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Eslam Dabank Jun 2019
Deception feeds on ignorance in every lane,
Missiles are wrong symphonies in Ukraine.

The world won't rise with the cries of a thousand,
Corruption sneaks into the bones in Thailand.

Humans and bodies are wars' cheapest lance,
The riots take back stolen rights in France.

Starvation is stronger than the dignity of men,
Begging for food is integrity, in Yemen.

Moms paid, with their children, the fees.
Souls taken, are countless in greece.

There, living in an empty land is the plan,
Women, children and men, murdered, for power, in Sudan.

"Spending eternity in peace, is a ban",
Told the people, between Armenia and Azerbaijan.

Depravity spreading in man like Ameba,
A losing game of change played in Cuba.

Billions of harassment cases, you bet,
Are, will be reserved in god's eyes in Egypt.

Buried her father, brother and,
desire of existence, dear Haya,
She, and millions another, in fenced Libya.

In the name of religion, crimes covered, disgracefully,
Chastity thrown, in land of churches, the Vatican City.

Shattered wood under a phloem,
Are the confused inhabitants of oriental Jerusalem.

Too many sects, invading the minds, anon,
Conflicts will split the one entity of Lebanon.

Washing souls with lies of worship, is a key
Says the elected president of Turkey.

To be served, pure blood awaits in the line.
It rains glory and sacrifice upon Palestine.

To regain true reality, they had to wham,
Under snow, through fog, numbed rain, in Vietnam.

Lost a thousands of years worth of legacy,
Guns are the rulers in Damascus city.
It is "loaves" not "loafs" - I know. But it is written that way, to show the ignorance some has, and still are proud of it, and show it confidently.
Bergen Franklin May 2015
zebra geebra
striped like an amoeba
or maybe like a striped cloth
thrown over a horse
but you don't race zebras
or amoebas
just a horse
but if the horse
had a striped saddle
it'd be a zebra
but not an ameba
but amoebas did evolve into zebras
and horses
Oct 21, 2005
Joshua Haines Jan 2015
Pale body, blue eyes
Dark haired WASP;
Cigarette burns
Cigarette breath
Black nail polish;
worn like her gaze.
Plump lips;
Tastes like
"he left."

Milk body, brown eyes
Blond haired voice;
accent consumes.
Diseased brain
***** like a parasite
Blood-shot red nails;
scratching at life's surface.
Chapped lips;
Chews on them
like a blown tire
dying between metal
and the road.

Our bodies shifted in and out
like an ameba.
Suffocated by lost teenage years
and daddy issues.
Riding my knee.
On my face.
I want to disappear
into outer space.

Skeleton ***;
our corpses mix.
Sweat stained smiles.
Soap smothered tiles.
Showering with two souls
as lost as mine.
jeffrey robin Dec 2014
))((        ))((

0--------  x  -------0

  O          O

lightning !!!!!!
                                                          ( the storm )

The night bleeds life thru tiny cracks and crevices
Leaking thru tenemented  slum cities
Into the white world

We watch the bankers play the money game

Stating with fake numbers who shall rule and enslave

//             //

We are merely rats somehow

We are hardly even mere spectators anymore


Johnny at the bar with Mary the ***** !

Even love  gotta be paid for !


The rancid stench of decay

Poisoned attitudes befoul the very air
We try to breathe

And war like talk mars the remnants
Of our sensibilities

I love you / she said

I know what you mean


The brittle fragile day / still

We gotta start all over again


From out the ashes !

Escape the ugly garden !

On the journey
Ameba to man !


Get down !!!!!!


Seeping thru the cracks and crevices of
Broken down bodies in the tenemented
Slum cities

Of the white world .......... We

Come to see the senseless   Sensitivity
We bare

And we dare thusly to come awake

On a new day in a new world
Harley Quinzel Jan 2016
Do you hear it?
See it?
Taste and touch,
What is so painfully clear.
Are you insane?
Maybe I should pick at your brain...
Open you up,
And find out what makes you tick,
You claim to be so smart,
But really you're thick,
Nothing more than an ameba,
A smear of dirt upon society,
The worst thing of all,
Is that there's no variety,
There are a million of you,
A dime a dozen,
I mean just look at the government,
***** and rotten,
Choking on the *****,
That is their own corruption,
I'm tired of you,
Run along and continue to do what you do,
When I'm feeling up to it,
I might try and change you,
Seperate you from your body parts,
Try and rearrange you,
Funny enough the only part missing...
Is your heart...
Strangely enough,
I thought you were never supposed to be apart.
sandra wyllie May 2022
you were just an idea -
a thing I planned
to do down the road before I
grew too old.

I loved you when
we were trying. And every month
crying when all the tests came back
negative. And my stomach lay flat
as a door mat.

I loved you when
you were only a seed
floating in midstream. And I
couldn’t wait for the due date. As
I saw two pink lines I screamed
no more drinking wine!

I loved you when
you played kickball
in my stomach. And as I grew
so fat I couldn’t see my feet
or tie my shoes. And then the doctor
said paint the room blue!

I loved you when
you pushed that big head
out into this world! And as I saw
those red chubby cheeks, so breathless
I couldn’t speak.

I loved you when
you were up all night. And couldn’t
sleep without the lights on. And in the early
morn, I looked like a creature from
Dawn of the Dead.

I loved you when
you wobbled like a weeble
and drooled like a rabid fox. And
pulled off both socks only to
stuff them in that tiny mouth. And I
pulled them out.

I loved you when
you called me mama. And my
tired legs couldn’t chase you
as you ran sprinting
like a cheetah/turning faster than
an ameba.

I loved you when
you shot past my shoulders. And as
you grew older I loved you even
more. And I’d miss you and worry
when you were at school or out with friends
and as you lay sick in bed
with a high temperature. And that
hasn't stopped/the love and worrying.
It's part of this thing called mothering.
Roving impoverished folk are piously philosophical until they mate
with lard ***, furry, infanticidal witches who irregularly *******
in crude ditches where, with ameba & protozoon, they'll fractionate
an 8-lipped **** that, gapes for sun blight up tight in chronic fright,
smirks beneath edges of hedges till stubble wedges in **** sledges

— The End —