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 Aug 2015 mxy
i s a b e l l a
You either feel
like you're going to die
you feel like
you're already dead.
 Aug 2015 mxy
i s a b e l l a
 Aug 2015 mxy
i s a b e l l a
please feed me
with kisses
that taste like finality
because we
only feel alive
when we are
about to die
 Aug 2015 mxy
i s a b e l l a
Today is one of those days
where I feel nothing.
I feel like i'm not prepared.
I feel like a failure.
Today is one of those days
where I feel like I am nothing.
 Aug 2015 mxy
Meg Howell
The Costume
 Aug 2015 mxy
Meg Howell
I've seen it all around
It's everywhere I go,
To track, to hide, and to desperately follow,
It's the costume of the century,
Varying in look and size,
Anyone may put it on,
and gain a faux happiness in their eyes,
To die with this malicious costume is a feat like no other,
for anyone who dies in it must be a sad, lonely soul,
for the costume is a play,
catching innocent souls,
snatching them up,
with a slow and painful swallow,
and the worst part of all,
is the part you can't see,
that under this costume,
they are truly unhappy,
putting up a smile for society,
well now I'm losing faith in humanity,
throw away your costumes,
It's okay to be sad,
I won't judge you for emotions that every single heart has had
 Jun 2015 mxy
There are only two things in this world, that give me an indescribable feeling of warmness, & pure comfort.
I was taught to never let one go, & if one slips, let the other fall too.

But baby, even if that sky goes out, I still won't let you go.
 May 2015 mxy
(I) bless you
 May 2015 mxy
Let me be the memory
you see a glimpse of
when you sneeze.

Ah, ahh, ahhh, you
something not so sad today
 May 2015 mxy
today i feel hollow
for writing nothing
but irritated texts
my intent
penned in action
both half truths
spoken confidently
like a well practiced reading

today i feel treacherous
for not fighting very hard
letting this ground
disappear beneath me
sinking without struggle
welcoming the warm embrace
of the oh to familiar
the persistent 'friend'

today, i feel trapped
for being where i am
this room, this mind
this life story
i don't call it mine
i would like to pen that one
with a lazy ending
cause i've never finished strong

today i feel dangerous
don't touch me
i need a warning
label, **** this repetition
lets break stained glass
windows lets litter in
the streets lets
burn our parents masterpiece

today i feel open
but tomorrow i may not
creaking loudly as my doors
close quickly, don't be caught between
these swings remain risky
running a hot glass
under cold water
shield your eyes
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