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NameDoesntMatter Aug 2014
Its amazing,
How good I am at wasting my time
Gazing south as if some wise, well worn fisherman,leaning against the wroughted railed pier in all its victorian, gordy, standing, splendor.

Warmed and held by the summer sun as close as shared spoon-cuddled arms.

On thermal  air, calls and laughter rise from towelled steaked plots
blinding and shading the razor sharp hungry sea-gulls eye from flakey white flesh in all its golden battered salt-shuck sharpness,
competeing on the nose with hand-held melting creamyness, as they waft and weave gently by.

Below the slatted sound , the magic hypnotic spell of lapping waves lift and tilt me on a day dream of youthful lost love.

To a day we made our sun run in all its lazyness, dimming the enviour moon in its wake and kissing still the hands on the pasty-face black towering clock
                                          As time slipped way and was some where else.

With worn drift wood and tingleling toes you defaced the sand with a graphity the council tryed but couldn't erace.
And there it lies still, benieth the smooth pebbled shore,
                                                          ­                                                           kissed each day with salty tears and remembered sighs.

A fearful screaming siren pieces the soft English air, Its doppled blast, chilling,  pushing, demanding its screeching way through the brain, to some others pained, tear filled day,
                                                            ­                                then fades on the breeze.

A sun blushed child frowns through pink Brighton rock lips and eyes as blue as the sea, a secert smile is shared as if in that innocence I knew  that one magic day she will run on skipping painted toes and giggles sweet to etch for him in soft blank sand her love on this dreamy day beach.

So off the sea and off the pier I strole, absorbed and lost among the tripping faced crowd,into the sun dipped west and home alone.

Yet knowing you will remain forever mine, held in crystal dimonded grains, whilst around the bitter -sweet changing tides ebb and flow          
­                                                                 ­  years.
Corinne Tyo  Jan 2014
Corinne Tyo Jan 2014
I’m tired.
Worn out, really.
I’m tired of being the understanding one. The one that sees it all, hears it all, feels it all, but no it’s ok, I understand.
And I move on. But what I really want is to say
Hey! Rude is unattractive
And ignorance is just lazyness
And selfishness or dishonesty….not worth my time.
But no, it’s fine. I understand. I give second, third, fourth chances. I make excuses for those that should not be excused.
And I get burnt. Badly. Burnt out. Tired.
I’m tired.
Waverly  Apr 2012
Waverly Apr 2012
I had so many purses
of night
that i couldn't sweat her.

I couldn't feel warmth
even in the embrace
when he held me
in his sweater.

Hell could catch me for a thousand reasons,
I might be a sinner,
I might **** a man if need be.

But my heart
is made from a century
of hate.

A century of racism,
telling me that the white girl I loved,
was probably getting *****
when we ******
and made love
on the side.

So what can I say,
when I go on journeys
against Hades,
trying to pull life
from the depths
like Orpheus' stupid ***
couldn't do

I'll never do it again,
this is where
the heart the begins.

In hell,
trying to make
of the devil
and calling her
to make amends
for my sins
with girls
with a ***** smell like vanilla.

Blandness is a disease,
I can **** a thousand of them
with ease.

Ease is the son
of lazyness
and I've gotten careless.
Douglas Oliveira May 2013
I can't believe you are here now,
Reading my verses.
You, Writer, who looks skeptically at anything
Which doesn't come from you.
You, Writer, who can appreciate only the words
That come from your own pen
Or from the pen of the dead.
While you adore corpses
Your brothers and sisters
Stay here
For you
And for me,
Because I am not better than you.
But maybe together
We can be better
And give to ours friends
More than merely "likes"
In theirs shortest verses,
Because is what our lazyness
Allowed is to read.
Maybe together we can strength
Our verses
Our hearts
And-hour by hour-
All the world.
I am, too.
I am you when we go through...
The joys and horrors of passion,
The pain unnoticed by a lack of action,
The shame shamelessly felt over the time lost to fake connexion,
The blaze that burns and chokes us, yet we still want: agression,
The never aging ever breeding question:

I hope, too.
I hoped for too much, hoped like you...
But what to hope for without you, what to lose more, thought?
I hope that once the thought will cry as not the one that fell apart
Anyhow I just fought me when I hurt you and myself hard...
The more I hope the less I live, let this peaceful end turn to art!
But not that kind I used to will, not what steals, but tears a heart.
And how I still fall deep in dread holding onto the one last shard.
Wake up!

I try, too.
I tried so hard, but not with you...
In my past, goals were set easy, I even had more own choices.
You, a bright and playful mind, made good fun of ill-eerie voices.
Lazyness denounced us; yet we found: we still gain chances.
Trying hard was not an option, fights were in fact, pretty dances.
At one time or yet another, the game of life turned ruthless.
The first blows didn't even harm, but you became their witness.
Try again, fear not, improve!

I love, too.
I loved and worked with what you knew...
And love must sometimes has to bring its darker nature;
I always knew the only way to see new life is mature.
Too little were we to grasp then, how it will cause torture...
The first real thing you got to feel was withdrawal. Erasure.
All love came free, unrestrained, youth and beauty did a favor.
But no true love lasts, nor even sparks, innocent, creature.
Beware, accept refusal!

I hate, too.
I hated none once, haven't you?
We got them right first all the time.
Or second, third, in some next rhyme.
At one time, you were due to fail. I'm inerrant, how is this mine?
No, failure is never mine! We have lost and they did fine!
Hate is not so easy when you loved, as love, without a crime.
It creeps and piles up slowly in the ill-fed soul, like grime.
Forget, forgive!

I give, too.
I gave too little, gave too soon.
Or give too late and no love, hate or even a simple notice made.
Even ancient people saw that life, chemistry: they're about trade.
Give, take, count, prepare, we should have had learnt earlier...
Make, develop, mind, matter, we really should do this better!
I gave when asked, but afraid to ask, to give enough: I can never.
I gave what I got, shall I do just what I could if I must, forever?
Give, love and never give up!

I act, too.
I swear I do, just in case I excuse you...
I take actions, I say words, both are mighty, each one works.
I use language, I have thought, I may sound scary, I may scold.
Changes, in turn, demand patience, lots of actions, a good hold.
You, my dear mind, only you may make us walk the right way.
Think straight and wise when taking action, seize a fine day!
And when in need or a big excess, act quickly, make use, express.
Just act well and do work fine!

I die, too.
I die too, some day I'll die with you.
I am a spirit, but also a droid, a body, a vessel, a thinking fluid.
I am a being, trapped in samsara with a conscious ego and id,
And something above, all my brothers, fellow men and others,
Our selves live within others we know and they live in ours.
All my memories have parts of them within a universal they,
And finally I shall fade away, my actions call my life a day.
Live true, die happy!

I live, too.
I lived long and you minded me...
Who you are is all you do, say, write, love or hate, so choose!
Come together, be alone, do the homework, answer the phone!
Make your dreams work, to live your dream, make friends!
Come back home again, make love, live life, make sense!
Listen well, play music, enjoy games, don't panic, just dance!
Know us, know them, be yourself bravely, everyone will love it!
Maybe. ;)
To the one, who am I or rather you, who I am, too.
MAYUR  Aug 2015
Comfort zone
MAYUR Aug 2015
Claustrophobic comfort zone,
guarded by lazyness
Dreams come here
to breathe their last.

Time she's a wasting,
ignorance is darkness
Present comes here
to wallow in the past.
Kritika dubey Aug 2016
Ohh God ,,my god,,
why u cruel ,why you so angry upon me
back my power oh dear god ,back my power oh dear god,,
all session are emptiness,without my rain power,,,

without a one droop water,Birds as without wings flying over the sky,,
animals feel pain without water,worlds empty without rain,,,
back to power god ,back to my power God,,
ohh Almighty God ,,,
God say,,,dear cloud,,,
u do not have to worry my child about emptyness,when u had that power what you do?
you do unxpected things ,having proud,prejudice nd lazyness ,,
why u thinking about it,,have to keep it ,,truth..
purity nd chestity is above to all..
cloud  answed ,,knowing wrong way choosed i had,,
not soon know about falut of mine , but soon i get realized about flult,,
apolizise my wrong path,give me pardan,my Almighty god ,,i come on my keck,,,
once let me right to proof..
ohh god,,,,,,,,, my dear god,,,,

nd God said,,,God thinks deeply nd had final decision,,
nd give to back power of cloud,,,,said just be pure nd faire
nd let'the hold ur setuation on ur solder,,becomes preety answer get you in ur way
just put it hold ur dignity along  with innocecence,,,dear my watery cloud proofd that thou might be fair,,
power is power,nd make to right it....

nd then finaly cloud get their power from The Almighty God,,,
nd bottom of the line is we dont have right to done anything about nature becouse lots of things are influenced by this wrong way...
which wehave to missused to though having so called FUN..........
Clouds aplozisation
Nis Jun 2018
Si odiase a alguien como odio a mi cuerpo,
La luz de mi odio guiaría
a los peregrinos de la disidia a mi corazón,
y la pereza de mi odio sería tan grande
que tu belleza sería opaca como la de cualquier otro.

Si odiase a alguien como odio a mi cuerpo
lloraría todos los días por el ingrato muerto
como no lloro todas las noches por mi desdicha.
Si odiase a alguien sería a mi mismo
por tener mi cuerpo.
Y de mis venas fluiría la sangre
como de tu corazón el olvido.
Mi olvido.

Si amase a alguien os amaría a todos
pero el odio a mi cuerpo me impide veros
como si fuese niebla en una noche de Enero,
pues mi corazón ya está roto por dentro
como mi cuerpo está roto por fuera.


If a hated someone as I hate my body,
the light of my hatred would guide
the sloth's pilgrims to my heart,
and the lazyness of my hatred would be so big
your beauty would be opaque as any other's.

If I hated someone as I hate my body
I would cry each day for the ungrateful dead
as I don't cry each night for my misery.
If I hated someone it'd be myself
for having my body.
And from my veins blood would flow
as from your heart the oblivion.
My oblivion.

If I loved someone I would love you all
but the hatred towards my body unables me to see you
as if it were fog in a January night,
for my heart is already broken inside
as my body is broken outside.
I think this one loses a little more than most of my poems once translated but I did it anyway.
Juliana Apr 2021
Freeze Yellow Iguanas
Bees Tease Warts
Ears Tarnish Antarctica
Orange Monkeys Groove
Alpacas Knit Ascots
Nannies Babysit Anteaters
Teachers Tolerate Yaks’ Lazyness
Armadillos Merge Armys
Music Includes Axolotls
Newts Free Lizards
Not All Sloths Annihilate
Insects Dance Knowingly
Dainty Arms Require Elephants
Bathe Rabbits Biweekly
Dorky Iridescent Yellowfish
Tamborine Bearing Anglerfish
Unicorns Float Occasionally
Flinching Antelope Quake
Warthogs Torture Hamsters
Jan  Dec 2020
Jan Dec 2020
He is burning my soul, night and day.
I the innocent sheep, from far away.
as a carnated child from 5th heaven.
I am alone and the demons are seven.
Hunted by the avengers for blood.
My soul is meshed up for mud.

walking into my prayers room, odd!
I called into myself,  vanishing from god.
I walks toward the light, i yells the name
Christ, advice me to **** the flame.
An angel messaged me from the sky.
Let the sheep become wise and high.

I did keep asking for lords advice
i was blamed that my heart was entice.
i did pray for mastery  and skill.
i seek justice from the lords will.
the craftsmen screamed for vengance
they are abandoned and lost their entrance.

They did build upon a delighted soul
with substance they build the prison whole.
who the hell did put me into a  cage.
was it a blossomed God of rage.
i'll put down my wool on earth.
and queen isis will give me berth.

With a higher consciouss, i breathed.
My human weakness is death.
the seven sins of the demons
sinks like the forgotten seamens
who drowned in lazyness and pride.
Doomed were the enligthed brides.

— The End —