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So I sit in this apartment
All alone
Wondering if you are ever
Coming home
You see the waiting and the loneliness
Are driving my heart to distress
I need your touch your sweet caress
On me

Living this way is wearing
On my soul
Everywhere I look I see
You in the corner of my eye
And I turn my head to see you
But you're not there
And it's killing me inside.......
Killing me inside......

We are our own
Little world
We have our own language
And we get each other

No one else can
See the inner sanctum
That is yours and mine
To share
Between us

I can't
Live without your love
And I can't
Live without your love
And I can't
Live without your presence
I can't
Live without your smile
And I can't
Live without your tears
And I can't
Live without the knowledge
That one day we will
Be together

In eternity.......
They’ll be rockin’ in Heaven
Down St. Peter’s Gate Way.
Chuck Berry passed over,
But he still can play.

True King of Rock,
He’ll live for evermore.
And he’ll keep duck walking,
Along that golden shore.

His guitar keeps twanging,
Wah wah tlang tang tang.
Ya want a Showman?
Chuck’s still yer man.

He died at ninety.
It was very sad.
But now he’s up there,
I’m sure that God is glad.

He’ll love that Rock N Roll Music,
Chuck’s sense of humour too.
A touch of Devil also,
When he sings the blues.

So all you Saints and Angels,
You better move and hurry,
For they all want to dance with
That amazing Chuck Berry.

Paul Butters
For my greatest musical Hero. With echoes of "Sweet Little Sixteen"......
I’m driving home on a grey rainy day
And she calls me
And says she needs a roll of quarters Because she needs to do her laundry.

I've been waiting to hear from her
And I'm ecstatic at the sound
Of her voice.

And yes I will gladly get her the quarters
Or anything else that she would want
Because I love her.
You see, my heart's desire
Is her happiness
She's the one I would do anything for.
They have
                      Taken my
                      Where has
                      He been
                      The tomb
                      Is empty,
                     Now we
                     Are quite
He lives! He is risen! Glory to God in the highest! Blessed is he who comes in the name of The Lord! Redemption is here for us all. He died so we may live!
                     For our
                     Lord was
                     Not stolen
                     But risen
                     From his
                     He has
                    Arrived to
                    The place
                    We to will
                    One day call
                    Our home,
                    The place
                    Where our
                    Father dwells.
                    Prepare, one
                   And all! He
                   Waits for
                   Us to come
                   To be with
                   Him too
Have a blessed Easter, everyone! Do me a favor; take a moment to sit down and think about the moral  that occurred on this day two thousand years ago. To think that we are each loved enough to be died for is incredible on it's own. Better yet, our savior conquered death,
The one thing none of us can escape. Even though this is my 17th Easter, the thought of Jesus rising from his grave amazes me. Be merry today! Life is great, but eternal life rocks!
The day is approaching when he arose from the dead
And walked the earth as the bible said.
Every year we celebrate this day – when the Christians kneel to pray.
For children its Easter bunnies and Easter eggs and dressing up for mass
But as parents we must remind them of the past
Of how this day came to be – when CHRIST died for you and me.
He was not laid in an earthly grave, but into a mountainous cave
And a concrete wheel put at the entrance way, and guards
To protect it so it would stay.
On the morning of the third day the guards had found that
Not a sound had been made –as the wheel was moved from his grave.
When the followers went inside and searched “to their surprise “
He was nowhere to be found and his burial cloth lay on the ground.
They say that some had seen him walking on the mountain top
Turned around and looked down to where he had laid
Smiled and walked away.
© L. RAMS 040215
Waking in the night
Disoriented from sudden darkness
Skin cold and wet from
The sweat on the sheet
Hopelessness sets in as
Life's cares crash into my mind
Like a crushing weight on
My shoulders

I look around and in the darkness
I hear your breathing
Softly whooshing in and out
I am comforted by your presence
My faith is restored by the fact
Of you in my life

My mind thinks of the bible verse
That says that I am the branch
And He is the vine
And I realize that the same is true
In you

Without you
I can do nothing

I turn toward you
Place my arm around your waist
You stir
And turn back to me
You turn your face to me
And your beautiful kiss on my lips
Strengthens me
Bolsters me
Fills my heart with reassurance
Shows me that your love for me
Is undying
And true

You are my rock
My foundation
My light and my joy

You are the still waters
I love to lay by

You are the shining light of the moon
In the clear night sky to light my way

You are the meaning in my life
And my love for you grows day by day
Like an Amaryllis
Whose blooms never fail but
Are constantly replaced with more

I thank the Lord
For you
Every second of every day
And I will continue to do so
For the rest of my life
Contentment eludes me
When you are far
Overcast my heart becomes
When time and distance
Barricade me from the one I love
Internally jittery
Desiring proximity
Twinges of the heart
Aching for nearness

But then unexpectedly you appear
And suddenly
Fall on me like a gentle summer rain
The sweetness of togetherness
Work on my soul like a balm
Soothing away the tightness
And constriction
Which ruled just a short time ago

You are that sweetness I desire
The lovingkindness my soul
Cannot bear to be without
The sunlight on my face
And the cool wind in my hair
The smoothness of your touch
The sweet scent of you

— The End —