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There's a spear in my head,
Where I know I should have bled,
Had I collapsed and hit the kitchen counter top.

There's a splinter in my eye,
Where I know I should have cried,
With the pain that crushed me had I not stopped.

There's a stinging on my wrist,
Where the blade should not have missed,
Had it not been for my best friends pleas.

There's a necklace on my neck,
Where I should have killed a wreck,
Had it not been for the one who made me freeze.

I should have died,
But I did not,
So I better make it worth it.
There is nothing,
I thought,
But empty horizons.

The open arms of solitude,
Have wrapped me in their embrace,
And the gentle lips of eternity,
Linger to kiss my face,
The soft breath of silence,
Brushes against my cheek,
Still the dark chill of fatigue,
Refuses to make me weak.

But in the embrace of solitude,
No warmth is to be found,
And the kisses of eternity,
Just keep my soul tied down,
And the brush of silence,
Does little to bring me peace,
Until fatigue's hand touches me,
And allows me to sleep.

And her hand touched mine,
And dragged me to a new life,
Where flames sing and dance.
I am autumn
I am the changing colors
The chilly weather attracting sweaters
I am the dying flowers, closing up till another spring that life welcomes
I am autumn
I am crunchy cushiony pile of fun
I am the pumkins baking in the oven for Thanksgiving
And the decoration for Hallows eve
I am Autumn
Sometimes more beautiful than Spring
 May 2015 Prudence Jane
Freckles on your face,
Sunshine in your smile,
Promises made on your pinkie,
Memories in your mind,
Steps taken with your soles,
Hands are being held,
Adoration gleaming in your eyes.
You taught me more than just how to dance...
You showed me cruelty.
Peeled off the cover of reality and showed me meaning.
You wore a mask to blend with the crowd
And hid your vulnerability.
But alone, I saw piece by piece who you were.
A child, negative and unsure.
Your passion burned over your regrets.
You were a man of ignorance and understanding
And joked on things that were immature.
You made me feel special and not.
You confused me and gave me butterflies.
For that I hate you...
And until now, I still try to convince myself that I do.
How could I forget when every aspect of this world repeatedly reminds me of you?
Chills runs through my spine when your name reaches my ears.
And even in silence I still hear your voice.
If only I could just forget.
If only we had of never met.
Based on true events...
 May 2015 Prudence Jane
They become names
Like the rims of baked-bean tins
That have to be handled with care

They are a bunch of flowers
Tied to a lamppost
Or a bench with words carved in

They are a Wikipedia page
Or a library shelf
Or a nothing
A nobody

They swell into memories
Wilted and swimming like wax
They seem to be stood there
When the sunlight blusters
Over dust
Because dust is just dead cells
That we all inhale
Like we’ll choke them back into existence

They reside in half-empty
Boxes of tissues
Cigarette packets
The bubbles in lemonade

They become a mantelpiece of photographs
And sympathy cards
Broken toys
Empty T-shirts that you’ll try to turn into puppets
Sat in their wardrobe

They fall into certain songs
Certain car journeys
Occasionally they borrow your tongue
To continue voicing certain phrases
Certain people
Certain places
Certain rooms
Certain tastes
Certain seasons
Certain sunsets

Or maybe they just toss and turn
Beneath the church built of handkerchiefs
Like commuters coffined into underground trains
Wondering whether they can still believe
In tunnels
And golden lights.
 May 2015 Prudence Jane
She’s yours for a song
So little to ask
She’ll offer you smiles made
Of paper and glass
She’s yours for a song
Too perfect to miss
All she is charging is
Two bars of one kiss
 May 2015 Prudence Jane
you were drowning,
and i stood there watching,
not that i did not care,
but because i cared too much.

i was scared
that if i swam to save you,
i'll end up drowning
both of us.
— to jgt;
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