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Jeremy Duff May 2014
people would ask me if i knew you
I would say yes,
i know her very well,
she is my bestfriend
and i love her more than anything.

somewhere along the line
i added,
but i haven't talked to her in a while,
and i thought nothing of it.

i want to kiss you,
like we've done before.
i remember every kiss you've ever given me,
because they meant more than any kiss i've ever received.
i remember every kiss you've ever given me,
because they tasted sweater than any kiss i've ever received.

i want to kiss you again,
but i'm so afraid of losing you.
i'm afraid of losing you more
than i already have.

i'm jealous,
i'm jealous of every boy you've ever kissed.
i'm jealous of that boy you talk to me about on the phone.
i'm losing you
and you don't know how jealous i am.

i kiss other girls because i want to,
i kissed you because i love you.
I act like I do
because I act like you
i feel unloved
but you blame it all on me
instead of hugging me
telling me its okay

I was hurt many times
and scarred as well
but when i tried to tell you
you scarred me even more
and said that it was all my fault
for doing what i do

but the way i feel
it's all bcause of you
i feel unloved at home so i'll get it anywhere
thats offering it

they can't make me feel
any worser than i already do
so forget life
ive had my fun
i aint worth crap anyway
Safana Aug 2020
Ring the Bell
Ring it, well
Ring the Bell
can see, a skell
from dry well
They sight it well
A wealthy kvell
spell it and yell,
Ring the Bell
And paupers
           yawningly mispell
           They can see not well
They said:
           Blood well instead farewell

Ring the Bell
Everyone is unwell
The tears is upwell
No tasty, they smell
All sadness are swell
And hungry is quell

Ring the Bell
          Difficulties swell
          No one to dwell
          For a bit on snell
          Uphill is upswell

Ring the bell
Ring it well!
Be alert and alert everyone to help those needy ones everywhere in this world.
Mr X May 2014
I sat on one of the brown seats and watched a lavish show...
Singers, dancers, lights, cameras....
Flowers, costumes, colours, and viewers...
Everything was perfect...
As it should be.
However, a sudden movement crossed my eyes.
Behind the curtains, I saw a girl peeking inside.
She had two tiny ribbons on her unkempt hair.
And a shabby dress she had put on.
Her twinkling eyes and naughty nose
Were the only jewels she wore.
The angels on the stage were a facade...
And here, this girl was an angel in herself.
Shining...smiling...and wondering.

But she was driven away...
As always...
After all, she was destroying the perfection so perfect.
But, how didn't they realise, she was the only perfect piece out there?!
Her beautiful eyebrows bend themselves downward...
And her lips curved on the wrong side.
She dragged her feet and went behind.
My eyes were back on the stage where everything was so not true...
I saw people hide their pride behind the generous song of the flute.
Then, a gentle wind swept past the hall
And the curtains started dancing about.
My eyes went back to the spot where that angel stood.
I noticed, that behind the curtain something moved.
And on looking closer, I saw the angel swirling around and around.
She danced around with a laughter I could only see...
She tapped her foot with the rhythm which was her's only.
Her joy was not her's alone.
As she had given a share of it to me as well...
Her show was the perfect of all
And more so bcause of her jewels so pure...
Love is something you try your hardest to hold on to
But unfortunately you dont know it but its slipping away from you
After all the hard work you went through to get it
It betrays you turns around and in your face it will spit
It warns you that it will leave if you dont show your love 
If you ignore it will leave you if you dont do all of the above
Then without it you feel as if you were dumb or stupid
So you do all you can to get it bak you even call on cupid
You then convince cupid and he says you hav 3 tries
But you constantly miss bcause your love denies
Cupid says "give it time" it will come back
Then you realize that is all you lack
You have no patience when it comes to waiting
You rush through relationships thats why you cant keep dating
So you give your heart a break you stay stable for a while
Then your love comes back crying tears in a pile
You let it in because you cant stay apart
The lesson learned is you cant live without a heart
Without a heart you cant be in love
Its not a wedding if there is no dove
Magaly Smith Aug 2011
I cant sleep
I dont know whats going on my mind
Maybe its not whats in my mind
Maybe its whats outside
It could be family problems
It could be here Illinoise
Or it could just me
I dont have to blame myself
Its is completly normal to be nervous
Being in a place unknown
Where no one knows you,you dont know them
But I hope that in the future
People will accept me for being me,if not
that will be ok bcause Im different
I named this poem,Restless cause i couldnt sleep.
Hannah Grey May 2014
Others say that I'm a hypocrit
because I don't treat them the way they want to.
Others say that I'm a hypocrit
because I ignore them when they were my friends.

Others say that I'm a hypocrit
bcause I smile showing in their face that I am happy.
Others say that I'm a hypocrit
because I'm not with them anymore.

But what if I treat them different because they dont care about me.
If I discover that "them" are just fake friends,
If I'm smiling but not feeling happiness,
what if I stop being with them because I don't belong there anymore

Maybe they are the hypocrits.
Just maybe, because I don't know,
and I'm no one to say who they are.
But I now they are not my friends anymore.

At least, not the real ones.
A hundred and seventeen by day
Cools to ninety overnight
No relief but the shower stall.
Humidity at sixty-five
Mixed with sweat for a nasty soup.
Cold water from the tap is warm.
The shade no cooler than the sun.
Trapped in Air Conditioned caves,
It’s hunker down and find a way
To forge a path though ninety days.

Why does anybody even try
To live in this forsaken place.

Bcause it’s lovely in the Winter.
The gorgeous skies are like no other
With clouds that tumble into billows
Of fantastic size and shape.
The Craggy mountains circle round
In jagged homage to the sky,
And sunrise is excelled by none.
In March wildflowers explode in bloom.
Along the streets and in the fields
Where little bunnies hide in bushes.
And tiny lizards scurry by.
The air is clean and brisk and new
And snowbirds make their yearly trek
Infusing new and different views.

That’s the Yang to scorching Yin
That keeps us here, content to be.
Making it through the first summer of our new home state.  Barely.
Matt Jun 2015
Been through so much sh** now
Haven't we all

And I live in this body
That I don't really like

And I spend my life alone

And I can forget about success
Or a career or a future in this country

Just store food and water
And get ready for a big collapse

You're on your own soldier!

But that's okay
Grandpa was on his own
In North Africa

I'm tough, I'm mean
And I will survive

Bcause that is all I ever do
I certainly don't have
Many good feelings

I don't know any pretty women
I don't have fun

I scrape and scrap
For every lousy worthless dollar

And I'll keep my can opener
Close at hand

I need to store up more canned foods
Cause this is a nation in a whole bunch
Of trouble
No body Feb 2018
You tell me you like me
You tell me you care
You tell me i'm the only one
I belived you
I sat here and waste my time on you
You lied
But I still care for you
We are still friends
Bcause i'm scared to let you go
You mean so much to me
But you lied, but I still care about you
Jerry Howarth Jan 2022
ADAM and EVE in the Garden of Eden.

Adam: "We should not have eaten the fruit of that tree!"
EVE "Uh, what tree are you talking about, Adam?"
ADAM "That tree over there in the middle of this garden, the
               one God told us not to eat the fruit of it!"
EVE "Oh yeah, THAT tree, the one God said we would die if we
        ate from it. Well that two legged snake told me not to get to
       concerned about dying, because God wouldn't **** us. He just
       said He would, bcause He didn't want us to be as smart as He
       is. Hey! we ate and dead we 'aint, just as that snake said to
       me, "You will not surly die"  Adam that snake has known God
       a longer then we have, and knows Him better then we do, so I
      think we ought to listen when he tells us something!"
ADAM: "Yeah, well as you said 'Dead we 'aint' but I have  noticed
               that ever since we ate from that forbidden tree, you look a
              lot different now then when God introduced you to me."
Eve: "Well I've been noticing you too look  different when God
          brought me to you then you do now. Hey, Adam, we started
          looking different right after we ate the fruit of that tree down
         there  in the middle of the garden.
Adam: "You know Eve, you are right, and  think I know why. 'Dead
               we 'aint', but 'dying we are starting.' Before you listened to
                that multi-colored snake and conned us into sampling of
               that tree, unh what did God name it?  the tree of good and
               evil, we lost the shimmering light that surrounded our
              bodies, and now we are unclouthed."
They stopped talking to each other and just looked at one another,
then Adam broke the silence and said:
"Eve you look different with out that shimmerng light covering you, but something about your new look kind of, uh, well is causing me to uh, well I don't really know how to explain it, but I feel like touching yo......"    

Eve: "Yes Adam, I feel the same way about you, and it sort of excites
           me when I feel like you touching me and me touching you".
Adam: "Yeah, I know what you mean but you know what? we need
               to replace that light and cover our bodies with some thing. I
              don't think it's healthy to be running around unclouthed like
             we are.
Eve: "But what should we use to cover our selves? O I have an idea!
          Let's sew some of these big fig leaves into gaments!"

  So that's what they did, and when they were finished, Adam looked at Eve, and Eve looked a Adam; they both smild at each other and xpressed how beautiful each other looked. Then Adam
said all that sewing made him hungry, so Eve walked over to a fruit tree of which they were allowed to eat and tossed Adam a couple,
(you decide what she tossed him) but just as he as about to devour them, Adam heared God walking nearby, and instinctivly knew
God would not be pleased with them, and grabbed her hand and said,
"Quick Eve! we need a place to hide" and pulled her behind a big
Red Wood tree. God of course knew where they were hiding, being Omniscient, but He gave them an opportunity to confess their  where-abouts. "ADAM! ADAM WHERE ARE YOU? I HAVE COME TO FELLOWSHIP WITH YOU! Adam and Eve. Why in the world are you two standing behind that tree?"

Adam: "Well thou Omnipotent One, I heard your voice calling me,
and I was afraid, because I was naked."

God: "Adam, you were naked because you ate of the fruit of the tree
I specifically commanded you not to eat, and your disobediance destroyed my righteousness that engulfed you covering your body."

Adam: "But.. hold on a minute! That woman you gave me, she was the disobediant one before me and she insisted I eat it too, but I only took a small sample of it."

God: "Woman, do you realize what you have done? Did not the man I gave you to, warn you about the  conseqences of eating the fruit of that tree of good and evil?  Now just look at yourselves, both of you have lost my light of righteousness and just as I told you, do not eat of that midle tree, lest you die. Now your nakedness is the first symptoms of death."

Eve: "But, but that two legged curly creature living in this beautiful garden you created, it conned me into trying a little of it. It said we wouldn't really die if we ate some of it"

God: "Serpent, because you went over my athority and lied to this lovely young lady, I'm cutting your legs out from under you and you are going to have to crawl around on your belly, eating the dust
of earth for the rest of your life"

In this Bible account of Adam and Eve and Lucifer the serpent, are many spiritual applicaions one can give.
1. It's the origin of the 'ol blame game; don't blame me, he's the one
   that  started it or said it. Adam blamed God and Eve.
   a."That woman you gave me, she started it all."
   b.  Eve blamed the serpent "He beguiled me into eating it"
   c.  The serpent  had only himself to blame.
2. Every one has to answer to God for them self - Romans 2: 6  God
     will render to every man accoding to his deeds."

3. Adam and Eve blamed God and each other for their deeds of sin,
    but they still had to pay a price individually for their own deeds
  a. Gen. 3:14 -19 tells the price they each had to pay.

4. However in God's punisment, we see His Grace and Mercy
    Vs 21 "And to Adam and his wife did the Lord God make coats
     of skins and clothed them."
5. Turning to the New Testmt, Rom. 5:18-21 is a referene to wha
     happened in the Garden of Eden.
What a wonderful God who reign and rules in the affairs of man kind.!

— The End —