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Roberta Day Apr 2014
The only words I
can manage to force are the
ones I want to hide
Roberta Day Apr 2013
How long until this

predicament without wheels

might screech to a halt?
Roberta Day Apr 2012
will ultimately be the
death of my sanity
True story.
Roberta Day Apr 2015
The breeze from today
tickles the back of mind
where all the thoughts hide.
Roberta Day Apr 2014
I’m infamous
for self-sabotage; soon I’ll
be at it again
Roberta Day Apr 2013
Contacting a friend,
who doesn't reply back; you
feel like a dead-weight.
Roberta Day Apr 2015
When like minds combine,
the world is easy to grasp;
Two worlds become.
Roberta Day Apr 2014
Chemicals in my
brain cause me to fixate on
your bright entity
Roberta Day Apr 2013
Your soft lips make me
wish I had asked to join your
refreshing shower
Roberta Day Aug 2015
Connection is best
when mouths are lubricated
with honest intent.
Roberta Day Aug 2014
Conversing with you
is frolicking on puffy
white clouds of content.
Roberta Day Aug 2014
What in your life blocks
your current in connection
with someone you love?
To those who don't reply.
Roberta Day Aug 2014
The days blow on by;
I’m still wondering why I
even care at all.
Roberta Day Aug 2018
Inspired by light
and a likeness between us;
No shade needed here.
Trying to get back into the swing of this.
Roberta Day Aug 2016
If only my voice
carried over to deaf ears...
This is my struggle.
Roberta Day Aug 2022
Sharpening the mind
by living on the edge of
this stainless steel world.
For Klaus.
Roberta Day Aug 2015
knocks when you've stopped answering;
Open the **** door.
Roberta Day Aug 2014
The gap grows wider
every passing day; please don't
stray too far from me.
Roberta Day Aug 2013
There is a lizard
trapped in my bathtub; the climb
is too steep for him.
He fears my help as
I fear hurting him, for he
is a fragile thing.
Roberta Day Dec 2018
I will not attack
my lack of activity.
I am still alive.
Roberta Day Dec 2015
Out of the woodwork
they peek until they're spotted
and then they retreat.
Roberta Day Dec 2011
Today, a haiku
Tomorrow, Say Anything
Little work, no play
I was unable to go to the Say Anything concert for I had not enough money. Every. Time.
Roberta Day Dec 2015
Twisting through the dark
Stifled by heat, panting for
a cool draft of air.
Roberta Day Dec 2014
Take me for granted--
You'll be sorry that you did;
No more excuses.
Roberta Day Dec 2012
Encased in a box
is the magic of Christmas
none could manage out.

There is a cold chill
throughout this house without lights
and the smell of pine.
Roberta Day Dec 2016
Success is only
determined by how far you
are willing to go.
Haven't participated in haikuesday in months. Here's a late one.
Roberta Day Dec 2014
Eager to see what
is in store for the new year,
just two days away.
Fully aware it is only a day away.
Roberta Day Dec 2011
I forgot to write
A poem earlier, but
I love cold weather
Actually written Wednesday, December 7th, meant for Tuesday, December 6th.
Roberta Day Dec 2015
Your absence simmers
a saucy mixture of spice
that's good for your health.
Roberta Day Feb 2015
Above and beyond
you soar, rejuvenating
yourself and others.
Roberta Day Feb 2014
Belting and stretching;
Exercising my soul and
lengthening my reach.
Roberta Day Feb 2012
Cupid, infect me

***** me; saturate me with

Roberta Day Feb 2015
Silence is golden;
Communication matters.
Find some middle ground
Roberta Day Feb 2014
My mind and body
are more connected now than
they ever have been.
Roberta Day Feb 2013
A writer who can't write haikus on Tuesdays is no writer at all.
I'm forgetful.
Roberta Day Feb 2015
Sleep was an escape
just like my dreams were, but now
you are always there.
Roberta Day Mar 2012
Celebrate your birth

regardless of year; thank the

Universe for Earth
Roberta Day Feb 2015
My dreams remind me
of what's important and it
is no longer you.
Roberta Day Feb 2013
Around the corner,
here comes Valentine's Day; the
day I shoot myself
So excited, can't you tell?
Roberta Day Feb 2017
My momentum flows
like a river downstream and
doesn't stop for dams.
Roberta Day Feb 2016
shouldn't expire at the
cost of an alarm.
Roberta Day Jan 2012
Dissipating debt
brings much happiness to me
I can breathe again
Roberta Day Jan 2019
I plan to unlock
untapped potential to reach
heights I've not yet known.
Roberta Day Jan 2016
Morning rituals--
Crap! I overslept, coffee,
and contemplation.
I did it again.
Roberta Day Jan 2015
I can feel it in
the air--the world becoming
consciously aware.
Awareness is contagious.
Roberta Day Jan 2012
Off goes my alarm,
urgently blaring a new
day's awakening
Roberta Day Jan 2016
The best advice I
could think to give is be good
to yourself today.
Roberta Day Jan 2015
Inspiration lacks
when my muse has gone away;
My heart flutters not.
Roberta Day Jan 2015
Words are hollow shells
breaking under weight of the
actions, rarely bold.
Roberta Day Jan 2014
Being bolder by
broadening borders bound by
basic black belts
I realize I'm a bit late in posting. (Also have been out of a laptop for some time but that will be resolved soon)
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