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Echoes Of A Mind Mar 2016
Misunderstandings can be caused
By the slightes thing
Things that have been done
Without thinking
Over the consequenses
Actions can be done in anger
Words can be said in sadness
And in the end
They can both cause problems

Some times actions can
slove what words have caused
And some times words can heal
the wounds created by actions
But sometimes
only time
Can heal everything that have happened
And some wounds
Won't heal at all...
C A Feb 2012
She thinks the planets have aligned
Finally, just for her.
She can feel the worlds heart beating beneath the floor.
Face to face against the world,
ready to conquer everything you ever said she couldn't do.
She is ready.
Ready to prove the girl in the mirror wrong.
She is off.
With an empty backpack and pocketfull of change.
And a ticket to a bigger city with a different name
A city with dazzling stars and puppy love.
A place where she learns every breath is a gift and love is not enough
A place where mistakes follow like rain clouds.
And tears fall down like rain.

She drives over the speedlimit
while she puts her thoughts on paper.
The only words to her thoughts are on a song played on the radio.
But it kills you to know,
When she's smiling, she is lying and its killing her also.
Even with the worst of her,
You would give her everything just to have the chance.
But people always end up hurting her.
Even after she is nice.
Even after karma comes around, she's still suffering the consequenses.
Illona May 2018
Love is unfair
Nothing can compare
Nothing can be declare
Love is cruel
Never let a single smile
Without a sea of tears
Love is dull
Never let two soul laugh
Only shattered pieces on their hands
Love is insane
Thinking about yes and no
Enough or too much
Love is tears
Only the moon and the sun
No one cares about the stars and the sky
Love is fake
Never find the time
Never has a courage
Love is cage
Let the fox be free then cacth the fireflies
Losing the light behind the walls
Love is told
Keep to your hearts and tell the orbs
The universe is crying and be hold
Love is dark
Full of sadness and madness
Lust then love
Love is cold
Another beating heart to calm your storm
Another hands to another body
Love is raw
Anger eats you alive
Yelling screaming about how the rainbow never come
Love is deaf
Sounds of the wind brush the grass
The clock has been click
Love is black
Put the smile over the sickness
Happy while you're hurting
Love is burn
See the piece of puzzle with another pieces
Leaking the bright from your eyes
Love is empty
Never in home
Only two hearts breaking the hole
Love is lie
Wait and wait and wait
Should have known from the begining
Love is dumb
Believe in bittersweet promises
Tragically fell so deep
Love is dark
Two hearts beating the same rythm
Can't see the end of it
Love is death
Time is running
Never let the two find the blues
Lost in labryint without a north and south
Sharp glass on the land
Red ink dripping down
Split to the ground and sky
Never enough with one home
Consequenses waiting to come
And love never come
One Thing that will change Everything
From Rainbow into a Storm just need a gasoline and a breathe

— The End —