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Lloyd Johnson Jan 2015
I knew this girl.
A beautiful girl.
Prettier than any other girl I had met.
She  was a one in a million kind of girl.
Not many were like her.
And she swore they all wanted to be her.
But I loved her nonetheless.

She took these photos, beautiful, magnificent photos.
I would look forward to them.
They provided a certain service for her.
They filled a void.
They were personal.
But they were not simply of her.
They were of her mind.
Her soul, her heart.

That girl.
One day she stopped taking those photos.
She lost her mind,
She lost her soul,
She lost her spirit,
She lost her will.
Her spark was gone.

To this day, I still miss those photos.
  Aug 2014 Lloyd Johnson
EC Pollick
He builds robots
with his bare hands.
He takes the wrenches
and the electronics
and the nuts and bolts
and makes out of nothing

And even though I don’t even know him.
I think I may love him a bit.

I think about
How he puts things together that weren’t connected ever before.
Fixing that which is broken
Or unmade
Or seemingly unfixable.
And proving the world wrong when this man-made machine
is just as alive as the rest of us.

The discarded
are made
into something with a renewed sense of purpose.
Proving recycling as a totally viable concept
[and not just a fad hippies whine about]
Right before your very eyes.

And as I watch him explain
High level mechanics
to the English majors like me,
I think about my broken heart
and the inability to truly love anyone in the last five years of my life
And I think

There’s someone out there
Who can finally fix that.
Seriously, Robotics are ****.
Lloyd Johnson Aug 2014
I’m sick of seeing the same old skies,
Sunsets always look the same in the city.
I’m tired of scrolling through Facebook,
Reading statuses of people I don’t even like.
I’m done with tweeting about nothing when I wanna tweet about you.
I’m done with working all day,
Still thinking about you every hour going by.
I’m over smoking a bunch of ****,
Popping pills, doing drugs,
Just trying so hard, for even one second, to not want you.

I want to hate you so bad,
But that’s hard to do when, to me,


(pulls trigger)

*...the only one who could save me
Lloyd Johnson Jul 2014
I believed that we'd be beautiful.
I hoped, wished, and prayed
that no matter what happened, we'd be beautiful.
I wanted us to go the distance, to see the stars, and to dance with the stars as well as watch the stars dance.
I ached for your undivided attention and wished you'd only talk to me
I needed you
when you didn't need me and that's alright.
Because I didn't write this to make you angry
I didn't write this to make you sad.
I did it because I knew if I never told you how I felt,
I'd spend the rest of my life following you.
Whether I wanted to or not.
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