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Yi Jiun Liu May 2018
Ese día como un día cualquiera
Entre tantas personas
Me senté al lado tuyo
El bus en movimiento guiando de lado a lado..
Mi cuerpo hacia ti
Sin darme cuenta el tiempo se detiene.
En ese instante la multitud desaparece y nos encontramos solos
No te miré a los ojos
No era yo mismo en ese momento.
No podía controlar mi cuerpo, poseído por el ahora
Nuestros movimientos sincronizados
Sin conocernos...
En el silencio nuestros latidos correspondían uno al otro
Siendo sincero estaba nervioso porque estaba a tu lado.
Ni una palabra , ni una mirada
Nuestras manos se encontraron
Entrelazados nuestros meñiques, realizamos una promesa que solo tú y yo sabemos.
No era amor, si no un sentimiento conocido.
Entre tú y yo
Ese momento que compartimos juntos.
Real story, memories that are important to oneself
I dreamt a friendship so freeing
Lost in time and age
A friend I'll never likely have again
A friend who hardly remembers me

I wake up on a cold morning
To find my dream gone
And my friend along with it
Alone again naturally

Even though it was a dream
I will remember this friendship
A fantasy I wish was real
I'm sorry

I'm sorry
This friendship didn't last
Fantasy kept it
And I now wake with without my friend.
See you in a another time...
Yawer Nov 2015
The thing is she's an unforgatable thing..!!
She's stuck in my mind..!!
She'll be stuck in my mind..!!
when i'll be at that age..
When i'll have white hairs on my head(50)..
she'll be there in my thoughts..
when i'll have A cup of tea in my shaking hand(60)..
in front of me i'll imagine her..
When i'll have a hundreds wrinkels on my face, cold blood crawling in my veins..(70)
I'll feel her warm body into my arms.. !!
I'll feel her fingers caught between in mine..!!
When i'll trying hardly To take breaths..
recumbent on a bed guessing which will be my last spring..(80)
I'll hear her whisper in my ears..
I'll feel her touch on my lips..
i'll smell her fragrant hairs falling on my face..!!
Notes (optional)

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