping and waiting
                or time spent sitting and sleeping and learning.
I guess I’m not too quick when it comes to confessions of carelessness
        I have a habit of avoiding caution and careful conduct
        I’m calloused and confused
                and my bones are bruised
                and my soon-to-be present
                will be spent serving time in a room or a cell.
My second sight of the wise old hermit
        made me feel like wising up a bit myself.
He seems not to want me no matter all the times I’ve tried to travel to his doorbell.
        He must be waiting for something I have yet to give.
Astrid Ember Mar 2015
You forgot to look up.
You forgot a lot of
things. You whispered
drunkenly once
"I went looking
for the messiah
in his pants,
but just found
the devil."
And I think

We go looking
to forget things
by replacing the
memories with
better ones
with better people.
But... You forgot
a lot of things.
I know... that
I told you to forget
the bad things.
But you just kept
finding his black ink
in everything.
So you forgot it all.

Trying to relearn
your own skin.
But you don't
see it with
out his touch.
You think that
might be why
your skin went
grey and your
eyes got dull.
Your hair
thinned and your
nails turned blue.

He lived in your
bones and maybe
that's why they
got so brittle.

But you know
how your
collar bones get
even stronger
after they break?

You're collar bones
babe. He broke
you. But your
skin is soft
and no longer
with a grey
hue. Your hair
has finally gotten

Here you
are sitting
on your
front patio
no longer
looking at
the ground
wising you
were in it.
You're realizing
as you watch
the sunset
that you
forgot to look
Reoccurring themes. Oops.
Here I am being wishful again,

Wising for it hard

Bearing in mind, also the odds.

Yearning for it

Sometimes almost reaching out to it

To all that I aspire

Almost feeling it

A moment surreal

And then

Snatched back to the instance

By a blink

A snap

A blow yet of the softest touch

Create waves inside the head

It rises

It descends


It soothes


Into the nothing.
kanish Nov 2020
She walks in the night
Looking around with fright 

Praying within her mind
Wising she'd see someone kind

Her heart beats fast
The night becomes vast

But why does she fear
Is it the tiger, lion or the bear

Or is it something worse
It is bad men of course

When she sees a drunken guy
She fears it time for her goodbye

But why fear men
To her it's worse than a hungry lion's den

Of course, not all are like that
But what if he is that

When he keeps his hand on her shoulder
She can't be any bolder

Pushing his hand she run
But he chases her for fun

She tries to save herself
Yelling 'help, help!'

What happens then, I'm no going to tell
But a guy who does this, will go to hell

She's not a doll for you to play
Or is you're brain made up of clay

Don't destroy a life for your happiness
Instead save her, you'll be blessed

Think, when you get that feeling too
Because she has a life too

Weather you are drunk or not
Help her, no matter what

~Kanish Ravikumar
I wrote this after seeing all the recent cases around on news and social media, save women, don't use them for your pleasure
Shoot my arrows of a funky a tip cold brews I sip strip
Titles from rival yo its survival of the fittest the winningest  
Hard for ya digest the best is yet to come from the slums
Of that wicked Houston you know the rockets shooting
Lootin' record pockets with the black market watch us stock it
Underground sounds htown ya know homie it's going down
Slowed up keep the syrup leaning in my cup so let me interrupt
The musical stations with no hesitating old school
Tasting flavors yall still.wasting money no time chasing
Flows been in me since I was a baby treat it like my lady
Golden era emcee spread my trees for every family
Gangstas hustlers thugsters to the teenage jugglers
I'm touching ya with the heat for the streets it's so sweet
Light the swishers to my mouth greet smokes a fleet
I'm so neat I'm so cool make the average hater drool
Know I'm hear to rule slick rick mentality with the jewels
Kangol hat pistols dipped in black plus a stainless steel bat
What's that haps curly naps this a brother that wont nap
Ya dead wrong in the club getting my bounce on
So sing along if ya know the words of the songs
Hit em like the chi-lites to the manhattans chatting
Raw macking smacking the calmest girls roudy in the back end
See her twitching caught my eyes devils temps is dripping
All over me plea the fifth I'm in insanity the man in me
Cant shake the fleas dog I am there I am again against rams
Dodge the bullet who can pull it off like this brother others
Try to come close but cant match this butter to toast
Melt tracks stain out the competition with my lyrical Ajax
As a matter of fact yall just keep listening times whistling
Revelation tune into the stations staring the son masons
7th star glory road signs leak with energy from the divine
Check it this ain't for ****** specs this for the tape decks
Beats I wreck keep these lines in check cold threat
Microphone I hold by own skull with a fiery throne shape clones
What is this brother getting at? Imagine that me
Falling off of the map relapse off of ya mental collapse  
Raps drawn by me in the form of history philosophy
Knowledge of the rhythm in ya grove to the immortal system
I'm hear to stay so let me play no loose words on the air play
Talk that **** that gutta gutta **** invoke fear from the darkest pits
Capernick ice piks fist in the air is a truth or another dare
As I stare into the state of panic ******* it critics
Dont understand it take a shot of whiskey make it a double
I thought we had a free state of mind only to get me in trouble

Got dj quik backing it up with the chop no vocals on the cut
They say what the **** is going on this for ladies n gents grown
Mature establishments immature wanna have it stab it
They cant cuz they bleeding from the old school seasoning
Beats this that **** ya that makes for a rewind or a repeat complete
Once my vocals meet cant stop going off of the beat
Man hold up this is a freestyle gotta go wild gotta go hard
On the charge like Charles Barkaley and all yall barking at me
But won't bite a G me the MC far from a square hit the snare
So I can let yall compare feel this through ya souls atmosphere
Hear me clear eyes bugged like headlights to a deer
Smear any beat I hop on stay strong this is everlasting long
Sound the gong let the battle begin see an eternal witnessing
Don't need the light or a shine to see a diminishing  finished within
Once the realize the damage is settled in happy feeling
Begins a maze your temple is grazed yo I'm never amazed
Measures drastics true natur-al far from a plastic minds elastic
In many forms wipe a nation without the bombs caress  
The symphony  it's so me smoothly spitting on the LP
No delays when I write what i say triggers ricochet
Bounce off like Bobby Boshay oh yeah it's another doomsday
So peep my visions incisions made with out the cut
Deeper than the souls of a gut call me mister King Tut
On a gangsta strut back to streets taking back my seat
With no chair throw ya hands in the air if ya a true player
Oh yeah I told em 2 decades ago I would rock the shows Cristo
Monte blunts smoke slow cash grows see flint of a haters sparkle
I charcoal beef til its obsolete without the heat
So watch ya where ya set ya feet the tools I use is antique
Mystery creek flows is rising everyday no disguising
Wising up over my opponent's yo tell me how ya want it
29 minutes of a freestyle stay wild turn critics wows to smile
Frowns cant even be form cuz you're in the edge of the storm
Calm as I sit in the eye no need to lie as I multiply third eye stys
Craniums shaking earthquake rhymes got em breaking staking
Every thing I touch come through with the cobra clutch
It's the black Dutch ruthless with the grit I hold mold any
Opposition  listen suckas talking bad but ain't stenciling
Nothing bad words make em react to the verbs check the nerves
Ya titles is wrecked im here to collect all dues an aspects
Infamous one Feb 2020
Made some changes
Doesn't mean depression
Not into the party scene
Getting older wising up
Don't care for crowd
Learned to enjoy solitude
Lost of reflecting personal growth
Not a yes man for others
Self evaluation personal preferences
Stopped caring what others think
Held on for life to one sided friendships
Let go took those risks pursuing more
Not the same person anymore
ConnectHook Jun 2020
bite back
white fright
white flack
black blight
lack light
light right
black rise
white lies
black lies
right rise
white right
night light
black flies
bright white
white ring wising
black light rising
bright black
horticultural/luminary imagery
Yenson May 2021
so our peoples power lies
in picking on one minor African Royal
to cancel harass and torment in our momentous style
for in neon lights the people are wising up to our deceits
we can no longer brainwash them properly like back in the day
when we spun that us and them lie and sow hatred in their minds

we are bovver boys and bullies
only know how to rule by corrupt means
bribing voters and the unions and using them as pawns
our tactics of smearing harassing intimidating and bullying
and our racism anti-Semitism and sexism are all now exposed to all
they have seen our underbellies and woke to our fantasies and tricks

they missed our chicanery in the capital
we got our brown mayor a second term in office
where we have the largest pool of brown and black
all our trained stooges and pawns assembled in fake solidarity
while we fight amongst each other and devise new scams to blind
get the pawns thugs and our gangster wing to hound that tiny royal

it keeps us relevant and distract the punters
tell them that's how we look after our own people
tell them its about if united we can sort out the elitist
do not let them know its divisive ploy breeding hate and envy
do not show we are bullies who intimidate and drive out female MPs
carry the fetching red rose but always hide the thorny stems and lie
again and again till the punters can't tell difference between truth and lies,,,,that's our politics
The Conservatives picked up control of several councils, including Southampton, Cornwall, Nottinghamshire and Basildon, as well as winning Harlow from Labour.

The party also celebrated winning the Hartlepool parliamentary by-election on Friday, taking a Westminster seat which Labour had held since its creation in 1974.

And it managed to keep the Tees Valley mayoralty - in an area once considered a Labour stronghold - with Ben Houchen increasing his share of the vote to 73%.

Labour lost control of councils including Sheffield, Plymouth and Durham to no overall controlwe can pick on
Yenson Jul 2021
She did it all for the tribe
as was asked of her
to walk on white grounds
where dirt lies below
and tongues speak back to front
never to say it as it is

She did it all for the tribe
wising a share
for the fatted cow roasts
plates handed out
be not the brave stranger
in village of needs

She did it all for the tribe
easier in shared shame
in head she's flown like a bird
from traps and cages
now within boundary freedom
what choice but a blinded mind

She did it all for the tribe
cannot fight no more
the villagers give her a home
a plot to farm her wares
the price a dance in the play of fools
for the tribe she will dance with fools
they pay wages and she' isn't a fool
The price of freedom
Infamous one Oct 2020
Too young to do that
Too old to do that
Age is not a limit
Do what makes you happy
Keep at it even
When others don't believe
Stay strong keep going
Wising up to grow
Can't stay the same
Overcome the pain
Every lesson a gain
Better for the next time
Yenson Sep 2020
" you can never wise up

cause you're born to be played

that's why you#re bred in the projects

so they can make up projects to occupy you

as you scratch a living and heed your master's calls

as they deflect you wising up by giving you a lamb to chase

smart ones are taking care of business while dumbos believe jivetalk "

— The End —