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 Sep 2016 Francis
Fallen One.
Lost one.
Injured one.
Twin towers destroyed.

I’m sorry for the people who lost their life.
I’m sorry for the families.
So much damage happened that day.

My father told me where he was when he first heard what happened.
I have heard horror stories, people tell me where they were and what they were feeling that day.
I’m sorry, I’m sorry this day ever happened.
Peace was not in the air that day, hate and smoke filled the air.
Airline security became more secure.
A lot of things changed after that day happened.
But in the middle of all this happening, my cousin was born.
A new life joined the world.
Happy Birthday to my cousin :) I love you, I hope you have a good day today.
I'm sorry to all of the families and people who passed away from 9/11.
I hope everyone has a good day today.
Midnight approaches
Tick tick tock
Won't someone stop
The Doomsday Clock
From striking oil
Drilling rock
Thirsting soil
Deserted hourglass of sand
Shifts to resource hungry hand
Tyrants of time assume command
Greed consumes
This wasted land

First come the roaches
Tick tick tock
The bugs can't stop
The Doomsday Clock
With beehive brains
No voice to talk
And droning minds
Comprise the flock
As lone wolves feast
On sheep they stalk

Then fear encroaches
Tick tick tock
Too scared to stop
The Doomsday Clock
As violence claims
Each city block
Blood drawn on streets
Like sidewalk chalk
When Hatred's loaded
Gun is cocked

Beyond reproaches
Tick tick tock
How could they stop
The Doomsday Clock
When despots trade
In human stock
Waging war
Upon this rock
As profits slaughter
More livestock

The end approaches
Tick tick tock
No hope to stop
The Doomsday Clock
As poisoned skies
Corrode this rock
With toxic lies
Controlling hourglass of sand
Clenched by Atlas choking hand
Titans of industry command
Still Chronos rules
This dying land
 Sep 2016 Francis
Nishu Mathur
Summer skies glow like wine
with the  warmth of the season
in rich hues of burgundy

As the sun sets
the waves of the sea
soak themselves in shades of the sky
to leap like waves of fire
cradling the residual heat
of the last days of summer

The burnished hues at dusk
as if borrowed from autumn
whisper at sunset - the arrival of fall
that summer shall sleep a while to rest
and autumn flaunt her glory
in bronze and golden shadows
above amber eyes
a flaming heart
and pomegranate painted lips
- like a climatic peak of colours
before winter breathes
with white frosted air

One day
summer will wake again
fresh with the scent of blossoms
after the spring rains of life
and the birds will sing
the tune of seasons and time
 Sep 2016 Francis
the dead bird
my day -
a chaotic
downward spiral
angry, entitled faces
glare at me
expect me to juggle
thirteen flaming tennis *****
while running
full speed ahead
to their every
beck and call

when your computer
gets a virus
and fifty-five million tabs pop up
careening out of control
giving no chance
to even close out of one -
a clusterfuck of stress

when I finally get
my ten-minute break
I sit outside -
alone -
can't deal with
one more ******* person
just let me
smoke my cigarette
calm my anxiety
***** my head back in
in solitude
before walking back
through the gates of hell

don't smoke those,
you're killing yourself.


do I know you?
you're certainly not family,
nor a friend
definitely not
someone who gives a ****
about my health
or well-being

what if I want
to **** myself?
what if that's
my goal?
who ARE you
to tell me what to do?

you think your input
will resonate inside of me
*******, he's right
put down the pack
for good

you just want to feel
like you're a good person
boost your ego
you did something nice
in one way

all you do
is make me want another
leave me the **** alone
a cigarette
is not an open invitation
to talk about my health
to comment on my life
I don't care what you say
your words
aren't important to me
just like I
am not important to you

mind your own
angry, mean, cranky, what-*******-ever people need to learn to keep their mouths shut
 Sep 2016 Francis
 Sep 2016 Francis
the arch of your back
the curl of your toes
your grasp of the sheets
your moans in my ears

I wake from this recurring nightmare
and instantly I want you back
both of us shivering together

but I am alone in my cold room
consumed by thoughts of you
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