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 Apr 2017 Jules
 Apr 2017 Jules
tell me a story
it needn't be true
just something
to drown out
the droning sound
life makes.
 Mar 2017 Jules
 Mar 2017 Jules
on some days
i feel like my body is a museum
a collection of oddities---
     crooked teeth,
           mismatched eyes
i think,
maybe i am just an amalgam of
skin and bones that jut out too much
arms too skinny to be healthy
skin too pale to be normal

just a collection of oddities

on those days i feel like i will never be loved
my mother cringes when she wraps her strong arms
around my fragile body
my father frowns at my sorry state
when i look at them i realize that
no one will ever venture into my seas for they are far too

looking at the mirror reminds me of the turbulent waters that
my body holds
the stormy oceans that lies beneath my sun damaged skin
reminds me that i am a grimy museum, all dusty and crumbling

a collection of oddities
 Mar 2017 Jules
every night i wish on stars
i wish that i had been born with endings
because all i have are beginnings
too many to count
loose ends
fraying thread on a patchwork quilt
i am all beginnings and absolutely no endings
and i wish more than anything
that i wasn't
i wish i was more than reckless abandon
more than leaving things to the wind
more than crumbling buildings
i wish i was more than beginnings
insp: this is where the world ends
 Mar 2017 Jules
i'm easy
 Mar 2017 Jules
just call me
easy b
easy does it.
i’m easy like
dot dot dot
(ditching church on a)
sunday morning
head to the ocean
no sun, west coast
BK Joe, morning roast
exposed toes massaged
by millions of miniature rocks.
no hard place
just soft, safe,
in touch with creation
as i listen to nothing
but creation
don’t make this
 Feb 2017 Jules
Crashed Back
 Feb 2017 Jules
Funny how easily
I can be pulled into its course,
and be flushed with the waves
all together.

It's just a single wave,
and I'm back in your shores once again.
thank you for that piece, I made this. | 170223; 10:34 pm
 Nov 2016 Jules
It figures
 Nov 2016 Jules
Faith is for fools
Believe in them
Trust that reason
Will win
And you will find
A monster
Given the keys
To the land
Of now tragic dreams.
Trump won
Ha ha
That will end well
 Nov 2016 Jules
blue mercury
i had faith in you.
i loved you.
you were my home.
i believed we were meant for great things.
but instead of making us great again,
you'd rather make us hate again
so all my faith,
all my hope
is lost.
thx america.
 Nov 2016 Jules
 Nov 2016 Jules
i haven't left my bed in almost 2 days
the blankets keep me sheltered and safe
there's love in these blankets
here i am free to be me
free to be black
free to be gay
just free
there is no one telling me to "go pick cotton" or to "get to the back of the bus"
i'm allowed to love who i want without worrying someone is going to throw a brick at me
there are no slurs in here
i'm free
*i'm safe
will i have to stay in my bed for 4 years just to be safe?
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