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Love lost
In more ways than one
And at what cost?
Heartbreak is inevitable

Death everlasting
Grief never forgotten
My heart strings casting
For a pain killer

Love lost
Always a fatal blow
And at what cost?
Warping your heart with scars

Trust broken
Paranoia becomes persistent
A sleeping beast awoken
When are you good enough

Love lost
Self hatred is prevalent
And at what cost?
Forever negative about life

Tears falling
Hating the reflection in the mirror
Sadness is calling
Dragging you farther into darkness
Death, Breakups, Struggles with Self-Esteem.
The darkness reigns within,
The shadows burst forth,
Unseen with the naked eye,
Loneliness is bound to the soul,
Wishes for the light,
But can never have contact,
Blindness is inevitable,
For the light is so bright,
And the darkness is where you live,
For eternity searching for more,
Than the shadows that keep you company.
An argument too far and it breaks a family.
Life becomes tense when a word or name is mentioned.
Walking on tip toes like a ballerina to avoid the wrong words.
A tearful picture is removed.
A lost thought becomes a regret.
A death of a loved one changes nothing.
The anger and hurt is scarred into the soul.
Nothing makes it better but everything makes it worse.
And me, I'm stuck in the middle.
I wish upon a star
That maybe one day i'll go far
away from here
A star so bright
I don't need a flashlight
to see the signs in front of me
A ball of gas so potent
A letter of resignation sent
to lift me away from depression
I wish upon a star
So I can find happiness
You were so mean to me
But I forgave you

You were trying to be better
I was proud of you

You worked on your own company
I believed in you

You got a car you were excited about
I loved the smile on you

You got a new suit and wore it with pride
I thought it looked good on you

You were reconnecting with our family
I was happy for you

But then you were taken from me
And now I miss you
My brother had a tough life when young, it made him an angry person. Finally he was getting his life together and we were reconnecting as a family. He was killed only a few months after I had seen him last. I miss him so much.
Try and try and try as you might

You are slowly, slowly losing the fight

Knowing that two wrongs don't make a right

Another omen comes back to bite

Lost in darkness looking for light

No hope is seen, none in sight
Life we say is just not fair
Not giving you the right words to share

Always lost but never forgotten is the saying
But it is your skin that they are flaying

No breaks for time unending
Death and Sorrow are the fates sending

Cry and wail for help of others
Just like children do with their mothers

Gods and demons laugh and play
Watching as we struggle night and day

Trees of life grow and smolder
As Death shows an embrace that only gets colder

Who will shoulder this burden to bare
When no person or thing seems to care
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