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 Mar 21 Lydia
 Mar 21 Lydia
The man I’m seeing
works third shift.
So I don’t see him very often
but we talk a lot.

The other night
he called off work
so we could spend
time together.
He said that kissing me
makes him feel better
so he needed to skip.
And we did a lot of kissing
as well as other things.
I wish he could
call off work more often.
 Jul 2023 Lydia
From Hello
 Jul 2023 Lydia
I don't believe in soul mates
What I do believe in
Is people that connect
On some deeper level
Immediately upon acquaintance
And not meaning you agree
On where to eat for dinner
But the connection where your heart
Seems to slip out
Of your rib cage
Because it's found a home
Outside of your chest.
 Mar 2023 Lydia
I’ll barely eat,
and cry in my car before work.
Meanwhile I’ll trick everyone into
thinking I’m no longer
sifting through the wreckage
of us.
 Jan 2023 Lydia
Hussein Dekmak
If you don’t
Paint your dreams with wishful thinking
Nurture your mind with knowledge
Evolve your thinking with creative ideas
Brush your deeds with humanity

You will be forgotten like
A fallen yellow leaf
A lonely house yearning for inhabitants
A naked tree with no fire, no song
A cemetery with no soul, no melody

Hussein Dekmak
 Oct 2022 Lydia
 Oct 2022 Lydia
I take my prescribed pills with an energy drink
Monster energy if your wondering
And it's always the zero-sugar version
Because the sugar will rot my teeth.
I’m constantly on the verge of healing and destroying myself
Like a seesaw that's perfectly balanced
I am fed up with breaking my hand
And then bandaging it up myself.
I am my own executioner and doctor all in one body
The healing in the midst my own self destruction
I am the silence before an explosion
The calm before the storm.
maybe i'm just sensitive
 May 2019 Lydia
Sir, I do not need to be saved.
I just need to be found and appreciated
for exactly who I am.

 Jan 2019 Lydia
 Jan 2019 Lydia
I stopped looking for you in the sun and the stars
you don’t belong there
you will never do them justice.
When I look up at the night sky absolutely mesmerized by the possibility of such beauty I no longer think of you.
You belong on earth, so grounded by your own rigidness that flight is impossible.
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