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Nov 2018 · 165
Redacted Nov 2018
you've shown me there can be light in more than just the sun

there can be light in your cup of tea in the morning (and the next cup, and the next cup, and the next)
there can be light in my lover's eyes, when i realize i am looking into the exact sea-foam greenish blue i hadn't seen since i was visiting my great grandmother as a child
there can be light in the small smile a stranger gives me when i'm passing them on the street- we will likely never meet again, but they take one second of their time to share happiness with me
there can be light in the meowing of a baby kitten as it begs to be let into my room, and the soft purring that follows when it bounds onto my bed and cuddles into my chest

there can be light in so many things (and these are only a few)
my world had just been dark for so long
i think i had forgotten
Nov 2018 · 904
your heart
Redacted Nov 2018
"you know, a thief who has stolen from a queen is typically locked away, never to see the light of day again."
"yes, but perhaps my heart was given, not taken."
Nov 2018 · 260
the sun
Redacted Nov 2018
I know it's cliche
But you are like the sun
My day revolves around you
As you rise, I wake
And when you set, I sleep
And dream of the next day
When I'll get to hear you
And your beautiful morning song

Or maybe
If you are the sun
I am the moon
Revolving around you
As the stars watch
And grow jealous
That your light is for me
for my girlfriend

— The End —