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  May 2015 Michelle
I wage war
That's never been seen before
Is sanity worth fighting for?
I'm not really sure

A calamity?
I call it individuality!

Who is Society
To create this hypocrisy?!?
It seems like such a tragedy
To waste such ingenuity
To dull the creativity
  May 2015 Michelle
I frequently question where it is that I fit,
In this world filled with lonely souls.
Yes it is true that we are always going to be alone;
We may find company within another,
But one soul does no equal two.
I do not mean to say that I am depressed and you are too.
No, life is meant for us alone.
We are to conquer our fears,
Believe in our own truths,
Find our own path from where we were placed here on earth.
We are forever alone,
But it is not painful.
It is something to smile about.
Although, I still question where it is that I fit,
In this world filled with lonely souls.

I think I know, but I’m not certain.
I guess I need to just take life as it may come,
With open arms and laughs that will turn the night sky,
Into a dazzling arena of glowing stars.
I can dance to the rhythm of the many heartbeats,
That envelope my shaking hands,
But I will always know that I am to face life alone today,
Alone tomorrow, and alone every day.
I mean we have friends and family, but in the end we are our own self.
  May 2015 Michelle
You tell us to be ourselves
you tell us to be free
that we own our lives
that our mistakes are ours to make
and yet you still hold us back
and yet you yell when we arent you
when we dont do what you want us to
when we arent as perfect as you
but are you even perfect?
but who is ever perfect?
No one is ever perfect
no one is ever going to be perfect
so stop expecting us to be
so stop treating us like the lesser
like we have no idea what we are doing
like we are children
we are adults
we are ourselves
just like you are
just like you wanted us to be
us the new adults of the world
us the future of the human race
know how to live our lives
know how to ask for help when we need it
can make our own decisions
can fail on our own
but we dont have to fail,
but we also dont need you breathing down our necks
leave us alone
leave us to live
our own lives like we are meant to
our own mistakes to make
cant we all just get along
cant we just live in peace together
instead of constantly fighting
instead of the forever war in our relationship
we are adults
we are people
treat us like we are
treat us like we are
and we will treat you like you are
and we will learn how to be in our future
be the example we need
be the people we look up to
dont be the people we hate
dont be our enemies
let us join together
as adults
and rule this world
parents and children together.
I have been fighting with my parents a lot since i have turned 18. so i wrote this sort of slam poetry as a way of me speaking my mind
  May 2015 Michelle
missed moments in time,
ones that could have been great rather than these lonely days.

you disappeared and left me broken.
scattered across an endless plain of sadness.

i would have loved you forever.
  May 2015 Michelle
"They call us weak,"* I said through tears
And she was on the floor, staring into space, wrapped in a blanket and her own arms, as if she could squeeze the grief out of her.
"But we are not weak.
People who run are weak
People who hide are weak
People who quit
Are weak
But we aren't weak.
We're just raw."

My voice shook and broke
And she looked up at me and we shared a moment
Of suffering strength.
And for better or worse
In horrible, shocking, painful ways
We are both learning that no one has the right
To ever call us cowards again.

And I walked home,
Moonlight pale and sharp at my back,
In the very center of the street.
And this morning I woke up just at dawn
With the soft grey light seeping through my window
And into my white skin
A cloud come to shadow the moon
And I was sad
And I was lonesome
And I was betrayed
For the first time in many years
I was not
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